We consider the Dirac electron as a nonperturbative particle-like solution consistent with its own Kerr-Newman (KN) gravitational and electromagnetic field. We develop the earlier models of the KN electron regularized by Israel and López, and consider the non-perturbative electron model as a bag model formed by Higgs mechanism of symmetry breaking. The López regularization determines the unique shape of the electron in the form of a thin disk with a Compton radius reduced by 4π. In our model this disk is coupled with a closed circular string which is placed on the border of the disk and creates the caused by gravitation frame-dragging string tension produced by the vector potential of the Wilson loop. Using remarkable features of the Kerr-Schild coordinate system, which linearizes the Dirac equation, we obtain solutions of the Dirac equation consistent with the KN gravitational and electromagnetic field, and show that this solution takes the form of a massless relativistic string. Parallelism of this model with quantum representations in Heisenberg and Schrodinger pictures explains remarkable properties of the stringy electron model in the relativistic scattering processes.