PreprintArticleVersion 1Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed
Identification of Technological Effectiveness for Mechanized Harvesting of Red Currant Cultivars Based on Bush Morphology and Mechanical Fruit Parameters
Version 1
: Received: 2 February 2023 / Approved: 6 February 2023 / Online: 6 February 2023 (08:37:14 CET)
How to cite:
Panfilova, O.; Kahramanoglu, I.; Ondrasek, G.; Ryago, N.; Tsoy, M.; Seguel, A.; Meier, S.; Okatan, V.; Usanmaz, S.; Helvacı, M. Identification of Technological Effectiveness for Mechanized Harvesting of Red Currant Cultivars Based on Bush Morphology and Mechanical Fruit Parameters. Preprints2023, 2023020087.
Panfilova, O.; Kahramanoglu, I.; Ondrasek, G.; Ryago, N.; Tsoy, M.; Seguel, A.; Meier, S.; Okatan, V.; Usanmaz, S.; Helvacı, M. Identification of Technological Effectiveness for Mechanized Harvesting of Red Currant Cultivars Based on Bush Morphology and Mechanical Fruit Parameters. Preprints 2023, 2023020087.
Panfilova, O.; Kahramanoglu, I.; Ondrasek, G.; Ryago, N.; Tsoy, M.; Seguel, A.; Meier, S.; Okatan, V.; Usanmaz, S.; Helvacı, M. Identification of Technological Effectiveness for Mechanized Harvesting of Red Currant Cultivars Based on Bush Morphology and Mechanical Fruit Parameters. Preprints2023, 2023020087.
APA Style
Panfilova, O., Kahramanoglu, I., Ondrasek, G., Ryago, N., Tsoy, M., Seguel, A., Meier, S., Okatan, V., Usanmaz, S., & Helvacı, M. (2023). Identification of Technological Effectiveness for Mechanized Harvesting of Red Currant Cultivars Based on Bush Morphology and Mechanical Fruit Parameters. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Panfilova, O., Serhat Usanmaz and Murat Helvacı. 2023 "Identification of Technological Effectiveness for Mechanized Harvesting of Red Currant Cultivars Based on Bush Morphology and Mechanical Fruit Parameters" Preprints.
The cultivation of berry crops by the type of "intensive plantings" is an economic and scientific approach in modern horticulture. The principles of forming a red currant assortment adapted to mechanized harvesting are considered. The bush should be compact for mechanized harvesting and have a straight-growing or slightly spreading shape. The morphological structure of the bush is a feature determined by the genotype. The ripening period of berries and the mechanical parameters of berries assess the effectiveness of the berry harvesting process. With the help of agrotechnical techniques, the mechanical parameters of berries cannot be improved and are de-termined by weather, soil, water, and climatic factors. The present study was conducted in the 2021-2022 season using 14 red currant genotypes of different geographical and genetic origins to assess cultivars' suitability for machine harvesting. In most of the studied cultivars, berry quality indicators, the parameters of separation force (Fs) and crushing force (Fc) decreased by the time of biological maturity of the genotype. Several cultivars have shown a non-simultaneous decrease in Fs and Fc. A minor limiting feature determines the duration of harvesting. The high correlation of Fs and Fc (R=0.75-0.85) allows us to predict the most significant period for the high-quality operation of a mechanized harvester. There was no dependence of the strength of the attachment of berries to the peduncle on the thickness of the skin of the berries. Jonkheer Van Tets, Red Lake, Rovada, Rolan, Vika, Asya, and Niva can be attributed to technological cultivars as sources of compact and erect bush habit, Jonkheer Van Tets, Rovada, Rolan, Vika, and Asya are recommended for mechanized harvesting.
intensive horticulture; bush habit; qualitative characteristics of berries; sintering and shedding of berries; yield; technologies; mechanized harvesting
Biology and Life Sciences, Plant Sciences
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