1. Introduction
Formal Calculation is introduced in [
3] , this article contains its summary and latest achievements.
Definition 1. Recursive define ,
Definition 2. Recursive define SUM(N)=SUM(N,PS,PT). Ring with identity elements.
is abbreviated as , is abbreviated as .
By default,this paper use:
This is actually nested summation. For example:
The following use K to represent the set , T to represent the set .
Use the auxiliary form:
Definition 3. X(T)=Number of
Definition 4. =Number of ,=Number of
=Number of ,and also define
Theorem 1.
The factors of cannot be exchanged. ,short for , is also defined above as
The theorem is proved by induction.There have three forms because:
Definition 5. =, is short for ,
Definition 6. =, is short for ,
Theorem 2.
Theorem 3. In SUM(N,[...PS...],[...T+1,T+2...T+M...]), can exchange orders.
Theorem 4. can great than 1,
Theorem 5.
Theorem 6.
. is Stirling numbers of the second kind.
Theorem 7.
. is unsigned Stirling numbers of the first kind.
Example 1.1:
It also can be calculated in the Ring with identity elements. can be a matrix.
Theorem 8. can be decomposed into three forms by 1 and ∇.
2. Property
2.1. Relationships between
By definition:
Using these relationships and induction can prove:
Theorem 9. [2]
Theorem 10.
Calculation with 9 →
Theorem 11.
Theorem 12.
This indicates
Theorem 13.
2.2. Property of H(g)
.In some cases, H(g) is easy to calculate.
Definition 7.
If and ,. .
Theorem 14. If ,
Theorem 15. If ,
Theorem 16. If and ,=
Theorem 17. If PS=PT,
Theorem 18.
Definition 8.
4] has proved:
is Eulerian numbers.It is known that there exists Worpitzky identity:
By simple calculation:
2.3. Shape of numbers
In this section,if not specifically mentioned,.
To calculate (*),products needs to be divided into categories.
There are M-1 intervals between factors.If the interval=1,define it as Continuity.If the interval>1,define it as Discontinuity. Continuities,Discontinuities and their Positions are defined as Shape.So there have Shapes.
From the definition of nested sum:
Definition 9. PB(PT)=Number of =Number of discontinuities
.From 17 we can obtain a simple formula:
Theorem 19. ,PT has no restrictions.
This generalizes the famous formula . It was discovered during the calculation of (*) which led to the birth of Formal Calculation.
Theorem 20. Number of Products in SUM(N,PT,PT) =
Definition 10.
This is the sum of the products of PTs with the same number of discontinuities.By definition:
Theorem 21.
Based on the concept of Shape rather than 21, it is easier to understand.
.Here (...) is products.
From the definition of nested sum,there exists general classification principles:
Theorem 22.
2.4. H(g) and Associated Stirling Numbers
Associated Stirling Numbers of the first kind is defined as the number of permutations of a set of n elements having exactly k cycles, all length >= r.
Derived from 2 and definition of H(g) or 3 and 21:
Theorem 23.
Table 1.
Table of .
Table 1.
Table of .
g=0 |
g=1 |
g=2 |
g=3 |
g=4 |
g=5 |
g=6 |
M=1 |
1 |
M=2 |
2 |
3 |
M=3 |
6 |
20 |
15 |
M=4 |
24 |
130 |
210 |
105 |
M=5 |
120 |
924 |
2380 |
2520 |
945 |
M=6 |
720 |
7308 |
26432 |
44100 |
34650 |
10395 |
M=7 |
5040 |
64224 |
303660 |
705320 |
866250 |
540540 |
135135 |
Associated Stirling Numbers of the second kind is defined as the number of permutations of a set of n elements having exactly k blocks, all length >= r.
- 2
- 2
Derived from 2:
Theorem 24.
Table 2.
Table of .
Table 2.
Table of .
g=0 |
g=1 |
g=2 |
g=3 |
g=4 |
g=5 |
g=6 |
M=1 |
1 |
M=2 |
1 |
3 |
M=3 |
1 |
10 |
15 |
M=4 |
1 |
25 |
105 |
105 |
M=5 |
1 |
56 |
490 |
1260 |
945 |
M=6 |
1 |
119 |
1918 |
9450 |
17325 |
10395 |
M=7 |
1 |
246 |
6825 |
56980 |
190575 |
270270 |
135135 |
Use the same way:
Theorem 25.
Theorem 26.
2.5. Table of H(g)
Table 3.
Table of H(g).
PS |
PT |
3. Application
3.1. Number analysis
Theorem 27. 9, 11, 13 →
Theorem 28.
Theorem 29.
Theorem 30.
Theorem 31.
3.2. Merge and Expand
Theorem 32. SUM(N,PS,PT)=SUM(N,[1,1...1,PS],[1,1...1,PT]) expand
Any can be converted to
10 provides the necessary and sufficient condition for to be merged into
For example:
After a simple calculation,it can be written as:
Theorem 33. Necessary and sufficient conditions for merging,:
Theorem 34.
Proof. It can be proved by induction, but it is cumbersome.
When A>M, it is an expansion; When A<M, it is a merge.Combining with 33:
Theorem 35.
It can be proved by induction:
Theorem 36. ;
This helps to understand the differential sequence.
3.3. Congruences
P is prime. is any integer,D ≠0.
Theorem 37.
Proof. If M=P-1, □
If a product has a factor that is divisible by P then ignore it and change the factor to its minimum positive residue, then we can obtain many congruences. Wilson’s Theorem is a special case.eg:
Theorem 38.
Wolstenholme’s Theorem is also a special case.P>3.
Wolstenholme’s Theorem:
They are two extremes.In fact,there have:
Theorem 39.
Proof. If and then .The Sum has symmetry.
For ,if then add with to ,if then add with to .so .
For ,treat P-A=B,P-A=C, separately.
Prove the conclusion in a similar way... □
Theorem 40.
4. Combinatorial Identities
Definition 11. R-FOLD SUM:
By nested sum:
Theorem 41.
Theorem 42.
Theorem 43.
Using induction to prove:
Theorem 44.
. [
2 , 3 , 4 can be used to derive combinatorial identities.
Theorem 45.
Using a similar method to obtain □
Theorem 46.
x:=-(M-Y-g) □
Theorem 47.
Theorem 48. SUM(N,[A+1,A+3...A+2M-1],[1,3...2M-1])=
Theorem 49. SUM(N,[A,A+1...A+M-1]:2,[1,3...2M-1])=
49 and 45
Theorem 50.
5. Matrix of SUM(N)
Consider H(g) as variables,list SUM(N),SUM(N+1)…SUM(N+M),we can obtain a (M+1) ×(M+1) matrix.
, corresponding to the three forms.define
Theorem 51. [2]
Theorem 52. [2]
If SUM(N) or ∇ SUM(N) is easy to obtained,then H(g) can be calculated with the Cramer’s law.Below,
Theorem 53.
Theorem 54.
Theorem 55.
(1)(2) are already known formula.
6. Eulerian polynomials and Beyond
In this section,.Inductive proof:
Theorem 56.
Definition 12.
Table 4.
Table of .
Table 4.
Table of .
M=0 |
M=1 |
M=2 |
M=3 |
M=4 |
M=5 |
M=6 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
26 |
150 |
1082 |
9366 |
A000629 |
1 |
3 |
12 |
66 |
480 |
4368 |
47712 |
A123227 |
1 |
4 |
20 |
132 |
1140 |
12324 |
160020 |
A201355 |
Use the and of ,the first part of (*) keep same, we can obtain:
Theorem 57.
Theorem 58.
By definition of difference:
Theorem 59.
Theorem 60.
The Eulerian polynomials:
. There have 5 expressions for .
Eulerian Numbers and Polynomials is just a special case,we can handler:
Theorem 61.
Here q can take any value,which is magical.
Definition 13.
Theorem 62.
Theorem 63.
We can handler 63 of SUM(N,[a,a...a]:d,[1,2...M]),SUM(N,[1,1...1,2,2...2...k,k...k],[1,2...kM]). Many results of [
8] can be obtained by this.
7. Formal Calculation of q-Binomial
7.1. Concept
q-Binomial:,abbreviated as
with M-K(zeros) and K(ones),inv(·) denotes the inversion statistic.
The Formal Calculation use instead of .
Definition 14. Recurssive define
Definition 15. Recursive define .
Theorem 64.
Use this to prove:
Theorem 65. [2] =
7.2. Property
Theorem 66.
Theorem 67. In , can exchange orders.
is simplest,, iii→
Theorem 68.
Definition 16.
Theorem 69. , can great than 1,
Theorem 70.
By definition and iv
Theorem 71.
7.3. Application
Theorem 72. [6]
Theorem 73.
Theorem 74.
By simply following the definition of product, we can obtain:
Theorem 75.
A=-1 or 1,it’s q-Binomial Theorem: ,
If :
It’s similar to 1.Replace each to in and multiply by to obtain .
If there is another ,74 can be used to obtain general formulas.
Theorem 76. Expansion of ii:,
Theorem 77.
Factor is present in all of them here, so can be extracted.
Definition 17.
Theorem 78.
Theorem 79.
Combining q-Binomial Theorem →
Theorem 80.
Use 79 and induction →
Theorem 81.
Theorem 82.
Theorem 83.
Theorem 84.
Theorem 85.
Theorem 86.
7.4. Relationships between
Theorem 87. [3]
Theorem 88.
Proof. Direct verification when M=1, assuming M holds.
Items containing :
Items does not contain :
Theorem 89.
Proof. 88 and 82 can obtain the first equation, the second equation is derived from 75. □
Similarly, using induction to prove:
Theorem 90.
Theorem 91.
Theorem 92. PT = [1,2...M] and ,
This indicates any can be converted to
Use 90 , 91 and 68 ,we can obtain the inversion formulas.
Theorem 93. If
7.5. Merge and Expand
Theorem 94. Necessary and sufficient conditions for merging,:
Y=1,76 →:
Theorem 95. ,
Theorem 96. P=A+T+1-Y,M > A ≥ 0,
The difference between this and 34 is that M>A is required.
. It’s the q-Vandermorde Theorem.
A and B have symmetry,ii→.
Theorem 97.