Version 1
: Received: 27 June 2022 / Approved: 28 June 2022 / Online: 28 June 2022 (05:37:33 CEST)
How to cite:
Rosário, A. T.; Dias, J. C. Fuzzy Logic: An Application into Marketing Strategy. Preprints2022, 2022060378.
Rosário, A. T.; Dias, J. C. Fuzzy Logic: An Application into Marketing Strategy. Preprints 2022, 2022060378.
Rosário, A. T.; Dias, J. C. Fuzzy Logic: An Application into Marketing Strategy. Preprints2022, 2022060378.
APA Style
Rosário, A. T., & Dias, J. C. (2022). Fuzzy Logic: An Application into Marketing Strategy. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Rosário, A. T. and Joana Carmo Dias. 2022 "Fuzzy Logic: An Application into Marketing Strategy" Preprints.
The term fuzzy refers to things that are unclear or vague. In the real world, we often encounter a situation where we cannot determine whether the state is true or false, and fuzzy logic allows for more flexible reasoning. This is a form of multivalued logic where the truth values of variables can be any real number between 0 and 1, as opposed to Boolean logic where the logical values can only be 0 or 1. Fuzzy logic is therefore a problem-solving technique used to evaluate all available information and thus make the best decisions. When applied to marketing, fuzzy logic allows treating customers in an individual and personalized way, instead of being fully identified within a particular market segment. Fuzzy marketing considers the degree to which a customer belongs to certain segments and subsequently allows them to be targeted with messages that engage them emotionally. To better understand the application and importance of fuzzy logic in marketing strategy, we developed a systematic review of the bibliometric literature (LRSB). It was possible to create a connection between these concepts, marketing and fuzzy logic, to increase the efforts of marketing professionals to achieve competitiveness in the unpredictable business environment.
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