There are several types of dyslexia, a deficit in reading, each resulting from a deficit in a different part of the reading process, and each showing different error types and properties. One type of dyslexia is attentional dyslexia, resulting from a deficit in the letter-to-word binding function in the orthographic-visual analyzer. The main characteristic of attentional dyslexia is migration of letters between neighbouring words in reading aloud, such as reading clown frown as “flown crown”. In this study we focus on between-word migrations and examine an additional possible source for these migrations in reading aloud: a deficit in the phonological output buffer.
1.1. The reading process that includes the orthographic-visual analyzer and the phonological output buffer
The cognitive model of word reading describes the process of reading – from a written word to its meaning and sound. The reading model, presented in
Figure 1 (based on Friedmann & Coltheart, 2018, building on work by, e.g., Morton & Patterson, 1980; Coltheart et al., 2001 and many others) begins in an
orthographic-visual analysis stage, which is responsible for letter identification, letter position encoding, and letter-to-word binding. The letter-to-word binding function, which is the focus of the current study, allows the reader to read letters within the words in which they appear and attenuate letters that appear in neighbouring words.
The information then flows to an orthographic input buffer, which holds this information for a short time and parses the input string into graphemes and morphemes. This information proceeds in two routes: a lexical and a sub-lexical route. The lexical route connects an orthographic input lexicon and a phonological output lexicon, respectively holding orthographic and phonological representations of words that the reader already knows. The phonological representation then arrives from the phonological output lexicon in a phonological output buffer (POB), a short-term phonological memory component that holds all the phonological information until production, and assembles the phonological units into words and the morphemes into morphologically complex words. The POB is not only a component in reading aloud, it is also part of speech production, in spontaneous speech, repetition, and naming (Friedmann, Biran, & Dotan, 2013). The lexical route also includes a branch connecting the orthographic input lexicon to the semantic lexicon and from it to the conceptual system, allowing for the comprehension of written words. The other route is a sublexical route, which converts graphemes (letters or letter groups such as “sh”) into phonemes according to the grapheme-to-phoneme conversion rules of the language. The converted phonemes from the sublexical route arrive in the phonological output buffer, where they are held and assembled.
1.2. Impairments resulting from deficits in the orthographic-visual analyzer or the phonological output buffer
Dyslexia is a deficit in reading. Different types of dyslexia result from deficits in different components (or connections between components) of the reading process, resulting in different patterns of errors (Coltheart & Kohnen, 2012; Friedmann, & Coltheart, 2018; Hanley, 2017). Dyslexias may be acquired due to brain damage, in individuals who were reading normally before the brain damage; they can also be developmental, existing from birth and affecting the process of learning to read.
A deficit in each of the functions of the orthographic-visual analysis stage yields a different type of dyslexia. In the current study we focus on two types of impairments in reading aloud – an impairment in the orthographic-visual analyzer and an impairment in the phonological output buffer. Although these two impairments are dramatically different, they share, as we will show below, a specific type of error in reading aloud: between-word migrations.
A deficit in letter-to-word binding, namely, in the ability to focus on one word and attenuate the words surrounding it, results in attentional dyslexia, characterized mainly by migrations of letters between words (Davis & Coltheart, 2002; Friedmann, Kerbel, & Shvimer, 2010; Humphreys & Mayall, 2001; Price & Humphreys, 1993; Saffran & Coslett, 1996; Shallice & Warrington, 1977). Between-word migrations in attentional dyslexia preserve their within-word position, so if the first letter migrates, it migrates to the first position in the other word, and if the final letter migrates, it migrates to the final position in the other word. Migrations can result from words above, below, or horizontally adjacent to the target word. Migrations occur more often when they create other existing words than when the migration does not create a word. Therefore, they occur more often in “migratable pairs”, word pairs in which between-word migrations (that preserve their within-word position) create existing words. Migrations are more frequent from the first to the second word than vice versa, and occur more often in the final letter than in the preceding letters. Several types of migrations occur in this dyslexia: the most well-reported one is a substitution, in which one letter from one word substitutes a letter in the other word (coat goal read as “coat goat”). However, impaired letter-to word binding may also result in omissions of a letter that appears in the two words in the same position (coat goal read as “cat goat”) and additions (lower fountain as “flower fountain”). Because between-word migration in attentional dyslexia result from a deficit in the early stage of orthographic-visual analyzer, which precedes the orthographic input lexicon and the access to the semantic system, migrations also affect written word comprehension (so the reader who make a migration would understand the written word as they read it, with the migration error, Friedmann, Kerbel, & Shvimer, 2010). Readers with attentional dyslexia make fewer errors when presented with single words (Shvimer, Kerbel, & Friedmann, 2009).
Individuals who have a deficit in the phonological output buffer show difficulties in all tasks involving phonological production: spontaneous speech, repetition, oral naming, and oral reading (Friedmann, Biran, & Dotan, 2013). Because the phonological output buffer is a phonological short term memory component, it has a limited capacity and is affected by the length of the phonological sequence: the more phonemes a sequence has, the harder it will be for the POB to keep the whole sequence, and the probability of errors increases (Franklin, Buerk, & Howard, 2002; Gvion & Friedmann, 2012; Nickels & Howard, 2004).
The POB holds phonological units and assembles them, so a POB deficit causes omissions, substitutions, and additions of phonological units of various sizes (Butterworth, 1992; Dell, 1986, 1988; Dotan & Friedmann, 2015; Garrett, 1976; Levelt, 1992; Shattuck-Hufnagel, 1992). The assumption is that it holds phonological units of different sizes in separate mini-stores (phonemes, morphemes, number words, and function words, Dotan & Friedmann, 2015; Haluts et al., 2020). Therefore, when the POB is impaired, errors can occur within the same mini-stores, leading to substitution of units with other units of the same kind (e.g., substitution of one phoneme with another phoneme, substitution of one morpheme with another morpheme, or omission of a whole morpheme).
Because the POB immediately follows the phonological output lexicon, it can be helped by this lexicon. Therefore, holding a sequence that exists in the phonological output lexicon would be supported by activation from the lexicon, but nonwords are not represented in the lexicons and hence do not get such support. This causes a more severe deficit in nonwords compared to words in oral reading and in repetition (Friedmann, Biran, & Dotan, 2013; Friedmann & Coltheart, 2018; Howard & Nickels, 2005).
One type of phonological error that is especially relevant for our current study is phoneme migrations between words. In developmental POB deficit, some of the POB-impaired individuals in Guggenheim’s (2015) study made between-word migrations in reading aloud. Migrations are also reported for patients with output-conduction aphasia, whose deficit is in the POB (Franklin et al., 2002; Gvion & Friedmann, 2012; Shallice, Rumiati, & Zadini, 2000) and whose speech output is characterized by phonological errors. These errors include phoneme migrations within words (Laganaro & Zimmermann, 2010), as well as migrations between words )Kohn, 1989; Kohn & Smith, 1990.( Individuals with typical language also make an occasional phonological error in speech – slips of the tongue (Fromkin, 1971; Garrett, 1976; Schriefers, Meyer, & Levelt, 1990). Slips of the tongue include migrations of phonemes between words. These migrations may also stem from a temporary failure at the POB level. In-depth analyses of these migrations (Dell, 1986, 1988, 1995; Fromkin, 1971; MacKay, 1970) describe anticipation errors, in which a phoneme in the target word is substituted with a phoneme from a word that has not been produced yet (“slue sea” instead of blue sea), perseveration, in which a phoneme is substituted with a phoneme from a word that has been produced (“blue bea”), and spoonerism errors, in which the phonemes of two words are substituted with each other (“slue bea”). Most of these between-word migrations involve migrations of first and final phonemes, and, to a lesser degree, phonemes in the middle of the words (Dell, 1986, 1988; Fromkin, 1971).
1.3. Rationale of the current study
The considerations described in the previous section led us to hypothesis that when a person makes between-word migrations in reading aloud, these migrations may result from a deficit in the orthographic input stage (the orthographic-visual analysis stage and the orthographic input buffer holding the products of this analysis) or from a deficit in the phonological output (the POB). Making this distinction also has important implications for treatment: manipulations that assist the patient in visually focusing on one written word would reduce errors that result from an orthographic input deficit (Shvimer, Kerbel, & Friedmann, 2009), but would not necessarily help people with phonological output deficit. Conversely, dissecting the phonological word into smaller phonological units (Maas, Barlow, Robin, & Shapiro, 2002; Waldron, Whitworth, & Howard, 2011) has been shown to assist patients with POB deficits, but they are not expected to help patients with orthographic input deficits. The aim of the current study is to examine whether indeed there are individuals whose between-word migration in reading aloud stem from a deficit in the orthographic-visual analyzer and others whose between-word migration result from a deficit in the POB.
A way to distinguish between these two sources for between-word migration is to use tasks that isolate the orthographic input and the phonological output stages: tasks that assess orthographic input and do not require phonological output, and tasks that assess phonological output and do not use orthographic input.
Once the source of migrations of each participant is identified using such input and output tasks, we will further explore whether the properties of the migrations differ as a function of their source. Discovering the different properties of the two types of migrations would assist in the differential diagnosis of the two types of impairment. Furthermore, knowing more about the properties of these migrations would deepen our understanding of the nature and functioning of the orthographic-visual analyzer and the phonological output buffer. We will focus on the following properties:
The type of between word error: is the migrating letter/phoneme substituting a letter/phoneme in the target word, added to the target word, or causing omission of another instance of this letter/phoneme in the target word?
Where do the migrations come from: we will compare migrations that come from the other word in the word pair or from a word pair appearing right before the target, to migrations from word pairs appearing after the target pair. The rationale is that whereas orthographic-input migrations are expected to stem from words orthographically adjacent to the word, including those that follow the target word, phonological-output migrations are not expected to result from words that have not been in the POB yet – have not been read aloud or prepared for production, so phonological migrations are not expected to arrive from a word pair appearing after (below) the target.
Are there migrations also from two lines above and below the target word or only from lines immediately adjacent to the target?
Are the groups affected by different notions of adjacency? When two word pairs appear one above the other, the first word is orthographically more adjacent to the word immediately above it, but phonologically, it is more adjacent to the word just pronounced, which is the second word in the pair above, which appears diagonally above the target.
Direction of migrations: do more migrations occur from the first to the second word in the pair?
Which within-word positions are more susceptible to migration?
Type of migrating letter: is the migrating letter/phoneme part of the root or a morphological affix? It has been demonstrated that the morphological structure of the word is available both at the stage of orthographic input (for data from morphology in peripheral dyslexias, see Arduino et al., 2002, 2003; Friedmann, Kerbel, & Shvimer, 2010; Friedmann, Gvion, & Nisim, 2015; Marelli et al., 2013; Reznick & Friedmann, 2015) and in the phonological output buffer (Dotan & Friedmann, 2015). Therefore, both stages may be affected by the morphological status of the migrating letter.