
Ultrasound-Based AI for COVID-19 Detection: A Comprehensive Review of Public and Private Lung Ultrasound Datasets and Studies

This version is not peer-reviewed.

  † These authors contributed equally to this work.

  ‡ Co-first Authors.


15 March 2023


16 March 2023

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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people globally, with respiratory organs being strongly affected in individuals with comorbidities. Medical imaging-based diagnosis and prognosis have become increasingly popular in clinical settings to detect COVID-19 lung infections. Among various medical imaging modalities, ultrasound stands out as low-cost, mobile, and radiation-safe imaging technology. In this comprehensive review, we focus on ultrasound-based AI studies for COVID-19 detection that use public or private lung ultrasound datasets. We surveyed articles that used publicly available lung ultrasound datasets for COVID-19 and reviewed publicly available datasets and organize ultrasound-based AI studies per dataset. We analyzed and tabulated studies in several dimensions, such as data preprocessing, AI models, cross-validation, and evaluation criteria. In total, we reviewed 42 articles, where 28 articles used public datasets, and the rest used private data. Our findings suggest that ultrasound-based AI studies for the detection of COVID-19 have great potential for clinical use, especially for children and pregnant women. Our review also provides a useful summary for future researchers and clinicians who may be interested in the field.
COVID-19, Deep learning, Artificial Intelligence, Ultrasound, Review
Computer Science and Mathematics  -   Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

1. Introduction

1.1. Coronavirus Disease 2019

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) a global pandemic in early March 2020. Despite numerous preventive measures to slow the spread of this virus, more than 681 million cases and 6.81 million deaths have been reported worldwide to date [1]. This new coronavirus and common respiratory infections have been known to strongly affect the respiratory organs of the human body, particularly individuals with comorbidities such as chronic heart disease, diabetes, etc. [2,3]. As the number of infection cases refusing to eschew altogether with new variants becoming rampant, medical imaging-based diagnosis and prognosis have been becoming more popular in clinical settings over time, where various medical imaging modalities such as computed tomography (CT), X-ray, ultrasound, etc. have been used to detect COVID-19 lung infection [4,5,6].

1.2. Ultrasound in COVID-2019 Diagnosis

Medical imaging is undeniably the most important tool for the diagnosis and management of treatments in clinical settings [7]. Despite ultrasound being known to be a noisy imaging modality compared to various other imaging modalities with exceptional image quality (i.e., CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray, etc.) [8], it stands out for being a low-cost, mobile, and, above all, non-ionizing medical imaging technology [9]. Because ultrasound is radiation-safe, it is the preferred imaging modality for children and pregnant women [10] and has been widely used in the detection and severity assessment of COVID-19 for the same patient group [11]. Lung infection due to COVID-19 can be seen and assessed in chest ultrasound images.
Typically, there are three major tasks that can be performed on lung ultrasound images for COVID-19 patient management, (i) detection of pneumonia infection in the lung (e.g., [12,13,14,15]), (ii) pneumonia type/severity classification (e.g., [16,17,18,19,20]), and (iii) segmentation of infection in the lung (e.g., [21]). There are usually three types of artifacts that can appear in a lung ultrasound image, such as A-lines, B-lines, and irregular pleural lines (see Figure 1) [22]. When ultrasound pulses reach the surface of the lung, healthy lungs exhibit horizontal lines parallel to the surface of the transducer, known as A-lines. On the other hand, a lung infected with pneumonia shows irregular pleural lines, as well as brightness in the lung (see Figure 2). In contrast, COVID-19, a special kind of pneumonia, typically shows discreet vertical reverberation artifacts, known as B lines, which originate from the pleural surface (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) [18,19]. Based on the presence and appearance of these artifacts, pneumonia can be detected and classified as community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and COVID-19, respectively. Finally, using segmentation, the spread of pneumonia can be estimated, which can be used for the severity scoring criteria for COVID-19 [23,24].

1.3. AI for Ultrasound-based COVID-2019 Management

To accelerate the detection and classification of CAP and COVID-19 in clinical settings, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms [4,25,26,27] have recently been introduced and have shown great promise, which can reduce the burden of expert radiologists/clinicians to detect and assess the severity of pneumonia. Several studies recently reviewed these AI techniques used in COVID-19 detection and analysis in ultrasound [4,25,26,28,29,30,31,32]. Most of these review works have been performed between late 2019 and early 2022 and mainly focused on discussing AI techniques used in different ultrasound-based COVID-19 studies. However, AI methods require a sufficient volume of training data for optimal optimization of AI models to make clinically acceptable diagnostic decisions. In addition, the reproducibility of the reported accuracy in the existing studies mostly relies on access to the exact dataset that has been used in the studies. However, existing review articles did not emphasize studies based on the use of publicly accessible data, which could be a critical factor in the reproducibility of the accuracy reported. Furthermore, many existing reviews on AI-based COVID-19 detection in ultrasound are not comprehensive in covering all the works in the field.

1.4. Main Contributions

In this comprehensive review, we include ultrasound-based impacting AI COVID-19 studies that used a public data set or a private data set, or both. A summary of our contributions is the following:
  • We exhaustively surveyed articles that used publicly available lung ultrasound datasets for COVID-19. To our knowledge, this survey is the first organized to focus on the accessibility of the data set.
  • We list and review the publicly available lung ultrasound COVID-19 datasets and organize ultrasound-based AI studies per dataset.
  • We analyze and tabulate studies in several dimensions, such as data preprocessing, AI models, cross-validation, and evaluation criteria.
  • We summarize all reviewed works in a tabular fashion to facilitate an easier comparison among studies.
  • Last by not least, we also include many ultrasound-based COVID-19 AI studies that used private lung ultrasound datasets to elucidate a clear picture of the field.

1.5. Search Strategy

We searched Google Scholar1 for all scholarly publications: peer-reviewed journal papers, papers published in the proceedings of conferences or workshops, and non-peer-reviewed pre-prints from January 2020 to December 2022. The search query was (COVID-19 ∣ corona virus disease) (detect* ∣ predict* ∣ class*) (ultrasound). We also included quality unpublished preprints. We selected an article if
  • Its full text is available online or it is published in any of the common and well-known publications, which are usually accessible through an institutional subscription. In our case, we took help from fellow scientists working in top North American universities for accessing papers, if not accessible through our own institutional subscription.
  • It used any form of artificial intelligence techniques (i.e., conventional machine learning or deep learning) for COVID-19 detection or analysis from lung ultrasound data.
  • It used a lung ultrasound dataset of COVID-19, which is publicly available.
  • The hypothesis of the article is supported by its qualitative and quantitative results.
  • The article maintained a minimum standard of quality (e.g., abstract or methodology section is not missing, no reference missing error, clear legends/axis titles in the figure, etc.)
In total, we have reviewed 42 articles in this study, where 28 articles used public datasets (exhaustively included) and the rest used private data (non-exhaustive).

1.6. Paper Organization

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Details of the datasets, the collection procedure of the ultrasound images, and the image pre-processing techniques are presented in Section 2. An overview of the architecture of the AI models employed in the studies is presented in Section 3. Specific dataset-based studies with their methods and findings are tabulated and discussed in Section 4, Section 5, Section 6, and Section 7. Discussion and future work are described in Section 8. Finally, concluding remarks are presented in Section 9.

2. Input Data

Supervised learning using deep neural networks, a category of AI, has been extensively used for medical imaging applications in recent years [33]. Adequate training of deep models for medical data requires prohibitive amounts of annotated data at the image/pixel/voxel level. Using such deep models on ultrasound data for COVID-19 detection and analysis is also not an exception. Furthermore, it is also critical to have public access to such dataset as many research group lacks the clinical setup for data collection. In addition, reproducing a claimed performance by an AI method and possible future improvement greatly relies on access to the exact dataset. However, there are only a few publicly accessible lung ultrasound datasets available. In this section, we discuss such datasets and their attributes in detail.

2.1. Public Dataset

In Table 1, we list publicly accessible COVID-19 ultrasound datasets and their associated class labels. We briefly discuss each dataset below:
  • POCUS: Born et al. [12,13] published and have been maintaining a lung ultrasound dataset, namely point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), since 2020. This dataset initially contains 261 lung ultrasound recordings combining 202 videos and 59 still images collected from 216 patients. In this dataset, data from 92, 90, 73, and 6 are associated with COVID-19, healthy control, bacterial, and viral pneumonia, respectively. These data were collected using either convex or linear probes. Each film in their dataset also comes with visual pattern-based expert annotation (e.g., B-Lines or consolidations).
  • ICLUS-DB: Soldati et al. [24] published an internationally standardized lung ultrasound acquisition protocol along with a four-level scoring scheme in March 2020. This dataset contains 277 ultrasound videos (consisting of 58,924 frames) of 17 confirmed COVID-19, 4 suspected COVID-19, and 14 healthy subjects. These data were collected at various clinical centers in Italy using various ultrasound scanners by either linear or convex probes. To evaluate the progress of pathology, this data consortium defined a four-level scoring system ranging from 0 to 3. Continuous pleural-line and horizontal A-lines indicate a healthy lung with a score of 0. Score 1 is tagged for initial abnormality when alterations in the pleural line appear. Score 2 is more severe than 1 and is associated with small consolidations in the lung. Score 3 is the most severe grade, which is associated with the presence of a larger hyperechogenic area below the pleural surface (i.e., white lung).
  • COVIDx-US: Ebadi et al. [34] published an open-access lung ultrasound benchmark dataset gathered from multiple sources in 2021. The dataset was assembled from various sources (e.g., POCUS Atlas, GrepMed, Butterfly Network, and Life in the Fast Lane). This dataset (i.e., version 1.5) contains 242 videos (with 29,651 extracted images) corresponding to 71 COVID-19, 49 CAP, 94 non-pneumonia lung diseases, and 28 healthy classes.

2.2. Private Dataset

In contrast to the publicly accessible datasets described in Section 2.1, there were studies that used private datasets and some of these datasets are mentioned as available on request. However, these data sets have variations in terms of patient origin, hospital location, and data collection protocols. We list these datasets in Table 2 with the number of available samples and associated labels/classes. We also briefly summarize the imaging protocols and types of transducers used in those datasets below.
Regardless of the variation of ultrasound scanners, scanning areas on skin targeting the lung are typically similar across datasets. Durrani et al. [35] considered six distinctive scanning regions in their study. Panicker et al. [36] adopted the scan protocol of Soldati et al. [24] and also aimed at six acquisition points for data extraction. Quentin Muller et al. [37] scanned on ten thoracic sites in their study. Although video of the costophrenic region was excluded in [38], most studies followed a twelve-zone scanning protocol for the data acquisition process [21,39,40,41,42,43]. Furthermore, Mento et al. [44] used fourteen scanning areas, following the scan protocol of by Soldati et al. [24]. Another study [45] followed the scan protocol by Mento et al. [46] and Perrone et al. [47].
Variations in transducer types and frequency were also observed in the studies. For example, some studies used low-frequency (1–5 MHz) curved array [36,39,40,41] and phased array [35,38] transducers. On the other hand, Roshankhah et al. [45] used both linear and convex transducers in multi-sites with a wide range of center frequencies. Similarly, La Salvia et al. [42] used both linear and convex transducers with a frequency of 5 and 12 MHz, respectively, and Mento et al. [44] used 3.5 to 6.6 MHz in their study.
Table 2. List of private (non-accessible publicly) COVID-19 ultrasound datasets. Acronyms- N: number of samples, Tr: training, Va: validation, and Te: test.
Table 2. List of private (non-accessible publicly) COVID-19 ultrasound datasets. Acronyms- N: number of samples, Tr: training, Va: validation, and Te: test.
Sl. Dataset Year N Tr/Va/Te Classes Note
1 London Health Sciences Centre’s
2 tertiary hospitals (Canada)
2020 (243 patients)
600 videos; 121,381 frames
∼80/20 COVID, Non-COVID,
Hydrostatic Pulmonary Edema
2 ULTRACOV (Ultrasound in
Coronavirus disease) [39]
2022 (28 COVID-19 patients)
3 sec video each
- A-Lines, B-Lines,
consolidations, and pleural effusions
Available upon
3 Huoshenshan Hospital
(Wuhan, China) [40]
2021 (31 patients)
1,527 images
- Normal, septal syndrome,
interstitial-alveolar syndrome,
white lung
Source Link2
4 Royal Melbourne Hospital
(Australia) [35]
2022 (9 patients)
27 videos; 3,827 frames
- Normal, consolidation/collapse Available upon
5 Ultrasound lung data
2021 (300 patients)
1530 videos; 287,549 frames
80/20 A-line artifacts, B-line artifacts,
presence of consolidation/pleural effusion
6 Huoshenshan Hospital
(Wuhan, China) [41]
2022 (31 patients); 2,062 images - Normal, septal syndrome,
interstitial-alveolar syndrome,
white lung
Source Link3
7 Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San
Matteo’s Emergency Department
(Pavia, Italy) [42]
2021 (450 patients)
2,908 frames
75/15/10 A-lines with two B-lines,
slightly irregular pleural line,
artefacts in 50% of the pleura,
damaged pleural line,
visible consolidated areas,
damaged pleura/irregular tissue
8 Third People’s Hospital of Shenzhen
(China) [48]
2020 (71 COVID-19 patients)
678 videos; 6,836 images
- A-line, B-line,
pleural lesion,
pleural effusion
9 Fondazione Policlinico Universitario
Agostino Gemelli (Rome, Italy),
Fondazione Policlinico San
Matteo (Pavia, Italy)
2021 (82 patients)
1,488 videos; 314,879 frames
- 4 severity levels
10 CHUV (Lausanne, Switzerland)
2020 (193 patients)
1,265 videos; 3,455 images
80/20 True (experts’ approval),
False (experts’ disapproval)
11 Various online sources
2022 792 images - COVID-19, healthy -
12 Spain, India
2021 (10 subjects)
400 videos, 5,000 images
- A-lines, lack of A-lines,
appearance of B-lines,
confluent appearance of B-lines,
appearance of C-lines
Available upon
13 Private clinics (Lima, Peru)
2021 1,500 images - Healthy, COVID-19 Available upon
14 BresciaMed (Brescia, Italy), Valle del
Serchio General Hospital (Lucca, Italy),
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario
A. Gemelli IRCCS (Rome, Italy), Fondazione
Policlinico Universitario San Matteo IRCCS
(Pavia, Italy), and Tione General Hospital
(Tione, Italy) [45]
2021 (32 patients)
203 videos; 1,863 frames
90/10 Healthy,
indentation of pleural line,
discontinuity of the pleural line, white lung
15 Beijing Ditan Hospital
(Beijing, China) [43]
2021 (27 COVID-19 patients)
13 moderate, 7 severe, 7 critical
- Severe, non-severe -
16 Cancer Center of Union Hospital,
West of Union Hospital, Jianghan Cabin
Hospital, Jingkai Cabin Hospital,
Leishenshan Hospital
2021 (313 COVID-19 patients)
10 second video from each
- Normal, presence of 3-5 B-lines,
≥6 B-lines or irregular pleura line,
fused B-lines or thickening pleura line,
Figure 3 presents a pie-chart showing the percentage of articles, reviewed in this study, per lung ultrasound datasets.

2.3. Data Pre-processing and Augmentation

Various image processing techniques are typically used before feeding the data to AI models. Image processing techniques include, but are not limited to, curve-to-linear conversion, image resizing, intensity normalization, standardization, augmentation, etc. In this section, we briefly discuss different image pre-processing techniques used in the reviewed articles.

2.3.1. Curve-to-linear Conversion

Acquired ultrasound videos and images using convex transducers are typically fan-shaped (i.e., narrower close to the probe surface, while wider at depth). On the contrary, ultrasound videos and images that use linear transducers are usually rectangular in shape. Thus, harmonizing images acquired by convex and linear transducers requires the conversion of fan-shaped images to rectangular images. Therefore, various automatic built-in conversion techniques in the scanner, as well as external user-defined interpolation techniques [51], are typically used for this conversion task, and ultrasound-based COVID-19 AI studies are not an exception [16].

2.3.2. Image Resizing

Image resizing is the most common image pre-processing technique used for AI model training. Typically, ultrasound images come with various resolutions in terms of pixel count. On the other hand, AI models, especially deep learning models, typically require all input images to be of equal dimension. In addition, the larger input image dimension and the number of channels cause a higher computational overhead in the AI model optimization process. Therefore, AI studies often resize input images to a widely used common dimension across datasets. Most of the reviewed articles in this paper, for example, [37,49,50,52,53,54,55], etc., also used the common image dimension of 224× 224 pixels, as well-known computer vision deep learning models are typically designed to intake images of 224×224 pixels. However, other image dimensions are also found for ultrasound COVID-19 studies. For example, Karar et al. [56] resized all ultrasound images to 28×28 pixels to avoid a higher computational overhead. Furthermore, Mateu et al. [57], Durrani et al. [35], Muhammad and Hossain [58], and Gare et al. [15] resized their ultrasound images to 254×254, 806×550, 512×512, and 624×464 pixels, respectively.

2.3.3. Intensity Normalization

Intensity normalization is another common image pre-processing technique used in AI studies. This process ensures a common intensity range across images and datasets. In most cases, all image data are converted to a common intensity range of [0, 1], or [0, 255] [55], followed by mean subtraction and division by standard deviation [37,43,45,58,59].

2.3.4. Image Augmentation

Image augmentation is a widely used technique in AI studies, which is used to increase the number of training data, as well as increase the variation and diversity in the appearance of an image. one of the most prevalent steps that have been executed in most of the studies. Various conventional (as in Hussain et al. [60]) and learning-based data augmentation [61] techniques are present in the literature. Conventional image augmentation techniques such as random rotation, horizontal and vertical flipping, histogram equalization, random image shifting, zooming in and out, and/or a combination of these operations, etc., are more prevalent in AI studies, and articles in this review (e.g., Born et al. [12], Gare et al. [15], Roy et al. [20], Arntfield et al. [38], La Salvia et al. [42], Nabalamba [49], Rojas-Azabache et al. [50], Muhammad and Hossain [58], Adedigba and Adeshina [59]) mostly adopted this type of augmentation.

2.3.5. Other Image Processing Techniques

Apart from the common image pre-processing techniques discussed above, there are other processes that are often used in ultrasound AI studies. Ultrasound images are known to be a noisy modality [62]. Therefore, ultrasound-based studies often use noise reduction filters for pre-processing of images [18], such as circular averaging filter [63], median filter [64], non-linear diffusion filter [65], contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) [66], etc.
Ebadi et al. [34] performed several pre-processing operations to make resulting ultrasound images in COVIDx-US4 dataset easily usable to AI models. They cropped video frames into rectangular windows to remove the background or visible text from the image periphery. Any video frame with a moving pointer on it was also ignored when frames were extracted to use as images.

3. AI in Ultrasound COVID-2019 Studies

The accuracy of identifying COVID-19 infection and assessing its severity is based primarily on the expertise of clinicians, which is often difficult and time-consuming. To overcome this limitation, AI approaches have been widely used in recent years. AI approaches used in COVID-19 ultrasound studies can be categorized into conventional machine learning and deep learning approaches. Conventional machine learning approaches (e.g., support vector machine (SVM), linear regression, etc.) typically require hand-engineering of features, which are often difficult to define optimally [60]. Overcoming this limitation, deep learning using convolutional neural networks (CNN) has exploded in popularity throughout the last decade. There are various CNN architectures, which have been widely used on natural image and medical image-based classification and segmentation tasks. However, medical imaging data are often very difficult to collect, which results in a small training data cohort. To overcome this limitation, deep learning on medical imaging often leverages the transfer learning strategy, where the deep model is pre-trained on a much larger natural image dataset and then finetuned on the smaller medical data. This transfer learning strategy is also used in many articles (for example, Nabalamba [49], Rojas-Azabache et al. [50], Diaz-Escobar et al. [67], Al-Jumaili et al. [68], Barros et al. [69]) we reviewed in this study. In addition, many studies in this review (for example, Born et al. [12], Diaz-Escobar et al. [67]) used cross-validation techniques to avoid overfitting.

3.1. AI Models

In Table 3, we list the articles reviewed in this study and the corresponding AI methods used by these articles. We also mark in the table whether a study used conventional machine learning or deep learning or both. We see in the table that only two studies used conventional machine learning approaches (see rows 12 and 40 of Table 3) approaches, and two studies combined conventional machine learning and deep learning (see rows 2 and 14 of Table 3). Except for these two studies, all other studies we reviewed used deep learning approaches. This tendency to prefer deep learning approaches over conventional machine learning approaches is motivated by the fact that deep learning models are capable of learning optimal feature representation by themselves without requiring manual intervention and the availability of more complex and powerful computation facilities.

3.2. Loss Functions

A classification model can be defined as y ^ = f θ ( x ) , where the AI model f θ is parameterized by a set of parameters θ and an input image x is assigned to the most probable class y ^ . Given a training set of ultrasound images x i and their ground truth class y i { ( x i , y i ) ; i = 1 , , N } , training a classification model consists of finding the model parameters θ that minimize loss L , such as:
θ * = arg min θ i = 1 N L ( y ^ i y i )
Therefore, the choice of the appropriate loss function L is important, and we briefly discuss the loss functions used in the articles reviewed in this study.

3.2.1. Cross-entropy Loss

Training an AI model on a binary decision-making task (e.g., COVID-19 vs. CAP, or COVID-19 vs. healthy, etc.) usually utilizes binary cross-entropy or simply cross-entropy loss defined as:
L C E ( X , Y ; θ ) = 1 N i = 1 N y i × l o g ( y ^ i ) + ( 1 y i ) × l o g ( 1 y ^ i ) .
The cross-entropy loss appears in the majority of ultrasound COVID-19 AI studies (e.g., Born et al. [12,13], Gare et al. [15], Che et al. [17], Frank et al. [19], Perera et al. [55], Diaz-Escobar et al. [67]).

3.2.2. Categorical Cross-entropy

Categorical cross-entropy works on multiclass (more than two classes; e.g., COVID-19 vs. CAP vs. Healthy) classification problems. This loss is typically used in an AI model when the model must select one or more categories among numerous possible categories/classes. This loss can be defined as:
L C C E ( X , Y ; θ ) = 1 N i = 1 N y i × l o g ( y ^ i ) .
Like cross-entropy loss, categorical cross-entropy loss also appears in many ultrasound COVID-19 AI studies (e.g., Karar et al. [53], Sadik et al. [66], Barros et al. [69]).

3.2.3. L1 Loss

L1 loss, also known as mean absolute loss, is typically used when an AI model is tasked to predict a continuous value (e.g., the distance between two landmarks, optimal location for lung scanning using ultrasound, etc.). It is defined as:
L 1 ( X , Y ; θ ) = i = 1 N y t r u e y p r e d i c t ,
where y t r u e and y p r e d i c t are the ground truth and predicted continuous values, respectively. Al-Zogbi et al. [70] used this loss function to train their deep model to predict landmarks for optimal ultrasound scanning.

3.2.4. Focal Loss

The focal loss is a dynamically scaled cross-entropy loss and is used when there is a class in the training data. Focal loss incorporates a modulating term in the conventional cross-entropy loss so that it can emphasize learning from difficult data samples that lead to misclassification more often. This loss is defined as:
L F L ( X , Y ; θ ) = 1 N i = 1 N ( 1 y ^ i ) γ × l o g ( y ^ i ) ,
where γ controls the weight of different samples and γ = 0 transforms Eq. 6 into a binary cross-entropy loss. Awasthi et al. [72] used focal loss in their ultrasound-based COVID-19 study.

3.2.5. Soft Ordinal (SORD) Loss

When output classes are independent of each other, their relative order in the loss calculation during deep model training does not matter. This scenario allows using one-hot encoding, i.e., setting all wrong classes to be infinitely far from the true class. However, there exists a soft order among classes in an ordinal regression scenario, where certain categories are more correct than others with respect to the true label Diaz and Marathe [14] (i.e., a true class is no longer infinitely far from false classes, resulting in a continuity among classes). For these continuously related classes, Roy et al. [20] introduced a modified cross-entropy, called soft ordinal (SORD) loss, defined as:
L S O R D ( X , Y ; θ ) = i = 1 N e δ ( n , i ) j N e δ ( j , i ) × l o g e f θ ( x i ) j N e f θ ( x j ) ,
where N is the set of possible soft-valued classes, n is a possible ground truth soft value, δ is a user-defined distance (e.g., weighted square distance) between scores/levels, f θ is the deep model and x i is the i-th input data.

3.3. Evaluation Criteria

The effectiveness and efficacy of predictive models are assessed using various evaluation metrics. This process follows a standard approach of building a model on a dataset followed by testing it on a holdout dataset that was not used during training. A comparison between the model-predicted values and the holdout dataset’s expected values provides the measure of a model’s effectiveness. The metrics compare the actual class label to the predicted class label for the classification problems. The different studies reviewed in this article used different types of evaluation criteria, which we briefly discuss below. We also clarify a few key acronyms that are typically used to define different evaluation criteria here.
  • True Positive (TP): A result that is positive as both the actual value and the expected value.
  • True Negative (TN): A result that is negative as both the actual value and the expected value.
  • False Positive (FP): A false positive occurs when a projected outcome is indicated as being positive when it is actually negative.
  • False Negative (FN): A false negative occurs when a projected outcome is indicated as being negative when it is actually positive.

3.3.1. Precision

The ratio of accurate positive predictions and all positive predictions is known as precision. Precision is the proportion of true positives to all predicted positives, which is defined as:
Precision = T P T P + F P .

3.3.2. Recall

Recall, also known as Sensitivity, estimates the ratio of the number of predicted positive samples and the actual number of positive samples, which is defined as:
Recall = T P T P + F N .

3.3.3. Specificity

Specificity is the complement of Sensitivity, which estimates the ratio of the number of predicted negative samples and the actual number of negative samples. It is defined as:
Specificity = T N T N + F P .

3.3.4. Accuracy

The proportion of accurately predicted samples among all predictions is known as accuracy, which is defined as:
Accuracy = T P + T N T P + T N + F P + F N .

3.3.5. F1–score

The weighted average of precision and recall is the F1-score. This metric is generally more beneficial than accuracy, especially if there is an uneven class distribution. F1-score is defined as:
F 1 score = 2 × Precision × Recall Precision + Recall .

3.3.6. Intersection over Union (IoU)

IoU is typically used in segmentation accuracy estimation, which is the ratio of overlap between the bounding box around a predicted object and the bounding box around the ground truth object mask. It can be defined as:
IoU = T P T P + F P + F N .

3.3.7. Sørensen–Dice coefficient

Sørensen–Dice coefficient, or simply Dice, is another common metric used in segmentation accuracy estimation, which is defined as:
Sørensen Dice = 2 × T P ( 2 × T P ) + F P + F N .

4. Studies using POCUS Dataset

We discussed the POCUS dataset [12] in Section 2.1, which can be used in making breakthroughs in the diagnosis, monitoring, and reporting of COVID-19 pneumonia in patients. This dataset contains COVID-19 (35%), bacterial pneumonia (28%), viral pneumonia (2%), and healthy (35%) classes.

4.1. Studies

In Table 4, we summarize studies that used the POCUS dataset to develop and evaluate AI methods. Al-Jumaili et al. [68] utilized a set of pre-trained CNN models, namely ResNet-18, ResNet-50, GoogleNet, and NASNet-Mobile, to extract the features from the images. These features are then fed to an SVM classifier to classify the images into COVID-19, CAP, and healthy classes. A regression task was performed by Al-Zogbi et al. [70], who employed DenseNet to approximate the position of the ultrasound probe in the desired scanning areas of the torso. Almeida et al. [71] investigated a lightweight neural network, MobileNets, in the context of computer-aided diagnostics and classified ultrasound videos among abnormal, B-lines, mild B-lines, severe B-lines, consolidations, and pleural thickening classes. Awasthi et al. [72] also focused on lightweight networks that can operate on mobile or embedded devices to enable rapid bedside detection without additional infrastructure. Their method classified ultrasound images into COVID-19, CAP, and healthy classes. Barros et al. [69] proposed a CNN-LSTM hybrid model for the classification of lung ultrasound videos among COVID-19, bacterial pneumonia, and healthy classes. The extraction of the spatial feature was performed by CNNs, while the time dependency was established using the LSTM module. Born et al. published three consecutive articles [12,13,74] using POCOVID-Net, VGG-16, and Model-genesis, respectively, to classify lung ultrasound images into COVID-19, CAP, and healthy classes. Several pre-trained neural networks such as VGG-19, InceptionV3, Xception, and RestNet-50 have been fine-tuned on the lung ultrasound image by Diaz-Escobar et al. [67] to detect COVID-19 in the lung ultrasound test data. Gare et al. [15] used reverse transfer learning in a U-Net, where weights were pre-trained for segmentation and then transferred for the COVID-19, CAP, and Healthy ultrasound image classification task. To address the need for a less complex, power efficient, and less expensive solution to screen lung ultrasound images and monitor lung status, Hou et al. [75] introduced a Saab transform-based subspace learning model to find the A-line, B-line, and consolidation in lung ultrasound data. Karar et al. [53] introduced a lightweight deep model, COVID-LWNet, to make an efficient CNN-based system for classifying lung ultrasound images into COVID-19, bacterial pneumonia, and healthy classes. In addition, Karar et al. [56] proposed a generative adversarial network (GAN) to perform the same task on ultrasound images. Few-shot learning is a machine learning framework, where a machine learning model is trained with supervision using a few training samples. Karnes et al. [54] used the few-shot learning on the POCUS dataset and classified test images into COVID-19, CAP, and healthy classes. A few other approaches also used state-of-the-art CNNs [58,66] or transformers [55] to classify lung ultrasound images into COVID-19, CAP, and healthy classes.

4.2. Evaluation

Studies using POCUS dataset reported impressive results across various metrics and methodologies. For instance, Al-Jumaili et al. [68] achieved accuracy, precision, and F1-score of above 99%. Awasthi et al. [72] developed a power and memory-efficient network that attained an impressive highest accuracy of 83.2%. Among pre-trained models, Diaz-Escobar et al. [67] found that the InceptionV3 model had the highest accuracy of 89.1% and ROC-AUC of 97.1%. In semantic segmentation, Gare et al. [15] reported high scores for various metrics, including mIoU (0.957), accuracy (0.849), precision (0.885), recall (0.925), and F1-score (0.897). Saab transform-based successive subspace learning model was reported to have an accuracy of 0.96 by Hou et al. [75]. Additionally, modified AC-GAN (accuracy: 99.45%) outperformed semi-supervised GAN (accuracy: 99%) in a study by Karar et al. [56], while MnasNet achieved the best accuracy of 99% among six pre-trained networks. Muhammad and Hossain [58] obtained high scores for accuracy, precision, and recall (91.8%, 92.5%, and 93.2%, respectively) with a less complex CNN architecture based on fusion. The real-time mass COVID-19 test by Perera et al. [55] resulted in over 90% accuracy, while spectral mask enhancement (SpecMEn) improved the accuracy score of DenseNet-201 from 89.5% to 90.4% in a study by [66].

5. Studies using ICLUS-DB Dataset

We discussed the Italian COVID-19 Lung Ultrasound dataset (ICLUS) in Section 2.1, which can also be used in making breakthroughs in the diagnosis, monitoring, and reporting of COVID-19 pneumonia in patients. This resource may enable AI to identify the progress, rate, and response of the disease to treatment, facilitating more effective and personalized patient care. This dataset contains lung ultrasound data with different COVID-19 severity scores, defined as score 0: Continuous A-line (34% of the total data), score 1: alteration in A-line (24% of the total data), score 2: small consolidation (32% of the total data), and score 3: large consolidation (10% of the total data). The following table (Table 5) summarizes the literature on the detection of COVID-19 through the use of the ICLUS-DB dataset.

5.1. Studies

In Table 5, we summarize studies that used the ICLUS-DB dataset [24] to develop and evaluate AI methods. Carrer et al. [16] proposed an automatic and unsupervised method to locate the pleural line using the hidden Markov model (HMM) and Viterbi Algorithm (VA). Subsequently, the localized pleural line is used in a supervised support vector machine (SVM) to classify the lung ultrasound image into COVID-19 severity scores 0-3. Che et al. [17] extracted local phase and radial symmetry features from lung ultrasound images, which were then fed to a multi-scale residual CNN to classify the image between COVID-19 and non-COVID classes. Dastider et al. [18] incorporated a long-short-term memory module (LSTM) in DenseNet-201 to predict the severity of COVID between 0 and 3 in lung ultrasound images. Frank et al. [19] incorporated domain-based knowledge such as anatomical features, and pleural and vertical artifacts in conventional CNNs (i.e., ResNet-18, ResNet-101, VGG-16, MobileNetV2, MobileNetV3, and DeepLabV3++) to detect the severity of COVID-19 in lung ultrasound images. Roy et al. [20] trained several benchmark CNN models such as U-Net, U-Net++, DeepLabV3, and model genesis, incorporating spatial transformer networks (STN) to simultaneously predict severity scores of COVID-19 and localize pathological artifacts in a weakly supervised way in lung ultrasound images. In a unique study, [76] evaluated the performance of deep AI models in the severity scoring of COVID-19 by varying the resolution of the image and the intensity of the gray level of the lung ultrasound images.

5.2. Evaluation

Studies that used ICLUS-DB, as summarized in Table 5, reported impressive results in various metrics. Carrer et al. [16] reported accuracy of 88% and 94% for lung ultrasound images acquired with convex and linear probes, respectively, when using SVM to detect pleural line alterations due to COVID-19. Che et al. [17] reported an accuracy of 95.11% and an F1-score of 96.70% in predicting the severity scores of COVID-19 on lung ultrasound. Other studies mainly predicted COVID-19 severity scores [0, 3] using the ICLUS-DB lung ultrasound dataset as summarized in Table 5. For example, accuracy in severity scoring is reported to be 67.7-79.1%, 93%, 96%, and 82.3% by Dastider et al. [18], Frank et al. [19], Roy et al. [20], and Khan et al. [76].

6. Studies using COVIDx-US Dataset

The COVIDx-US is another large public dataset (discussed in Section 2.1) that has been thoroughly reviewed, analyzed, and validated with the aim of developing and assessing AI models and algorithms [34]. Table 6 summarizes existing deep learning approaches that used this dataset for COVID-19 identification and characterization in lung ultrasound images.

6.1. Studies

We summarize the studies that used the COVIDx-US dataset to develop and evaluate AI methods in Table 6. Adedigba and Adeshina [59] used computation and memory efficient SqueezeNet and MobileNetV2 to classify lung ultrasound images in COVID-19, CAP, normal, and other classes. Using a hybrid network consisting of the InceptionV3 model to extract spatial information and a recurrent neural network (RNN) to extract temporal features, Azimi et al. [73] classified lung ultrasound images into COVID-19 and non-COVID classes. MacLean et al. [77] proposed a deep neural network, COVID-Net US, using a generative synthesis process that finds an optimal macro-architecture design in classifying lung ultrasound images into COVID-19 and non-COVID classes. Furthermore, MacLean et al. [78] used ResNet to classify lung ultrasound images into one of the four lung ultrasound severity scores (i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3). Zeng et al. [79] proposed an improved COVID-Net US network, called COVID-Net US-X, that used a projective transformation-based augmentation to transform linear probe data to better resemble convex probe data. This approach performed a binary classification of lung ultrasound images into COVID-19 and non-COVID classes.

6.2. Evaluation

The COVIDx-US dataset was used to implement various models, whose performance is illustrated by various evaluation metrics in Table 6. The models implemented by Adedigba and Adeshina [59] achieved high levels of accuracy (99.74%), precision rate (99.58%), and recall (99.39%). Meanwhile, Azimi et al. [73]’s hybrid network attained an overall accuracy of 94.44% and learned to categorize COVID-19 as a binary classification problem. MacLean et al. [77]’s deep model achieved an area-under-the-curve (AUC) of over 0.98 while reducing architectural and computational complexity and inference times significantly. ResNet implemented by MacLean et al. [78] achieved a total accuracy of 69.2% with varying sensitivity values for different classes. Among all the models, the MobileNet and SqueezeNet variations performed the best in this dataset, with Zeng et al. [79] achieving a gain of 5.1% in test accuracy and 13.6% in AUC.

7. Studies using Private Dataset

Several studies have utilized privately owned datasets, which are not publicly available as mentioned in Section 2.2. However, some of the primary sources of these datasets, such as hospitals, clinics, and online repositories, have overlapped with those of public data. Although some links to private data sets could not be traced due to lack of availability in the papers, some can be accessed by sending a request for use (for example, Durrani et al. [35], Camacho et al. [39], Rojas-Azabache et al. [50]).
Table 7. A summary of studies that used private datasets. ✗ indicates either absent or not discussed in the article.
Table 7. A summary of studies that used private datasets. ✗ indicates either absent or not discussed in the article.
Studies AI
Loss Results Cross-validation Augmentation/
Arntfield et al. [38] Xception Binary Cross Entropy ROC-AUC: 0.978 Random zooming in/out by ≤10%,
horizontal flipping, horizontal
stretching/contracting by ≤20%,
vertical stretching/contracting (≤5%),
and bi-directional rotation by 10
Hydrostatic pulmonary
edema (HPE), onn-COVID
acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS),
Chen et al. [40] 2-layer NN, SVM,
Decision Tree
Accuracy: 87% k=5 Curve-to-linear
Score 0: Normal,
Score 1: Septal syndrome,
Score 2: Interstitial-alveolar syndrome,
Score 3: White lung syndrome
Durrani et al. [35] CNN, Reguralized
SORD Accuracy: 89%,
PR-AUC: 73%
k=10 Replacing overlays,
resizing to 806×550 pixels
Consolidation present,
consolidation absent
Ebadi et al. [52] Kinetics-I3D Focal loss Accuracy: 90%
Precision: 95%
k=5 A-line (normal),
Consolidation and/or
pleural effusion
Huang et al. [41] Non-local Channel
Attention ResNet
Cross-entropy Accuracy: 92.34%,
F1-score: 92.05%,
Precision: 91.96%
Recall: 90.43%,
Resizing to
300×300 pixels
Score 0: normal,
Score 1: septal syndrome,
Score 2: interstitial-alveolar syndrome,
Score 3: white lung syndrome
La Salvia et al. [42] ResNet-18, ResNet-50 Cross-entropy F1-score: 98% Geometric, filtering, random centre
cropping, and colour transformations
Severity Score:
0, 0*, 1, 1*, 2, 2*, 3
Liu et al. [48] Multi-symptom multi-label
(MSML) network
Cross-entropy Accuracy: 100%
(with 14.7% data)
Random rotation
(up to 10 degrees)
and horizontal flips
A-line, B-line,
Pleural lesion, Pleural effusion
Mento et al. [44] STN, U-Net, DeepLabV3+ Agreement between
AI scoring and
expert scoring 85.96%
Expert scores:
0, 1, 2, 3
Quentin Muller et al. [37] ResNet-18 Cross-entropy Accuracy (Val): 100% Resizing to 349×256 Ultrasound frames
with (positive) and
without (negative)
clinical predictive value
Nabalamba [49] VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet Binary cross-entropy Accuracy: 98%,
Recall: 1,
Precision: 96%,
F1-score: 97.82%,
ROC-AUC: 99.9%
Width and height shifting,
random zoom within 20%,
brightness variations within [0.4, 1.3],
rotation up to 10 degrees
COVID-19, Healthy
Panicker et al. [36] LUSNet (U-Net based CNN) Categorical cross-entropy Accuracy: 97%,
Sensitivity: 93%,
Specificity: 98%
k=5 Generation of local
phase and shadow back
scatter product images
Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Availablec
Roshankhah et al. [45] U-Net Categorical cross-entropy Accuracy: 95% Randomly cropping and
rotating the frames
Severity Score:
0, 1, 2, 3
Wang et al. [43] SVM ROC-AUC: 0.93,
Sensitivity: 0.93,
Specificity: 0.85
Non-severe, severe
Xue et al. [21] UNet (with modality alignment
contrastive learning of
representation (MA-CLR))
75% (4-level)
87.5% (binary)
Affine transformations (translation,
rotation, scaling, shearing),
reflection, contrast change, Gaussian
noise, and Gaussian filtering
Severity score:
0, 1, 2, 3

7.1. Studies

Arntfield et al. [38] highlighted the need for collaborative research involving multi-center for the discrepancy in results between the model and people, which shows the presence of hidden biomarkers within ultrasound images. In addition, they trained Xception neural network to classify lung ultrasound images into hydrostatic pulmonary edema (HPE), non-COVID acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and COVID-19 ARDS. Chen et al. [40] employed a 2-layer NN to extract image features, which were subsequently used in an SVM and decision tree algorithm for predicting lung ultrasound scores between 0 to 3 (i.e., score 0: normal, score 1: septal syndrome, score 2: interstitial-alveolar syndrome, and score 3: white lung syndrome). Durrani et al. [35] used an autonomous deep learning-based technique to detect consolidation/collapses in lung ultrasound images. A CNN and Reg-STN-based model has been used with a SORD cross-entropy loss function. A fast and reliable interpretation of COVID-19 effects in lung ultrasound images without requiring any pre-processing was presented by Ebadi et al. [52]. They proposed a two-stream inflated 3D CNN, known as Kinetics-I3D, to detect A-line (normal), B-line, consolidation, and/or pleural effusion in lung ultrasound images. Huang et al. [41] proposed a non-local channel attention ResNet to facilitate extraction of dependencies between distant pixels and stressing specific key channels. Their method classified lung ultrasound images into four scores (i.e., score 0: normal, score 1: septal syndrome, score 2: interstitial-alveolar syndrome, and score 3: white lung syndrome). La Salvia et al. [42] used ResNet-18 and ResNet-50 to perform a seven-way classification of lung ultrasound images. Classes include score 0: A-lines, score 0*: A-lines not defined, score 1: an irregular or damaged pleural line along with visible vertical artifacts, score 1*: pleural line not defined, score 2: broken pleural line with small or broad consolidated areas with wide vertical artifacts below (white lung), score 2*: broken pleural line not defined, and score 3: dense and broadly visible white lung with or without larger consolidations. Liu et al. [48] proposed a novel multi-symptom multi-label (MSML) network incorporating a semi-supervised two-stream active learning strategy, which detected A-line, B-line, pleural lesion, and pleural effusion in lung ultrasound images. In a different type of study, Mento et al. [44] estimated the agreement of the COVID-19 severity scores predicted by deep models (i.e., STN, U-Net, and DeepLabV3+) to the expert scores. Quentin Muller et al. [37] used a pre-trained ResNet-18 to automate the selection of clinically meaningful and predictive image frames from lung ultrasound videos that have high clinical predictive value. Nabalamba [49] used three pre-trained deep learning models (i.e., VGG-16, VGG-19, and ResNet) to detect COVID-19 from lung ultrasound images. Panicker et al. [36] designed a U-Net for lung ultrasound image analysis, called LUSNet, which is trained to classify ultrasound images into five severity scores. Their approach made ultrasound images agnostic to the type of probe used to acquire ultrasound images. In a typical abnormal lung ultrasound image, B-line artifacts appear, which gradually evolve into white patterns as the severity increases. Using these anatomical changes, Roshankhah et al. [45] used the U-Net-based segmentation approach to automatically stage the progression of COVID-19. Although most AI approaches for COVID-19 detection and analysis adopted deep learning techniques, Wang et al. [43] extracted hand-engineered features such as the thickness and roughness of the pleural line, which were subsequently used in an SVM to classify lung ultrasound images into severe and non-severe cases. Xue et al. [21] performed a comprehensive study using the features from lung ultrasound data and clinical information in supervised attention-based multiple instance learning (DSA-MIL) modules to classify lung ultrasound images into four severity grades.

7.2. Evaluation

Various metrics have been used to evaluate the performance of methods that used private datasets. Arntfield et al. [38] were able to distinguish between COVID-19 (AUC = 1.0), non-COVID (AUC = 0.934), and HPE (AUC = 1.0) with high AUCs, while the performance of physicians for the detection of COVID-19, non-COVID, and HPE had AUCs of 0.697, 0.704, and 0.967, respectively. Camacho et al. [39] achieved high agreement between the expert and the algorithm for detecting B-Lines (88.0%), consolidations (93.4%), and pleural effusion (99.7%), and moderate agreement for the individual video score (72.8%). Chen et al. [40] performed a comparison of performance by CNN, SVM, and Decision Tree models, where CNN performed the best, achieving 87% accuracy over traditional machine learning models. In the study of Durrani et al. [35], the video-based supervised learning method outperformed a fully supervised frame-based method in terms of PR-AUC, with scores of 73.34 and 60.08, respectively. Using a classification model originally developed for recognizing human action, Ebadi et al. [52] achieved high accuracy (90%) and average precision (95%). Using a non-local channel attention ResNet, [41] achieved superior performance compared to conventional ResNet, VGG, and other networks, with an accuracy of 92.34% and F1-score of 92.05%. Liu et al. [48] reported 100% accuracy for regional classification by training only 14.7% of the data, with comparable performance in sensitivity (92.38%) and specificity (100%). Nabalamba [49] also achieved an accuracy of 98%, along with other high metrics (precision of 95.74, recall of 1.00, F1-score of 97.82%, and ROC-AUC of 99.99%) for the classification of patients at high risk of clinical deterioration and patients at low risk. Similarly, Mento et al. [44] showed a high percentage of agreement (85.96%) for the classification of patients at high risk of clinical deterioration and patients at low risk with those of expert-radiologists. Quentin Muller et al. [37] employed a transfer learning-based approach that achieved high validation accuracy (99.74%) for data with varying brightness levels. Using deep learning approaches, higher accuracy of 97% and 95% in the detection of COVID-19 in ultrasound is also reported by Panicker et al. [36] and Roshankhah et al. [45], respectively. Wang et al. [43] on the other hand, used an SVM classifier that achieved a good binary classification performance between severe and non-severe cases (sensitivity = 0.93, specificity = 0.85, ROC-AUC = 0.93). By combining lung ultrasound data and clinical information in a multiple instance learning framework, Xue et al. [21] were able to categorize patients’ clinical severity into four groups with 75% accuracy and into severe/non-severe groups with 87.5% accuracy.

8. Discussion and Future Works

We began this survey with 874 articles with initial search results on the topic of COVID-19 detection using AI in ultrasound from Google Scholar. After several filtering phases as discussed in Section 1.5, we reviewed a total of 42 lung ultrasound studies that focused on COVID-19 detection or analysis using AI. However, we could not review an additional 14 papers that satisfied our inclusion criteria except that we could access that full-text due to not having institutional subscriptions to journals that were published. Nonetheless, some of the key observations that can be noted from this review are as follows:

8.1. COVID-19 Severity Assessment

Ultrasound can be helpful in assessing the severity of COVID-19 in patients, as supported by the studies in the survey [16,17,18,19,20]. COVID-19 primarily affects the respiratory system, causing pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Lung ultrasound can detect these lung abnormalities earlier than chest radiographs and provide detailed information on the extent and severity of lung involvement [80]. It can also help differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from bacterial or viral pneumonia (i.e., CAP). Overall, ultrasound is a safe and non-invasive imaging modality that can provide valuable information for the assessment and management of COVID-19 in patients, especially pregnant women, and children. It can help detect early lung involvement, monitor disease progression, and guide clinical decision-making.

8.2. Data Partition for Benchmarking

Although numerous publicly available datasets are available, studies have reported varying degrees of quantitative accuracy in detecting, segmenting, and assessing the severity of COVID-19 independently. Without replicating the results of a particular study that used a publicly available ultrasound dataset, it is impossible to make a fair comparison of methodological performance. However, this complex issue can be resolved by partitioning a specific portion of a publicly available dataset for quantitative validation between studies. This benchmark dataset can then be used for model validation and quantitative accuracy comparison.

8.3. Public Sharing of Code

We found in this review that there are very few studies shared their AI model implementations publicly (e.g., [12,18,20,69,73]). However, sharing code publicly is crucial for COVID-19 detection and analysis using AI for several reasons. Firstly, it promotes transparency and reproducibility of research, allowing other researchers to build upon existing work and improve upon it. This collaborative approach accelerates scientific discovery progress and facilitates the development of more accurate and reliable AI models for COVID-19 detection and analysis. Second, publicly sharing code enables easier evaluation and comparison of different AI models. This allows researchers to identify the most effective and accurate models for COVID-19 detection and analysis, and to make improvements where necessary. Thirdly, public code sharing promotes the wider adoption of AI models for COVID-19 detection and analysis. By making the code publicly available, researchers and healthcare professionals can access and implement AI models in their own settings, improving the accuracy and speed of COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment. Public code sharing plays a critical role in advancing research in COVID-19 detection and analysis using AI, promoting collaboration and transparency, facilitating evaluation and comparison of models, and accelerating the development and adoption of accurate and reliable AI models for COVID-19 detection and analysis.

8.4. Description of Image Pre-processing/augmentation

We also observed in our review that many articles did not properly document their pre-processing and/or augmentation pipeline of ultrasound images. However, not only for ultrasound images but for any computer vision AI studies, it is essential to describe all the image pre-processing and augmentation methods clearly for several reasons. First, the quality of the input data is crucial for the accuracy of the AI model. Pre-processing methods such as resizing, cropping, filtering, and normalization can significantly impact the quality of the input data and therefore the performance of the AI model. Providing a clear description of these methods allows other researchers to understand how the data was processed and replicate the methods in their own research. Second, augmentation techniques such as rotation, flipping, and shearing are commonly used to increase the diversity of the data and improve the robustness of the AI model. However, the choice of augmentation methods and the degree of augmentation can impact the performance of the AI model. Providing a clear description of the augmentation methods enables other researchers to understand how the data was augmented and replicate the methods in their own research. Third, clear documentation of image preprocessing and augmentation methods allows for the reproducibility of the research. Reproducibility is critical to scientific progress and allows the validation and comparison of AI models in different studies and datasets. Thus, providing a clear description of image preprocessing and augmentation methods in AI-based COVID-19 detection and analysis on lung ultrasound is crucial to ensure the accuracy and reproducibility of research, facilitating the comparison of different AI models, and promoting scientific progress.

8.5. Potential Future Work

Based on the observation in this review, we foresee several research directions, which can be pursued in the future:
  • Developing a standardized protocol for ultrasound-based severity assessment of COVID-19: The studies in the survey highlight the potential of ultrasound to assess the severity of COVID-19. However, there is a need to develop a standardized protocol for ultrasound-based severity assessment to ensure consistency across studies and to facilitate comparisons between different AI models. This protocol should include standardized imaging techniques, imaging parameters, and diagnostic criteria.
  • Integration of ultrasound with other imaging modalities: While ultrasound is a useful tool for COVID-19 assessment, it has some limitations, such as limited penetration depth and difficulty in imaging certain structures. Future work can focus on combining ultrasound with other imaging modalities, such as CT or MRI (if available), to provide a more comprehensive assessment of COVID-19.
  • Integrating AI models for early detection and monitoring of COVID-19: Ultrasound can detect early lung involvement and monitor disease progression in COVID-19 patients. Future work can focus not only on developing but also integrate AI models in clinical settings that can accurately detect COVID-19 at an early stage and monitor disease progression over time, enabling timely intervention and better patient outcomes.
  • Comparison of AI models using benchmark datasets: As highlighted in the discussion, there is a need for benchmark datasets for quantitative accuracy comparison of different AI models. Future work can focus on developing benchmark datasets and using them to compare the performance of different AI models for COVID-19 detection and analysis.
  • Integration of AI models into clinical practice: The potential of AI models for COVID-19 detection and analysis is vast, but their integration into clinical practice is still limited. Future work can focus on developing user-friendly and interpretable AI models that can be easily integrated into clinical workflows, improving the accuracy and speed of COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment.
  • Exploration of novel pre-processing and augmentation techniques: The quality of input data is crucial for the accuracy of AI models. Future work can focus on exploring novel pre-processing and augmentation techniques for ultrasound images to improve the quality of input data and the performance of AI models. These techniques can include advanced filtering, contrast enhancement, or more sophisticated augmentation methods.
  • Integration of clinical and imaging data: AI models for COVID-19 detection and analysis can benefit from the integration of clinical and imaging data. Future work can focus on developing AI models that can integrate clinical and imaging data to provide a more comprehensive assessment of COVID-19 and its impact on patients.

9. Conclusions

In this comprehensive review, we provide a comprehensive survey of ultrasound-based AI COVID-19 studies that have used publicly available and private lung ultrasound datasets. The main contributions of this review are the exhaustive survey of articles using publicly available lung ultrasound datasets for COVID-19, the listing and review of publicly available lung ultrasound COVID-19 datasets, and the organization of ultrasound-based AI studies per dataset. Additionally, this review analyzes and tabulates studies in several dimensions, such as data preprocessing, AI models, cross-validation, and evaluation criteria, and summarizes all reviewed works in a tabular fashion to facilitate an easier comparison among studies. The search strategy employed in this study was comprehensive, and we reviewed 42 articles in total, with 28 articles using public datasets and the rest using private data. We only selected articles that met our criteria, which included full-text availability, the use of any form of AI technique for COVID-19 detection or analysis from lung ultrasound data, the use of publicly available lung ultrasound dataset of COVID-19, the hypothesis that the article is supported by its qualitative and quantitative results, and the maintenance of a minimum quality standard. This review provides insight into the current state of ultrasound-based AI COVID-19 studies and serves as a valuable resource for researchers interested in this field. The findings of this study can aid in the development of more accurate and efficient AI models for the detection and diagnosis of COVID-19 using lung ultrasound data, ultimately improving patient care and outcomes.


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Figure 1. Demonstration of different types of lines that may appear in lung ultrasound images. A-lines are marked with blue, B-lines are marked with yellow, and the pleural line is marked with green [12].
Figure 1. Demonstration of different types of lines that may appear in lung ultrasound images. A-lines are marked with blue, B-lines are marked with yellow, and the pleural line is marked with green [12].
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Figure 2. Example ultrasound images of a healthy lung (left), community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)-infected lung (middle), and COVID-19-infected lung (right) [12].
Figure 2. Example ultrasound images of a healthy lung (left), community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)-infected lung (middle), and COVID-19-infected lung (right) [12].
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Figure 3. A pie-chart showing the percentage of reviewed articles in this study per lung ultrasound datasets.
Figure 3. A pie-chart showing the percentage of reviewed articles in this study per lung ultrasound datasets.
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Table 1. List of publicly accessible COVID-19 ultrasound datasets.
Table 1. List of publicly accessible COVID-19 ultrasound datasets.
Sl. Dataset Year Number of Samples Class Distribution Note
1 POCUS 2020 (216 patients)
202 videos
59 images
COVID-19 (35%)
Bacterial Pneumonia (28%)
Viral Pneumonia (2%)
Healthy (35%)
2 ICLUS-DB 2020 (35 patients)
277 videos
58,924 frames
Score 0: Continuous A-line (34%)
Score 1: Alteration in A-line (24%)
Score 2: Small consolidation (32%)
Score 3: Large consolidation (10%)
3 COVIDx-US 2021 242 videos
29,651 images
COVID-19 (29%)
CAP (20%)
non-pneumonia diseases (39%)
Healthy (12%)
Table 3. A list of the articles reviewed in this study and the corresponding AI methods used by those articles. Acronyms- Sl.: serial, CM: conventional machine learning, DL: deep learning, RNN: recurrent neural network, SVM: support vector machine, LSTM: long short-term memory, STN: spatial transformer network, AC: auxiliary classifier, GAN: generative adversarial network
Table 3. A list of the articles reviewed in this study and the corresponding AI methods used by those articles. Acronyms- Sl.: serial, CM: conventional machine learning, DL: deep learning, RNN: recurrent neural network, SVM: support vector machine, LSTM: long short-term memory, STN: spatial transformer network, AC: auxiliary classifier, GAN: generative adversarial network
Sl. Studies AI Methods CM DL
1 Adedigba and Adeshina [59] SqueezeNet, MobileNetV2
2 Al-Jumaili et al. [68] ResNet-18, RestNet-50, NASNetMobile, GoogleNet, SVM
3 Al-Zogbi et al. [70] DenseNet
4 Almeida et al. [71] MobileNet
5 Arntfield et al. [38] Xception
6 Awasthi et al. [72] MiniCOVIDNet
7 Azimi et al. [73] InceptionV3, RNN
8 Barros et al. [69] Xception-LSTM
9 Born et al. [12] VGG-16
10 Born et al. [74] VGG-16
11 Born et al. [13] VGG-16
12 Carrer et al. [16] Hidden Markov Model, Viterbi Algorithm, SVM
13 Che et al. [17] Multi-scale Residual CNN
14 Chen et al. [40] 2-layer NN, SVM, Decision tree
15 Diaz-Escobar et al. [67] InceptionV3, VGG-19, ResNet-50, Xception
16 Dastider et al. [18] Autoencoder-based Hybrid CNN-LSTM
17 Durrani et al. [35] Reg-STN
18 Ebadi et al. [52] Kinetics-I3D
19 Frank et al. [19] ResNet-18, MobileNetV2, DeepLabV3++
20 Gare et al. [15] Reverse Transfer Learning
21 Hou et al. [75] Saab transform-based successive subspace learning model
22 Huang et al. [41] Non-local channel attention ResNet
23 Karar et al. [53] MobileNet, ShuffleNet, MENet, MnasNet
24 Karar et al. [56] A semi-supervised GAN, a modified AC-GAN
25 Karnes et al. [54] Few-shot learning
26 Khan et al. [76] CNN
27 La Salvia et al. [42] ResNet-18, ResNet-50
28 Liu et al. [48] Multi-symptom multi-label (MSML) network
29 MacLean et al. [77] COVID-Net US
30 MacLean et al. [78] ResNet
31 Mento et al. [44] STN, U-Net, DeepLabV3+
32 Muhammad and Hossain [58] CNN
33 Nabalamba [49] VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet
34 Panicker et al. [36] LUSNet (a U-Net like network for ultrasound images)
35 Perera et al. [55] Transformer Network Architecture
36 Quentin Muller et al. [37] ResNet-18
37 Roshankhah et al. [45] U-Net
38 Roy et al. [20] STN, U-Net, U-Net++, DeepLabv3, Model Genesis
39 Sadik et al. [66] DenseNet-201, ResNet-152V2, Xception, VGG-19, NasNetMobile
40 Wang et al. [43] SVM
41 Xue et al. [21] U-Net
42 Zeng et al. [79] COVID-Net US-X
Table 4. A summary of studies that used the POCUS dataset. ✗ indicates either absent or not discussed in the article, and ✓ indicates present but not discussed in the article.
Table 4. A summary of studies that used the POCUS dataset. ✗ indicates either absent or not discussed in the article, and ✓ indicates present but not discussed in the article.
Studies AI
Loss Results Cross-validation Augmentation/
Al-Jumaili et al. [68] ResNet-18, RestNet-50,
NASNetMobile, GoogleNet, SVM
Categorical cross-entropy Accuracy: 99% k=5 COVID-19, CAP, Healthy
Al-Zogbi et al. [70] DenseNet L1 Mean Euclidean error 14.8±7.0 mm -
Almeida et al. [71] MobileNet Categorical cross-entropy Accuracy: 95-100% Abnornal, B-lines, Mild B-lines,
Severe B-lines, Consolidations,
Pleural thickening
Awasthi et al. [72] Modified MobileNet,
CNN, and other
lightweight models
Focal loss Accuracy 83.2% k=5 COVID-19, CAP, Healthy
Barros et al. [69] POCOVID-Net, DenseNet, ResNet,
NASNet, Xception-LSTM
Accuracy: 93%,
Sensitivity: 97%
k=5 COVID-19, Bacterial
Pneumonia, Healthy
Born et al. [12] POCOVID-Net Categorical
AUC: 0.94,
Accuracy: 0.89,
Sensitivity: 0.96,
Specificity: 0.79,
F1-score: 0.92
k=5 Rotations of up to 10°;
Horizontal and vertical flipping;
Shifting up to 10% of
the image height or width
COVID-19, CAP, Healthy
Born et al. [74] VGG-16 Categorical
Sensitivity: 0.98±0.04,
specificity: 0.91±0.08
k=5 Horizontal and vertical flips,
rotations up to 10°
and translations of up to 10%
COVID-19, CAP, Healthy
Born et al. [13] Frame based: VGG-16
Video-based: Models Genesis
Sensitivity: 0.90±0.08,
specificity: 0.96±0.04
k=5 Resizing to 224×224 pixels;
Horizontal and vertical flips;
Rotation up to 10°;
Translations of up to 10%
COVID-19, CAP, Healthy Availableb
Diaz-Escobar et al. [67] InceptionV3, ResNet-50,
VGG-19, Xception
Cross-entropy Accuracy: 89.1%,
ROC-AUC: 97.1%
k=5 Rotations (10°), horizontal
and vertical flips, shifts (10%),
and zoom (zoom range of 20%)
Gare et al. [15] U-Net (reverse-transfer
learning; segmentation
to classification)
Cross-entropy mIoU: 0.957±0.002,
Accuracy: 0.849,
Precision: 0.885,
Recall: 0.925,
F1-score: 0.897
k=3 Left-to-right flipping;
Scaling grey image pixels;
COVID-19, CAP, Healthy
Hou et al. [75] Saab transform based
successive subspace
CNN model
Accuracy: 0.96 Saab transformation A-line, B-line,
Karar et al. [53] MobileNets, ShuffleNets,
MENet, MnasNet
Accuracy: 99% Grayscale conversion COVID-19, Bacterial
Pneumonia, Healthy
Karar et al. [56] A semi-supervised GAN, and
a modified AC-GAN with
auxiliary classifier
Min-Max loss: special
form of cross-entropy
Accuracy: 91.22% Grayscale conversion COVID-19, CAP, Healthy
Karnes et al. [54] Few-shot learning (FSL) visual
classification algorithm
Mahalanobis distances ROC-AUC > 85% k=10 COVID-19, CAP, Healthy Available upon
Muhammad and Hossain [58] CNN Categorical
Accuracy 91.8%,
Precision 92.5%,
Recall 93.2%
k=5 Reflection around x- and y-axe;s
Rotation by [-20°, +20°];
Scaling by a factor [0.8, 1.2]
COVID-19, CAP, Healthy
Sadik et al. [66] DenseNet-201, ResNet-152V2,
Xception, VGG-19,
Categorical cross-entropy Accuracy: 0.906
(with SpecMEn),
F1-score: 0.90
Contrast-Limited Adaptive
Histogram Equalization
COVID-19, CAP, Healthy
Perera et al. [55] Transformer Categorical
Accuracy: 93.9% COVID-19, CAP, Healthy
Table 5. A summary of studies that used the ICLUS-DB dataset. ✗ indicates either absent or not discussed in the article, and ✓ indicates present but not discussed in the article.
Table 5. A summary of studies that used the ICLUS-DB dataset. ✗ indicates either absent or not discussed in the article, and ✓ indicates present but not discussed in the article.
Studies AI
Loss Results Cross-validation Augmentation/
Carrer et al. [16] HMM, VA, SVM Accuracy:
88% (convex probe)
94% (linear probe)
k=10 Severity Score
(0, 1, 2, 3)
Che et al. [17] Multi-scale residual CNN Cross-entropy Accuracy: 95.11%,
F1-score: 96.70%
k=5 Generation of local
phase filtered and
radial symmetry
transformed images
Dastider et al. [18] Autoencoder-based
67.7% (convex probe)
79.1% (linear probe)
k=5 Rotation, horizontal
and vertical shift,
scaling, horizontal
and vertical flips
Severity Score
(0, 1, 2, 3)
Frank et al. [19] ResNet-18, ResNet-101,
VGG-16, MobileNetV2,
MobileNetV3, DeepLabV3++
Accuracy: 93%,
F1-Score: 68.8%
Affine transformations,
rotation, scaling,
horizontal flipping,
random jittering
Severity Score
(0, 1, 2, 3)
Roy et al. [20] Spatial Transformer Network
(STN), U-Net, U-Net++,
DeepLabV3, Model Genesis
SORD, cross entropy Accuracy: 96%,
F1-score: 61±12%,
Precision: 70±19%,
Recall: 60±7%
k=5 Severity Score
(0, 1, 2, 3)
Khan et al. [76] Pre-trained CNN
from [20]
SORD, cross-entropy Agreement-based
scoring (82.3%)
Severity Score
(0, 1, 2, 3)
Table 6. A summary of studies that used the COVIDx-US dataset. ✗ indicates either absent or not discussed in the article.
Table 6. A summary of studies that used the COVIDx-US dataset. ✗ indicates either absent or not discussed in the article.
Studies AI
Loss Results Cross-validation Augmentation/
Adedigba and Adeshina [59] SqueezeNet,
Accuracy: 99.74%,
Precision: 99.58%,
Recall: 99.39%
Gaussian blurring,
random zoom,
random lighting,
random warp
Normal, Other
Azimi et al. [73] InceptionV3, RNN Cross-entropy Accuracy: 94.44% Padding Positive (COVID-19),
Negative (non-COVID-19)
MacLean et al. [77] COVID-Net US Cross-entropy ROC-AUC: 0.98 Positive (COVID-19)
Negative (non-COVID-19)
MacLean et al. [78] ResNet Categorical
Accuracy: 0.692 Lung ultrasound
severity score
(0, 1, 2, 3)
Zeng et al. [79] COVID-Net US-X Cross-entropy Accuracy: 88.4%,
AUC: 93.6%
Random projective
Positive (COVID-19)
Negative (non-COVID-19)
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