Preprint Review Version 2 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Exploration of Practical Biomarkers for Systemic Drug Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Version 1 : Received: 7 July 2023 / Approved: 7 July 2023 / Online: 10 July 2023 (11:08:54 CEST)
Version 2 : Received: 12 July 2023 / Approved: 12 July 2023 / Online: 13 July 2023 (10:07:32 CEST)
Version 3 : Received: 14 July 2023 / Approved: 17 July 2023 / Online: 17 July 2023 (13:22:33 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Motomura, K.; Kuwano, A.; Tanaka, K.; Koga, Y.; Masumoto, A.; Yada, M. Potential Predictive Biomarkers of Systemic Drug Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Anticipated Usefulness in Clinical Practice. Cancers 2023, 15, 4345. Motomura, K.; Kuwano, A.; Tanaka, K.; Koga, Y.; Masumoto, A.; Yada, M. Potential Predictive Biomarkers of Systemic Drug Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Anticipated Usefulness in Clinical Practice. Cancers 2023, 15, 4345.


A number of agents, including immune checkpoint inhibitors, have become available for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, the objective response rate of these drugs is currently only 30% to 40%, with a high incidence of side effects. There are also no prac-tical biomarkers to predict their therapeutic effects. Most of the systemic therapies for HCC are performed in general hospitals without research facilities. Such hospitals can perform imaging tests, like CT and MRI, as well as pathological diagnosis using tumor tissue sampling and im-munohistochemical staining. However, analyzing tumor genomic or transcriptomic profiles is difficult because of limitations in facilities, personnel, and cost. Therefore, in this review, we provide an overview of the wide range of research that has been conducted on HCC biomarkers from blood, tissue, or imaging information that can be used practically in general hospitals for predicting the therapeutic effect of systemic therapies before treatment begins. For general hos-pitals that treat HCC patients, we recommend conducting treatment after assessing the state within the tumor tissue as much as possible by collecting blood and tissue samples and per-forming pre- treatment MRI image evaluations.


Hepatocellular carcinoma; tyrosine kinase inhibitors; immune checkpoint inhibitors; biomarkers


Medicine and Pharmacology, Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Comments (1)

Comment 1
Received: 13 July 2023
Commenter: Kenta Motomura
Commenter's Conflict of Interests: Author
Comment: There are two tables in my paper. Originally, I created them in a landscape layout in Word, but when I adjusted them to fit the template, there was no extra width. The arrangement of the rows in the table is important. If any item wraps to the next line, it changes the alignment with the adjacent item's data, and the table no longer remains easily understandable at a glance. I opened the Layout Done File and tried to make corrections. It seems effective to reduce the font size to adjust this point. Additionally, subtle adjustments were necessary to ensure that the rows align properly.
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