
Did the Natural Selection of Humans and of Animals Occur during a “Pregnancy” of Time, Space, Matter and Life?

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24 May 2024


27 May 2024

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The theories of Evolution and Big Bang have brought a major impact upon the scientific and societal perception upon the origins, abilities and roles of mankind on Earth. It is conclusively evident that Mother Nature and the physical realm is autonomous and all phenomena in the world occur without an imposition against the “free will” of such events and patterns. Nevertheless, this extent of freedom does not imply that life on Earth represents an accident and has no purpose. By careful analysis of ancient religious texts, it can be suggested even otherwise, that it is especially free will that is offered as a gift from outside of the physical dimensions of existence, with the purpose of a continuous edification and improvement of the overall life conditions and of the human perception. It may be that the multi-generational focus on improvement and progress have been misattributed as a long-term evolution of species, that humans came from animal ancestors and that there is a blurred line associating humans with animals. Furthermore, it may be that scientists based their suggestions that no outside Creator would have brought the Earth into existence on physical perspectives, when the extra-dimensional process of Creation implies that all elements of the physical existence undergo a process of Creation from the outside, where time, space and physical matter do not exist, in spite of such elements possibly reflecting unseen elements of the meta-physical world. Finally, there is the following example that deserves attention within the scientific community; just because all living cells - human, animal and plant - contain DNA chromosomes, ribosomes, mitochondria and a plasma membrane, it does not indicate that humans are animals, just as this does not indicate that plants are animals. In Science, there is a golden statement, that correlation does not imply causation. This example is in complete agreement with the verses of the Book of Genesis in the Holy Scriptures regarding the origins of life; namely, that animals could have been created by an Author of all life on Earth so that man would experience companionship. Another major accordance with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures is the fact that life emerged from the water, and not from the soil, although the soil constituted the second principal means of the commencement and extension of life. Namely, after life first emerged in the seas and the oceans from bacteria, a few bacteria were passed from the marine water into the nearby soil on islands and surrounding land through the circulatory air above the sea level. Afterward, the first life forms emerged from the soil, via the transferred bacteria. Eastern Orthodox Christianity regards water as the principal environment of both physical and spiritual birth. Overall, an improved scientific perception of the timeline of life on Earth may be reached via an approach that combines molecular biology with quantum physics, given that the three layers of Science - Biology, Chemistry and Physics - together with their foundational layer of Mathematics, are in fact situated in a relationship of complete harmony.
life; gene; species; molecular biology; evolution; natural selection; pregnancy; origins; common ancestry; maturation; relativity; time; religion; eastern orthodox christianity; philosophy; free will; material; immaterial
Biology and Life Sciences  -   Life Sciences


One may have heard of Gabriel’s horn or Torricelli’s Trumpet, in which the volume of the liquid that can fill its inside is finite, and the surface of the horn is infinite in dimension. Consider the volume of the liquid to be humans, animals and other life forms with an intelligence, and the surface of the horn to be the perception of time, which is dependent upon intelligence. To be more exact, the younger you are, the slower you perceive time. The smaller you are, the slower you perceive time, just as you will perceive time more slowly in the mountains than in the fields. The same principle of Gabriel’s Horn may apply to the history of matter. Nobody can see or even imagine the point of time when the physical matter first existed. This may be regarded as an infinity of the history of matter’s formation and modulation, and we also know that, because light rays have a speed that reaches time nullity in relation to this dimension, light has always existed in this position of dimensionality. Moreover, light from this dimensional spot may represent matter in a different one due to the relativity of time, mass, space and distance, and this might prove the possibility of the existence of spirits (that are invisible and physically untouchable in this dimensional spot). Also, the reason why children experience reality much slower than adults is because they generally occupy a third of the space compared to adults. Well, imagine how fetuses in their fourth month of pregnancy experience time. This refers yet again to an exponential trend, and the more advanced they are in the stage of maturity, the faster they experience time, and in an exponential manner until late teenage years. The same happens with the perception of sound; the smaller one is, the louder the perceived sounds of the surroundings, and this aspect shows that relativity includes sound as well. For example, if an embryo were to be brought out of the womb, the eardrums would quickly break because the sounds from the outside world would be too intense. Also, because time is relative, automatically everything in this physical realm is relative, meaning that the Theory of Relativity also influences the human senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. A loss of one or more of the five senses will result in a loss of one’s abilities of coordination in space.
Figure 1. Gabriel’s Horn / Toricelli’s Trumpet.
Figure 1. Gabriel’s Horn / Toricelli’s Trumpet.
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Gabriel’s Horn could represent a highly relevant description of the perceived speed of time throughout our physical existence. The infinite surface of the horn represents our perceived speed of time throughout our existence. The finite volume of the liquid that fills the horn represents the finite number of years from the moment of conception until death. Namely, it would take approximately 3.14 cubic units of paint to fill in the interior of the Horn, but it would take an infinite cubic unit of paint to cover its entire surface. The thin surface areas on the right side of “y = 1/x” represent the perceived speed of time from the moment of conception to our late childhood,, and the thick surface areas on the left side of “y = 1/x” represent the perceived speed of time from our teenage years onward. So yes, the longest phase of our lives was in our mothers’ wombs, and life is much shorter than we can think. This could be the cornerstone of the applications of the Theory of Relativity into Psychology (Source of the figure:
Figure 2. The y = 1/x function with limits of zero, infinity and negative infinity, making altogether the surface of the Gabriel’s Horn / Toricelli’s Trumpet.
Figure 2. The y = 1/x function with limits of zero, infinity and negative infinity, making altogether the surface of the Gabriel’s Horn / Toricelli’s Trumpet.
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This function may be the cornerstone of all exponential and logarithmic trends, and we can observe two slopes that do not intersect at any point. One of them is negatively exponential and based on negative coordinates and the other is positively logarithmic and based on positive coordinates. And we know that the value of y on any kind of exponential or logarithmic slope does not reach zero at any time. It is only possible for such curves to intersect at the point of zero when the entire graph has a dimension of “zero”, meaning when it is inexistent. The beginning of the existence of our consciousness is a miracle as big as the value of y ever reaching 0 on both slopes, given that only something or Someone completely outside of the matrix of the reality would make this possible (the start of our existence), and I think the same applies to the beginning of matter, since in the physical reality, matter cannot be created, and nor can it be destroyed. At the same time, a point of zero does exist regarding matter. (Source of the figure: As a result, zero actually represents a point of infinity. Overall, the proposed analogy based on Gabriel’s Horn / Toricelli’s Trumpet might indicate that human consciousness is not of the physical world, whilst it was created and one of its main origins is in the physical world.
Figure 3. The finite “age” of the xOy axis - when the point of zero used to cover infinity.
Figure 3. The finite “age” of the xOy axis - when the point of zero used to cover infinity.
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Interestingly, the xOy axis has the form of the Holy Cross, meaning altogether that the Holy Cross is infinite and therefore, eternal. This could suggest that God created His plan of salvation for mankind before all physical time and even all eternity existed. The growth of the above graph from a point to its present size also implies the formation of their two never-intersecting curves from an all-intersecting point. In Orthodox Christianity, God is not a magician and He intervenes in accordance with the patterns of the natural world.
Figure 4. A possible application of the “Gabriel’s Horn” theory into the Six-Day Creation theory, via the Theory of Relativity.
Figure 4. A possible application of the “Gabriel’s Horn” theory into the Six-Day Creation theory, via the Theory of Relativity.
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Y = 1 / X;
Y = 0;
X = ?
1 / 0 = ?
The order of the first Seven Days of physical existence hypothesized scientifically above is annotated by roman digits (I to VII, from the right-hand side to the left-hand side). T and t: T represents the actual time speed, whilst t represents the created extent of time after the end of the Sixth Day of Creation. By the end of the Sixth Day, t is equal to T, or the proportion of t is equal to 100% of T. “Mathematics cannot determine the moment of zero because it is subordinate to the laws of the physical world, which themselves had a beginning.”
T = 24 hours/day;
t = proportion of the T speed of time, which is defined by an undefined amount of hours per day, according to the stage of Creation. The limit of t towards the moment of zero is an infinite number of hours per day. The value of the speed of time is inversely proportional to the number of hours per day.
The finite volume and the infinite surface of the Gabriel’s Horn - possibly representing two instances of time speed in this case - may constitute a highlight of the relative nature of time, which represents one of the three principal elements of the relative physical reality.
Perception is a form of reality and the outside world is another form of reality. Nevertheless, both perception and reality have powerful effects upon the course of life. Concerning human psychology, it can be observed that the perception of time differs, mainly based on the brain developmental state. Namely, the earlier the developmental stage of the brain, the slower time will be perceived. Adaptation to newer levels of complexity, via automation, represents the bridge to a faster perceived time, and likewise, what can be seen here is a link between the theory of relativity and the theory of evolution. Hence, the more advanced the level of intelligence, the faster time will be perceived due to the proportionality between complexity and speed of perceived time. This finally brings the argument of an increase of the perceived speed of time from century to century due to the fact that the levels of intelligence have been substantially increasing. The reason why you are going through time and changes is because you have not reached the final destination, and you also cannot imagine how your existence started because only God, the Infinity of the infinities, can imagine how your existence started. Traveling through the age path implies a continuous change of perception of other age groups. Namely, when you are a little child, you see almost everybody around you as more mature and when you are advanced in age, you see almost everybody around you as less mature. Where there is time, there is change, and where there is change, perception changes with time too. Where there is no time, there is no change, and likewise, perception does not change since there is no time. This might explain why one may not imagine our afterlife from the perspective of the physical world, as it would seem infinitely boring. Also, one may never grasp the origins of our individual existence and how matter came into existence using a perspective based on physical reality. An elderly person tends to perceive the time spent in the mother’s womb the same as the time they spent outside. Such an aspect marks that the extrauterine life represents a pregnancy for eternal existence and that both people in the intrauterine stage of life and in the extrauterine stage are under the influence of the laws in the realm of eternity, where there is no time, space or physical matter (Father Iustin from Oasa’s Romanian Orthodox Monastery, 2021). Perhaps, there is no progress of time, as in there is no actual increase of the perception of time speed, but rather just an approach to the eternal stage of existence. In other words, just as time was deemed as an illusion by Albert Einstein, so is it with intelligence increase, faster perceived time speed and a smaller perceived space, meaning that no man has absolute control on Earth, apart from the God and Man Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, the analogy of Gabriel’s Horn could very much apply to the creation of time, space, matter and life during the Six Days of Creation, as described in the Holy Scriptures. Namely, the exponential growth of the curve could start from the y-axis point of zero, which cannot be measured by any physical chronometer, due to the fact that the returned logarithmic curve ends in a spot of infinity, given that, before the logarithmic decrease of a number to zero, there will be an infinite number of decimals in the “0.[...]” number. For example, in the beginning of the First Day of Creation, the proportion of created time amounted to 1 x 10-10 % of the integral time as humanity is aware of today, or 1 in 1012. And, as the days of Creation progressed, the proportion of the created time probably increased exponentially until the creation and design of the Earth and all human and animal life on it was completed. Moreover, NASA scientists claim that the Earth first revolved around the sun much more slowly, which indicates that the physical day and night lasted for much longer, perhaps for an equivalent of billions of years. But they did not count as years at that time, due to the interdependent relationship between the Earth’s rotation around its axis and the measurement of time. The scientific discoveries of the Theory of Relativity and also of the evidence that the Universe is not real in location, ultimately demonstrates that human perception goes to tremendously deep places and can significantly influence the process of scientific determination. According to this perspective, the First Day of Creation would be measured by the physical chronometres as infinite, whilst the next Days of Creation as the numerous years that many people might believe. Furthermore, the first event of divine creation of light indicates the physical infinity of the First Day, given that the speed of light places one into a state of infinity. A renowned poet of Romania, Mihai Eminescu, stated in his “Poor Dionis” writings that, if he reaches a high speed of travel into space, he will experience a few hours as Dionis, the stationary person, would experience more than a century and likewise, he would find another person in his place. Perhaps, this also explains or at least indicates how the blessed people who will reach Heaven will experience pure joy and they will be placed above the infinity threshold of time speed, thereby remaining in such a state of pure joy, whilst the people who will reach Hell will be placed below the zero threshold of time speed, thereby remaining stuck in a state of absolute agony. Albert Einstein stated in his research that happiness often leads to the experience of a faster time span, whilst agony leads to the experience of a slower time span. With regards to the metaphysical realms, scenarios as such could often be “translated” by adding a “times infinity” operation on each side of the spectrum of human feelings. Perhaps, this explains the definitive state of the beings in the metaphysical realms.
Given that the Universe is multidimensional, each main element of the physical realm - time, space and matter - are also multidimensional, as they share the multidimensional nature of the overall physical realm. As a result, time is multidimensional and it operates as such. Likewise, given the above analysis, it may be determined that the current chronometers cannot measure the length of the Six Days of Creation - they would measure them as an infinite number of years. Likewise, the measurement of the history of fossils itself cannot be performed with the physical paleontological instruments, given that all elements of physical reality are pointed toward infinity with regards to their past and that the foundation of paleontology is time itself. Likewise, given the overall arguments regarding the study of human ancestry, there is no conclusive evidence to state that humans have animal origins. Perhaps, the definition of an animal has been misinterpreted, but the essential trait of an animal living organism is one living being whose instinctive nature dominates the rational one, as the instinct would be situated in the place of emotion from where emotion and wisdom sprouts - from the heart. Furthermore, if the Universe is finite, where is the limit of the space, what is the limit made of, what is beyond such limit, and if there is nothing, then can material inexistence reside in the same realm as material existence. At the same time, if the Universe is infinite, how may “nothing” transform into “infinite material existence” by itself, that is, without an extra-dimensional sort of intervention? It is impossible for the rational mind alone, without the help of emotional intelligence and wisdom, to explain how mankind exists in the current state today when it took the equivalent of an infinite number of years for the Universe to come into existence and shape from material inexistence. Mathematics cannot determine the moment of zero because it is subordinate to the laws of the physical realm. Let us consider T as the normal time speed of 24 hours per day and t as a proportion of T. In this case, T and t represent two different instances of time, showing the relativity of time. Moreover, the finite volume of air or liquid inside Gabriel’s Horn and its infinite surface further shows that there are two different instances of time in this case. Such instances of time are equally as valid, and the current forms of time measurement ultimately displays time as based upon the atemporal, infinite nature of the meta-physical realm. Likewise, just because the first days of the Earth’s existence were measured as millions and billions of years, that does not mean the Earth was being burned during daylight and frozen at night, given that the intensity and completion of the physical and chemical processes were proportional with the state of time development. Likewise, during the days when life began, life on Earth became widely possible quickly. The recent discovery that the Universe is not locally existent further supports the overall hypothesis. Namely, such a discovery indicates that it is scientifically correct to state, by attempting to observe from an atemporal perspective, that the Universe is not real and that it is real in location, indicating that it once used not to exist at all, and that includes time as well, given that time, space and matter are all one and form the physical reality as humanity is aware of. Also, the Theory of Relativity indicates that it is not just the state of matter that can change, but also the state of time. The barrier of infinite and of impossible cannot be crossed through the laws of the physical realm that used to be in a state of inexistence, just as no possible calculator may ever find the exact value of x when it is equal with 1 divided by 0, as illustrated in the discussion regarding the mathematical analogy of Gabriel’s Horn.
Theologically speaking, Gabriel is an Archangel of God and, when he sounds his Horn, then God’s judgment of the living and of the dead will come. The edge of Gabriel’s Horn could at least partially indicate the fastest state of time, when it will be shortened for the [Orthodox] faithful, before the scenario described in the Holy Scriptures when Jesus Christ will return on Earth to destroy it by fire and judge the living and the dead. Namely, there are thousands of years in which time was equal to 24 hours in all its dimensions, but in the Six Days of Creation, the 24 hours passed as billions, millions, hundreds of thousands and then thousands of years respectively, thereby showing the exponential growth of the speed of time, as well as of the proportion of the created time, in the physical realm under creation. In this case, everything would constitute an incomplete dimension, and the time in such a case would actually constitute a fractal of the whole time. Still, for an outside Creator, the Six Days of Creation lasts the same and the mathematical analogy of Gabriel’s Horn could represent the most accurate graphical depiction of the “history” of Universe’s creation according to the modern instruments of time measurement. As a result, all elements of the physical realm to be created would be deemed as incomplete in the process, including the life to be created and designed in the last two days of Creation. Nevertheless, once the process of Creation would begin, everything would then have the same value as if the process had already been completed because, outside of the physical realm, there is no time, meaning that all stages of Creation can be equally reached by the Creator. Likewise, the same applies to the value of living humans and animals; once the process of fertilization has occurred, life has begun and it’s worth is as big and complete as an adult’s life. Regardless of whether it is believed the Universe came into existence with or without an outside intervention, life is priceless and atemporal, since it started from a point beyond infinity for the physical chronometers and paleontological instruments. Once it has begun, the moral laws protecting it have become valid. One recent scientific study suggests that time has been contracted to the extent of the Earth experiencing 24 hours as 16 hours, and the trend is believed to be in a continuous state of growth. Looking at the history of time speed from one perspective does show the same graphical trend as the one observed in Gabriel’s Horn. Also, there is a projected phenomenon by NASA scientists, which is called “Big Crunch”, and in such a scenario, the material realm will contract to the point of physical implosion. That would involve the logarithmic contraction (exponential catalysis) of time until it reaches an infinite speed. This would be associated inversely with “Big Bang” because, if it were possible to reverse time, then time would also catalyze exponentially until the point of infinity, or perhaps the moment when God said “Let there be light.”. In short, this would mean that the entire physical existence came from light. Albert Einstein stated that God will always remain anonymous and that His miraculous works will always come by coincidence. This is probably so because He wants free will to remain untouched. Furthermore, Albert Einstein stated that researchers will never be able to resolve problems using the same mindset that they had when such problems first occurred. This aspect may indicate the relevancy of the following verse of the Eastern Orthodox Scripture, which was written via direct translations from ancient New Testament and Old Testament manuscripts.
Imagine that, one evening, one is on a hill, watching the sky, when all of a sudden, two objects will be seen traveling at just a little bit more than half of the speed of light each, facing against one another. Will they collide and get completely destroyed? According to the fact that the speed of light is the maximum speed in the Universe and that the two objects are going in opposite directions, they will not collide, since the differential speed of the two is greater than the speed of light. Let us say there are two individuals, each inside of one object. Each individual will not be able to see the other object, since a differential speed greater than the light will cause the mass to be less than zero. This is what would be called the relativity of dimensions. If the mass of disintegrated objects at the speed of light is zero, that means the mass of the Universe in relation to them is zero, as velocity is relative. That would demonstrate the Universe is not finite. Furthermore, if time is stationary at the speed of light, then light is eternal, and that would only strengthen the argument that matter cannot be created, nor destroyed.
The following represents a mathematical study that the present manuscript’s author performed to suggest the inclusion of the 4D type of realm that the Universe is into 5D and 6D spaces:
Figure 5. Determination of the differential speeds of six equal vectors in a 360-degree medium, where the central point may be denoted as “O”.
Figure 5. Determination of the differential speeds of six equal vectors in a 360-degree medium, where the central point may be denoted as “O”.
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Let one imagine that O is a star in a random galaxy, and that two black holes are located each approximately 10 thousand light years from the star, at exactly opposite spots (one at point A and one at point D). Given that the force of a black hole completely controls light from a specific area, what can be observed is a caused differential speed greater than the double of the speed of light. That could prove the existence of a space with at least seven or eight dimensions. Furthermore, dimensions are known to consist of fractional dimensions. The following may add to the evidence that dimensions are relative:
Let one imagine that one has just boarded a train that goes through a megalopolis. The train has a considerable speed, and it can be observed that the objects near the train are in a higher “motion” than the objects further from it. The reason the word “motion” has been used here is that speed is relative, and the effect is the same as if the objects move in relation to the train. Likewise, the following can be demonstrated: distance constriction is not a monotonous trend, but rather, an exponential one. In other words, the closer the objects are, the faster they will “move” toward the source and/or around it, depending on the direction of motion. The same applies for their sizes and masses. Overall, that brings the following formulae:
PES = e ^ DES => ln PES = DES
Where PES - Proximal Environment Speed, DES - Distal Environment Speed and SO - Speed of the Object.
PEM = e ^ DEM => ln PEM = DEM
Where PEM - Proximal Environment Mass, DEM - Distal Environment Mass and MO - Mass of the Object. The value of e represents the number of Euler and is approximated to 2.72.
“It can only be as big as one thinks it can be.”
Throughout the previous two centuries, there have been increasing worries from the side of religious groups that a theory that the Earth was formed billions of years ago and that the human species was selected from multiple groups of previous ancestors. However, after a number of decades, Albert Einstein discovered the relativity of time, which resulted in the discovery that mass and space are relative too. As a result, mankind was then able to discover that the Universe is not just enclosed in an invisible wall on its edge, but rather that invisible walls to extra-dimensional spaces exist, as in a given space, two light waves traveling in completely different directions result in a differential speed twice the speed of light. Moreover, two distant black holes would result in the development of a differential vector speed even greater than that, which demonstrates that not even a 6D space is limited. Albert Einstein’s popular formula not only proves there is an incredibly high number of existing dimensions, but an important conversion of that formula proves that there can actually be an unlimited number of dimensions, which suggests that infinity might be real. Specifically, the E = m x c^2 formula can be converted into E = (m0 x c^2) / sqrt (1 - v^2 / c^2), where v^2 < c^2. E is the energy, m is the mass, v is the speed and c is the speed of light. As a result, there is no known finite number of existing dimensions. To add the final spices, dimensions are also relative, as they consist of elements that are that way.
“... because a thousand years in Your sight, Lord, are like the day of yesterday that passed.”
One must ask the following: what does this have to do with the theories of Big Bang and Evolution, and religion? Well, for the beginning, I am addressing this as a philosophical insight of the Book of Genesis in the Bible. Given that the formation of the Universe required over ten billion years and all living organisms emerged from bacteria in the soil, we might interpret the seven days of creation as very long ages, which represents an aspect mentioned in a few pieces of Christian literature. This would make perfect sense in terms of the Theory of Relativity, since God had to cross an incredibly high number of dimensions to create the Universe and the Earth, and then form the animals and the humans. Given this suggestion, then the fact that such a process actually lasted for more than ten billion years would make perfect sense, as time is relative inside and outside a 3D/4D space. Also, the fact that there is such a thing as a structure in the Universe that can absorb light when it is located in its electromagnetic field makes miracles scientifically possible. Why? Because both black holes and miracles represent extra-dimensional forces that are complementary with the natural laws. In the dimension of the Earth, God probably needed to spend most of His efforts to create the physical matter. Then, He needed to put effort into creating chemistry, which is the second degree of matter, before He could create life. Based on the above analogies, it could be said that one never actually “started” to exist and that there is a point of zero of human existence, both simultaneously. This would confirm what it is written in the Scriptures, that for God, nothing is impossible. He started one’s existence. And physically, there is both infinity and finity from the present moment until the point where finity began existing, given that the foundation of the physical realm is the meta-physical realm.
Such an aspect may not make sense for the logical mind because it cannot understand the extra-dimensionality of infinity without the inspiration from a metaphysical realm, which goes primarily through the emotional side, despite the tremendous importance that the rational side has in the shaping of the physical existence. Thereby, one’s mind requires wisdom for the understanding of such aspects. Although a human being never “started” to exist, according to one’s existing perception, one had a beginning because your infinity had a beginning, since your infinity is finite on the outside. One was moved through different micro-dimensions of infinity as conception was taking place, spiritually and physically. Probably the same goes with the creation of the world; the time when animal species were going through heavy natural selection and before mankind existed was simply the pregnancy of the current ages. Just as, in immunology, cells are fully matured after a complex process of maturation that implicates numerous steps, maybe all living organisms came to their final natural selection stage right before Adam and Eve came into existence. Even light has a beginning, although the speed of light breaks all barriers of time and space. Maybe the following question might be brought up; what if God had a beginning as well? Such an affirmation is unlikely to be true. Angels, who are beings outside the physical dimension of infinity, also had a beginning. One ought to regard the two seen and unseen worlds as the physical and the metaphysical worlds. Neither have an actual edge, meaning that both are actually infinite. However, both have a beginning, according to the Holy Scripture. The outside of the spiritual infinity is the infinity of nothing, and nothing has no beginning. But God created everything, and if He covers nothing as well, then He has no beginning and no end. And, just as matter cannot be created nor destroyed within its infinite dimension (first-degree infinity), the spirit realm cannot be created nor destroyed within its infinite dimension (second-degree infinity), and time only exists in the first-degree infinity. An outside intervention is needed to create both realms. Third-Degree Infinity is neither created, nor destroyed, and God created from nothing everything mankind can see and is connected to spiritually. This may explain the Eastern Orthodox Christian point of theology that it was only possible for God to create the spiritual realm and the material Universe by using His Uncreated Energies. And God being the author of goodness, will never destroy the realms He created because He never makes mistakes. He is just eliminating evil whilst selecting His own. Maybe the reason why matter cannot be created, nor destroyed, in this inter-dimensional spot, is not because God does not exist, but because God’s infinity is both dimensional and inter-dimensional. In other words, the fact that there is likely an infinite number of dimensions represents the beauty of God’s infinity.
Religion states that all physical existence started with “Let there be light.”, whilst Science states that it started with the “Big Bang” phenomenon.
It is known that energy and implicitly, matter, cannot be created, nor destroyed from within the physical world, as the First Law of Thermodynamics states. Given that time and space represent the two other, equally important elements of the physical world, it can be stated that time and space cannot be created, nor destroyed either. What is also known is that all matter emerged from light, and reaching the speed of light in motion can be translated into reaching eternity in time. It is known that light represents the initial form of energy. When light “first” existed, energetic particles of it started interacting, and through diverse degrees of clashing between energetic particles and nanoparticles, Universal matter started molding, and rock finally began existing, some “quadrillion years” afterward, as existing methods of physical chronography would indicate. Not to mention that the entire process of “random” interaction between initial energetic particles to form the backbone of the Universal matter likely lasted for quintillion or sextillion years, according to the available methods of physical chronographs. It could be said that the probability of mankind coming into existence by random, or without an extra-dimensionally-inspired purpose, would be approximately equal to one divided by the number of measured years since the coming of the first material particle into existence. If a finite number of years cannot be determined, then a mathematical limit would be formed for a division of one with “infinity”, and such a mathematical limit would be equal to zero. There is no evidence to suggest that time was already matured until the birth of mankind, since time, matter and space are the three principal, interdependent elements of the physical world, and since life is bound to the Laws of Physics. It is known that space continued to expand well after the phenomenon deemed as “the Big Bang”, and this aspect may indicate that time continued to “dilate” well after “Big Bang” as well and in a manner proportional with the dilation of space. As a result, it is possible that matter continued to be molded and “matured”, with the further stages being more subtle, as the chemical stage of maturation occurred with the production and perpetuation of water molecules, before the biological stage of maturation occurred, when life on Earth was finally born.
According to the “Big Bang” theory, positive infinity-bound light suddenly emerges from null infinity-bound darkness. Nevertheless, as Albert Einstein stated, darkness represents the complete lack of light. How could null infinity intersect, not just with positive finity, but even directly with positive infinity, as light not only enters existence, but actually covers the entire proportion of existence and reaches the limit of infinity with respect to time? How could inexistence intersect with existence, as no element of physical existence is capable of performing such an intersection? As finite rock emerged from an “infinite”, rockless nullity of space, so did numerous shades of color emerge from an inexistence of color, so did water molecules emerged from a completely waterless environment, and so did life emerge from a completely lifeless environment. Such phenomena may hardly be explained using the finite instruments of the available scientific methods. Yes, physicists may come with the explanation that particles of light “randomly” interacted until the first effect of color occurred, and chemists may come with the explanation that, in the beginning, atoms “randomly” grouped and regrouped together, and reactions of hydrolysis and dehydration started occurring, as H2O molecules started forming as a result of “random” atom grouping. In a similar manner, biologists may argue that atoms and molecules interacted continuously and variably, until the conditions for the existence of life were met. Nevertheless, how did nanoparticles and particles “randomly” group together to form atoms of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and iron, which are the principal atomic factors of life on Earth? How did atoms and molecules interact in the fashion of eventually forming life on Earth? If questions as such may easily be answered scientifically, then how did light particles begin existing when reaching the speed of light means reaching the state of eternity? Would it be scientifically possible for nullity and the state of eternity to be transformed into finity, by random and by itself? If all phenomena randomly occurred, then why is it that reaching the moment of zero of the existence of light particles requires crossing the barrier of infinity in time? The concepts of “random” and “eternity” may be completely parallel in nature, given that for an event to be random, it would have to be bound by a finite number of variables, indicating altogether that such terms are in fact contradictory in the discipline of Science. Hence, the evident existence of paradoxes may contradict the concept of “random” life emergence, and such contradictions could be operating mainly in a different dimension than the one of mere logical thinking. If the concept of “randomness” is actually contradictory to Science, which explains the rationale behind efforts of mathematical calculation and research, then the concept of “purpose” may actually be part of evidence-based Science. It is scientifically probable that time fully matured only after human life started existing. Furthermore, the recent discovery that the Universe is not locally real demonstrates the existence of inexistence, which may only represent a mathematical bridge to the scientific discovery of eternity.
One may state that, as long as randomness is considered a valid scientific concept, then it could also be stated as a scientific argument that the world is not real. Nevertheless, light still hovers over darkness, water still arises from springs and flows through rivers, into lakes, seas and oceans, that people and animals still reproduce, forming new generations, that in democratic countries, new leaders are elected once every few years, and moral and hard-working people still receive their due reward, whilst immoral people are caught by the authorities and given their proportionate legal punishment. Likewise, as long as such phenomena are shown to mankind as existing events, mankind can believe there is an Author of all life. And, given that people were made in the image and likeness of God, according to Eastern Orthodox Christian theology, then mankind is able to see, through Science, both in the perspective of material existence and nonexistence, given that an extra-dimensional Author of life would have existence and nonexistence in His hands, intersected there. Hence, the first billions of years of the Earth’s existence could actually have been days, given that its rotation and movement around the Sun could have started from a speed close to zero and exponentially increased, according to the stage of time maturation. Similar patterns may apply to the speed of motion of all planetary systems and galaxies in the Universe. Despite the physical measurement of countless quadrillion years from the moment of “Big Bang” to the current year, the enigma of infinity changing into finity, as well as the one of completely waterless environment changing into water-filled environment will forever remain without a rational answer, as two completely opposite and physically parallel sites of the spectrum in fact have a point of intersection in both cases. The only reasonable explanation behind such phenomena may be the existence of an extra-dimensional, unseen Author behind all macroscopically, microscopically and nanoscopically seen existence, which includes physical rationality as well. Overall, it may be that the God that Eastern Orthodox Christians believe in works behind paradoxes, requiring all mankind to believe in him using their free will.
In a nutshell, all existing matter emerged from eternity, and this aspect attests to the scientific law that matter indeed cannot be created, nor destroyed, using mere material instruments. The following question arises: if all existence came from eternity, then how has finite matter and time been reached, since the two cannot be intersected using finite, material means? The emergence of physical existence as mankind is aware of can be deemed as a miracle in the scientific world as well, given that finity and infinity intersected and that no element of living being bound by the physical world was capable of performing such an intersection. The same approach may be applied into the physical imagination of the moment of one’s conception in the womb, since the perception of time speed started with the point of infinity of zero. As a result, one may never be able to imagine the first exact moment of personal existence on Earth, despite it being chronologically situated approximately nine physical months before birth, and the same applies to living animals. Furthermore, the structure of the physical reality likely reflects the Triune Nature of the One God - One Being of God with Three Hypostases of His - as mentioned in Eastern Orthodox Christian theology. Physical reality is one, but simultaneously consists of three principal, harmonious and interdependent elements: time, space and matter. Each principal element further contains three principal subelements, as time consists of the past, the present and the future, whilst space consists of three dimensions, and matter can be physical, chemical and biological in nature. Regarding the spiritual birth from water mentioned in Eastern Orthodox Christianity; the implication of a triple, full-immersion into water sanctified by one or more representatives of Christ on Earth - priest(s) - reflects the fact that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all individually fully God and also the fact that Christ became fully human whilst remaining fully God, through the birth of a Virgin. Later, He was betrayed by one of His own disciples, unjustly condemned to death, imprisoned, humiliated, tortured and placed upon a Wooden Cross, experiencing death through crucifixion. Then, He trampled death with His Death and resurrected from the dead on the third day. It is universally known that water is the principal environment where all life emerged from, and religion does not deny facts as such, but on the contrary, it brings the full meaning behind them.
In the New Testament, it is mentioned in a few instances that the Kingdom of God was near at the time of Jesus. Well, this suggests that, as the processes of biological and molecular selection of humans and their ancestors before 40,000 BC, and then the processes of moral selection after, took place, the Universe was traveling interdimensionally toward the dimension of the Kingdom of God. It is like one extending the hand to a piece of matter, modulating and approaching it to the face simultaneously, all whilst eliminating the useless and harmful parts of the piece. As a result, time became shorter, intelligence became greater and the newer hundreds and thousands of generations became, in the long run, more moral too. It is written that in the last days, intelligence will rise sharply and the days will be shortened, which suggests that the world will be even closer interdimensionally to God. Interestingly, according to the analogy based on Gabriel’s Horn, in which the physical measurement of time during the Six Days of Creation would be infinite (i.e., the surface of the horn is infinite), but in truth, it would be six physical days (i.e., the volume of the liquid filling in the inside of the horn is finite), the first days were longer and the last days will be shorter, which could constitute a “dotted” extension of Gabriel’s Horn, so time would become faster and suffering would become bearable for the people who remain in the Faith established by Jesus Christ and the Holy Apostles [Eastern Orthodox Christianity]. Such overall events may look coincidental for people who do not believe in the metaphysical, and not coincidental at all for people who believe there is a layer of existence deeper than the physical matter. Just as there is a positive selection implicated, there is much negative selection involved, and the latter will completely end when the Universe will reach the dimensional place of God. Similar patterns may be viewed whilst analyzing the principal ideas shared by other religions and forms of spirituality. Furthermore, similar patterns may be seen in religious moral selection and the lengthy natural selection process deduced in the Theory of Evolution. For example, the moral selection process of the Israeli people that occurred during the 40-year exodus from pre-Ancient Egypt into the Land of Promise, led through Prophet Moses, may have a pattern that is similar to the one of the lengthy selection of erythrocytes, lymphocytes and thrombocytes during the development of important elements of the circulatory system in the bone marrow, but it is the nature of the selection that is different. Namely, moral selection implicated a long process in which the participants were required to be in a state of constant obedience to the Creator and to His words, spoken through Prophet Moses. Sadly, a high number of people lost their lives because they eventually decided not to listen to such words and instead, rely upon their own imagination and will. In cases as such, the participants decided to separate philosophical wisdom from rational intelligence, believing that rational intelligence alone constitutes a whole body of cleverness, when in actuality, wisdom and intelligence are inseparable. The same is with natural and moral selection; they are de-facto inseparable and both part of the final selection of humans, and it could be that the Day of Final Judgment proposed by Eastern Orthodox Christianity marks the end of the entire process of natural-moral selection of humans, who could have been created in the image and likeness of the Creator with the purpose of them being in a complete, fraternal and eternal communion with Him. One could imagine dimensional motility in a similar fashion as the way Earth rotates and moves around the Sun. Well, the Universe may in this case move interdimensionally, from a spot where chaos seems to be the supreme force, to a spot where order is dominant. In a post with a similar topic, I mentioned that dimensional relativity and motility are possible because the elements of a dimension (time, mass, distance, space and speed) are relative. This sort of event may be complementary with the processes of Universe and planetary formation, as well as the evolution and natural selection of living organisms. Likewise, it is possible that the process of evolution reflects the patterns observed in the actual process of the Creation of the Earth and of life on it, and that the laws of nature are in fact in a perfect harmony with the governance of an Author of the entire physical existence.
“God rested on the seventh day.”
The fact that a Creator, Who reaches infinity, rested, means that the effort made could be converted into the amount of natural time that was spent. The evolution of bacteria in the soil into the pre-human species, the formation of early humans and then the elimination of neanderthal species and the evolutionary selection of the final human species can represent, in a way and from an extra-dimensional perspective, an analogy to successions of events like the development and selection of functional B-lymphocyte immune cells. Consider the complete development and differentiation of STEM cells into mature B-lymphocytes. Well, they have to be selected into common lymphoid progenitor cells, then small and large pro-B cells, then large and small pre-B cells, then mature B-cells (IgM+ and after that IgM+ and IgD+ B-Lymphocytes). Look at the entire evolution and selection of the final human species from a different time frame, and you will see no difference in the pattern. In this case, the STEM cells from which humanity emerged were nothing but... oceanic bacteria that existed approximately 3.5 billion years ago. Overall, the selection of humans may not be just an accidental selection process after all. By reading the entire first chapter of the Book of Genesis and analyzing it from the perspective covering this different time frame, one may astonishingly realize that it would make plenty of sense. Groups and species of animals and plants certainly require more than two presently known physical days to reproduce and mature, let alone evolve and be naturally selected. What if the current methods developed in Science misinterpreted natural selection and development as an endless process of evolution? In immunology, it is known that mature B-lymphocytes no longer evolve into newer lymphocytes. Such an example may strongly indicate that changes of living organisms in time and natural selection have their limit. Furthermore, what if the evolution of species has been misinterpreted as a normal development of life forms that is influenced by the relativity of time? Additionally, there may be an existing statistical probability that the development of embryos and fetuses in the womb throughout pregnancy may reflect the speciation of life forms throughout history, given that embryos coincidentally have the form of micro-dinosaurs. This does not imply that embryos are dinosaurs and nor does it imply embryos are less of a human than newborn babies. The human embryo has been representing a fully living human being since the moment of fertilization, when one of the sperm cells released by the testis entered the released ovule in one of the ovaries, according to conclusive scientific evidence. In other words, speciation may have represented part of the pregnancy of life on Earth, rather than part of a whole, matured version of Earthly life and existence, and the value of each life form undergoing past speciation already had the value of a life form that has the present type of species.
According to major Theological notes verbally mentioned by a Romanian Orthodox Priest, Father Ilie Cleopa, life in fact emerged from water, and not from the soil. And this is in accordance with major points of the biological history of the Earth, given that bacteria from the marine water were passed into the soil of various islands and surrounding continental coasts through the circulatory air, and such events resulted in the extension of life from the water on the Earthly soil. There are various existing translations of the Book of Genesis from Ancient times, which likewise use slightly diverse kinds of wording. Nonetheless, all such versions are considered valid by the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is indicated in the Book that the purpose behind the Holy Spirit hovering over the waters during the initial phases of the Earth’s existence was the creation of life. Perhaps, it is not coincidental that the first living organisms emerged from the seas and the oceans, and that the pregnancy of humans and animal mammals involves a water-filled womb surrounding a living embryo and then a fetus. It is perhaps also not a coincidence that both Earthly and Eastern Orthodox religious births, via Holy Baptism, are from water.
Figure 6. The crucial stages of human pregnancy (OTIS | MotherToBaby (2021)).
Figure 6. The crucial stages of human pregnancy (OTIS | MotherToBaby (2021)).
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Moreover, just because all living organisms have a universal common ancestor, which is in the soil, both humans and animals that have a very high concentration of bacteria in their organism and the DNA of humans was found to be 98% identical with the DNA of apes, it does not mean humans and animals are similar, just as correlation does not imply causation in science. According to the Scriptures, man was created from the soil, which means that the common ancestor was used to create the ultimate form of life, which consists of both physical and meta-physical existence. Furthermore, if the natural selection of pre-Homo sapiens occurred during the “pregnancy” of time, space and matter, then the previous species do not fully count as human, but rather as living organisms during the creation process, which started from the meta-physical realm, meaning that the process of creation cannot actually be measured in any finite manner. As a result, one may say that humans and apes have a similar type of “ancestor”’; living bacteria that are present in the water and in the soil. This does not imply that humans are similar to apes and are to be treated as animal species, but on the contrary, this suggests that there is a common Creator Who developed all forms of life in different temporal and spatial dimensions and manners. If the process of Creation was performed based on the meta-physical realm, then the rational mind is unable to explain the process of life development and its perception misses the accurate temporal-spatial dimensions of Creation. As a result, the rational mind becomes prone to developing theories that are parallel to ancient wisdom. Not to mention that a high extent of DNA similarity between humans and apes does not ultimately prove that humans and apes are related to the extent of both being considered animals. The intellectual perception of the origins of human life may be severely affected if there is a lack of meta-physical association with such intellectuality, regardless of its extent and quality. The primary purpose of Science is to determine the separating line between the definition of an animal and the definition of a human being. Just because all living cells contain DNA chromosomes, ribosomes, mitochondria and a plasma membrane, it does not mean that all living cells are the same. It does not mean that men and apes are both animals, just as it does not mean that cows and apples are both animals. It means that life was created using such elements because they were required in order for life to occur. In the Book of Genesis of the Holy Scriptures, it is written that animals were created for the purpose of companionship of man. As a result, the scientific definition of the unit of life in both humans and animals is in fact in a complete concordance with the Biblical explanation of the origins of life. It could be that the definition of life has not reached a high resolution yet, given that leading scientists have not reached a full explanation of the limit between animalistic instincts and human rationality. Currently, it is possible that the definition of life is still vague enough so that many scientists could by default be relativizing human life with animal life, as differentiating between the two might require further investigations. It is mainly the philosophical arenas that explain the difference between the two, but the detail Scientific Academia may not be paying thorough attention to is the fact that University doctorates in the scientific domain are philosophical in nature, given that PhD stands for “Doctor in Philosophy”. I believe it is highly unwise to associate such coincidence with a relative kind of relationship between men and apes. Given that biology represents the science of life and that the DNA represents the central element of the living cell, which itself represents the basic unit of all life, it can be deduced that there is no available piece of evidence to state that humans are animals and that there is no Author of life who created humans in His image and likeness.
The fact that humans and apes are classified into primate mammals could be a mere coincidence, despite the high degree of similarity in morphology, genetics and genomics. Any extent of similarity does not constitute conclusive evidence, and correlation does not ultimately imply causation in numerous scenarios. Many similarities are meant to be considered coincidental, and perhaps, the history of human perception and morality does not constitute a coincidence, but suggests that humans are meant to be distinct from animals. Scientific interpretation, even within the highest academic and research-based circles, results in the wrongful perception that humans are like animals and that instincts forbidden by healthy morality should be unleashed in an alleged attempt of human self-discovery, which most certainly constitutes a deception of grand proportions. Perhaps, there is an incredibly fine line between the determination of truth and the relativization of the truth, through a random application of the Theory of Relativity. Furthermore, given the historic evidence of human society before and after Christ, the human population probably took only thousands of years to grow from eight people, who are said to have survived a Universal Flood, and over eight billion people in the present day. Specifically, there were approximately 170 million people on Earth two thousand years ago, and according to the Chronograph written by Chedrinos, which has been widely referenced in the Orthodox Christian Tradition, there were 3,263 years from the moment the Flood ended to the moment when Jesus Christ was born. Taking into account the evidence that polygamy was widely practiced in the world before Christ was born, as well as the written Scripturistic information regarding the longer life span of the people during the first thousand of years after the Flood, allowing families to have dozens of children each, then it is scientifically sound to state that it took 3,263 years for three married couples to reproduce and bring 170 million people on Earth. Not to mention that primary cousins were widely allowed to reproduce in the world, this being allowed even among the descendants of the patriarch Abraham until the Ten Commandments were written on stone by the righteous Moses by divine inspiration. The Chronograph by Chedrinos states that it took 2,243 years from the creation of Adam until the start of the Universal Flood, and the Holy Scriptures mention that the Earth became filled with people during the time being and that the level of immorality grew and became insufferable in the end. Interestingly, a slightly relevant trend of growth of immorality in society may be observed in the current days, when the world population has been growing exponentially as well. Namely, it took 200 years for 1 billion people to reproduce into 8 billion, and this phenomenon could suggest that there is a link between serious corruption at the level of society and aggressive reproductive rates among the world population, specifically in parts of the world affected at the level of welfare.
Likewise, if one considers the few billions of years of evolution and natural selection as a timeframe of a few days, then one could say that humans rapidly came from dust. In the eyes of a Universal Creator, billions of years can seem like a few microseconds. During a process of temporal, spatial and matter-related creation from an extra-dimensional side, the billions of years would not be counted as whole, “matured” years. And, if it is time, space and matter that are all relative, that suggests none of such layers counted as “mature”. The same may also be with the evolution of the living species. Then comes the theory that the animals were created first and humans came from an independent lineage after the start of the creation of the lineage of animals. At this moment of time, there is no conclusive proof that humans came as a result of animal natural selection and had a common ancestor with apes. There are numerous similarities in the DNA and morphology, which makes it a theory, and theories as they become better, can be updated and even changed. One aspect for sure is that life cannot emerge from non-life without an extra-dimensional sort of intervention. Eastern Orthodox Christianity regards the human being as created in the image and likeness of God and the icon of the Universe, and based on this suggestion, the point of existential and evolutionary maturity was reached when the human being as we know started existing. Based on this analysis, the Universe and surrounding natural environment was created for the human being, and not vice versa.
With regards to the Creation of the physical world, I personally find it likely not to be a black and white type of matter, since the physical world contains time. Because time was created too, it could be that the time frame of the creation of matter was different. Keeping in mind that the Earth was moving around its axis very slowly in the beginning, it could mean that the first day lasted for potentially millions or even billions of years. The beginning of the physical world cannot be deciphered because it constitutes a first-degree infinity, which is subject to the Third-Degree Infinity. This is because, since matter cannot be created nor destroyed in this set of dimensions, time cannot be created in this manner either. Since God created the Universe from outside of this set of dimensions, it is not up to us to be able to understand how the world was created, and the duration of the process. Time was created as well, and if we take a look at the Creation from the perspective of the material Universe, then we will only see an endless set of processes. Where there is an infinity, there is no such thing as finite, but a kind of infinity where mankind and living organisms should stay in so they will survive, be fruitful and reproduce. Just as we need light to see and we need to abide by the light to know what we are doing, so we need to stay within the moral right to distinguish right from wrong and strengthen humanity altogether. And we know that light and darkness are both infinite.
What one may state, using a humble way of thinking, is that nothing in this world would make sense if there were no Maker. But since there is something precious called life amongst an infinity within an infinity, we can be certain that life was created by Someone who loves us infinitely. With regards to good and evil, it would make sense to say that evil represents the lack of good, and that civilization was built with increasing forces of good. And, given that evil represents a rebellion against good, and that it is fallen angels who started evil, we can say that, although evil is infinite, good is more powerful than evil, since the Author of good created the spiritual infinity. Likewise, goodness represents the river that has fed and up-brought civilization.
The Book of Revelation in the Christian New Testament mentions that in the days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, whilst the Earth will shake in a violent and widespread manner, the stars will also start falling from the sky. This could indicate that certain planetary alignments and geometries play a role in favoring the onset of seismic activity in areas where geological faults are known to exist or areas that are prone to developing new geological faults, thereby confirming validity of research by the astro-geologist Frank Hoogerbeets. The extent to which planetary alignment and geometry influences the Earth’s crust requires further research. Interestingly, natural events occur, in which many people reach numeric or geometrical coincidences by default. This could suggest that an increased extent and frequency of coincidences in the Universe, such as planetary and star alignments, are occurring or beginning to occur. This could likewise mark the beginning of a time with more frequent natural disasters, such as earthquakes, weather extremes, and even psychological tension as a result of the increased frequencies led by such spatial events. For example, just in the first five months of 2023, there have already been 12 earthquakes with a magnitude value of 7 or above. Furthermore, incidents of conflicts, road accidents, social unrest, military conflicts, and also of increased frequency and extent of the occurrence of meteorological extremes have also been increasing, which could imply that an increased gravitational influence from the sky as a result of more often events of planetary and stellar alignments also affects human and animal psychology and discernment, making humans and animals more prone to anxiety and aggression, and also the movement of solar radiation toward the Earth to be at least slightly affected, leading to temperature-related changes at the levels of the ocean, the ground and the atmosphere, and higher overall atmospheric instability, as the overall course of the events on Earth seem to be directed toward a state of chaos. As a result, such “numeric or geometrical coincidences” could indicate that significant astronomical events are occurring in a more frequent fashion and possibly in an increasingly frequent manner. Some people with religious or spiritualistic backgrounds tend to associate such numbers or geometrical patterns with “intervention from angels” but, according to the Theology taught by the Orthodox Church, believing in such aspects is self-deception because the Saints and the Church Fathers, whose image and likeness are most like God the Son, practiced strict prayer and fasting for at least 40 days without expecting “signs” as such. From a layman perspective in psychology, it is possible that people who believe that such coincidences mark “a message from the Universe or from angels” are in danger of becoming preoccupied with number-related coincidences, and possibly fall into the trap of religious cults and sooner or later have their mental health significantly endangered. This incident could be described as becoming addicted to gambling, but on a spiritual level, which seems to be much more dangerous and harder to ultimately escape from. This example could again point to the prophecies in the Holy Scriptures regarding the manner many people will become deceived toward the end of the world, and even the elect, meaning that even some of the people who surrendered their lives to Christ through the Orthodox, Apostolic Faith, will become deceived. Certainly, natural calamities as the ones described above have occurred in the distant past and they do not necessarily mark a feared end of the world. Rather, the Scriptures mention that there will be more frequent natural calamities and they will not mark the end of the world, despite the emergence of false prophecies made out of lack of historical knowledge, fear or desperation.
Furthermore, the Theory of Relativity touches upon gravity, given that the jet stream that is meteorologically observed as a current of air sharply traveling Eastwards is projected to actually be the result of the Earth rotating in the same direction. As a result of Relativity, humans and animals do not feel or observe that the Earth is rotating, but rather that the sky is in a rotational motion and that the upper air currents travel Eastwards. Conventional science projects that the jet stream actually represents part of the stationary air from space, whilst the lower atmospheric air is in a high motion, according to the speed of the Earth’s. Nevertheless, the Church Fathers state that it is not the Earth that is in motion, but the air of the heavens above it. Will the Theory of Relativity actually make it statistically probable that a statement as such is evidential? The phenomenon of “star falling” could either be caused by a clash between the Milky Way and a different galaxy, or the final event of Big Crunch, which will involve the collapse of the Universe into one tiny point. Furthermore, there is a prophecy written in the Holy Scriptures that, during the times that immediately precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, there will be no more water on Earth and in the end, the Earth will be destroyed by fire, and the Antichrist with the Dragon will be cast into the Lake of Fire alive. Somehow, this corresponds with the scientific projections that the Sun will in the far future start growing and eventually swallow the Earth, it may be that it will not be billions of years ahead, just as it did not take billions of years for the Earth and all life on it to be created and decorated, despite the physical chronometers indicating otherwise. If the metaphysical realms govern the physical realm, then it means that the entire physical existence is not based on its own instruments, but based on the laws outside of it. The Sun will probably become the Lake of Fire described in the Bible. And right before the Sun will swallow the Earth, the gravity of the Sun will cast the Antichrist and the Dragon into the Lake of Fire that is on the surface of the Sun at that time. It is also written that days will pass faster in the end times for the faithful, and this could be due to the Earth becoming closer and closer to the surface of the Sun, as it will face an increasingly stronger gravitational force from the Sun and its rotational speed will increase as a result. Those who will accept the Antichrist will face unprecedented inner agony, which will make them experience time as pronouncedly slower, showing that the Theory of Relativity is applied to the deepest areas of human psychology. Biblical descriptions as such were made around 1,400 years before the discovery of planets.


Humanity has been known to run away from new information at first because of the uncertainty on whether it will uphold their beliefs, which were built over the lifetime in many cases. Remember that, in the middle ages, the roman-catholic institutions did not accept the discovery of the round shape of the Earth at first. This would make the same pattern of events in regards to the general level of acceptance of large proportions of the “Big Bang” and “Evolution by adaptation and natural selection” scientific theories. Natural selection and speciation could be true to the extent of human lineage not mixing with animal lineage, despite the existence of some highly similar traits, encouraging influential scientists to place humans and a few animals, such as apes, cats and dogs, into the same fundamental classification(s). At the same time, correlation does not imply causation in science and theories may still be challenged and even disproven after centuries of acceptance as evidence-based observation of a long-term set of potentially related phenomena. It could be important that people should not avoid new information, but rather analyze it carefully, do their due diligence and compare their views and perspectives with it, by means of avoiding reaching either a state of “narrow thinking” or one of “permissive belief”. If the Theory of Evolution has been heavily misinterpreted, even amongst the brighter side of Scientific Academia, then it could be possible that several other branches of human and animal biology have been built upon erroneous perceptive foundations and essentially, this could implicate a need of change in scientific perception to reach more accurate resolutions in scientific investigation and research. Ultimately, even the domains of immunology, therapeutics and vaccinology may not have reached the most accurate resolution with regards to research due to an imperfect perception of evolution, adaptability and inheritance. Overall, it may be that the domain of science is not meant to compulsively answer all questions of uncertainty, that some uncertainty is part of secrets that a Universal Creator designed them and maybe for a few people deemed as worthy due to their tremendous level of humility to learn about. Sometimes, a compulsive attempt to answer questions of uncertainty will cause misinterpretation of facts to spread in society, leading to negative consequences and even a societal regress in the end, will such misinterpretation continue to spread disguised as facts of Science. Likewise, could people with religious views now continue to visit their religious sites without the thought that Science will present arguments contrary to their view?


  1. OTIS | Mother To Baby (2021), Critical Periods of Development, Brentwood (TN), Available at:
  2. Carp, T. N. PhD research proposal: Assessing past developments of microbial accessibility to the human immune system-Time to acknowledge the colossal importance of supporting first-line natural immunity in modern-day vaccinology?.
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