Version 1
: Received: 29 May 2020 / Approved: 31 May 2020 / Online: 31 May 2020 (15:53:21 CEST)
Version 2
: Received: 22 June 2020 / Approved: 25 June 2020 / Online: 25 June 2020 (15:45:13 CEST)
How to cite:
Hershkovitz, M. Systematics of Calandrinia pilosiuscula DC a.k.a. Calandrinia compressa Schrad. ex DC (Montiaceae–Montioideae). Preprints2020, 2020050474.
Hershkovitz, M. Systematics of Calandrinia pilosiuscula DC a.k.a. Calandrinia compressa Schrad. ex DC (Montiaceae–Montioideae). Preprints 2020, 2020050474.
Hershkovitz, M. Systematics of Calandrinia pilosiuscula DC a.k.a. Calandrinia compressa Schrad. ex DC (Montiaceae–Montioideae). Preprints2020, 2020050474.
APA Style
Hershkovitz, M. (2020). Systematics of <em>Calandrinia pilosiuscula</em> DC a.k.a. <em>Calandrinia compressa</em> Schrad. ex DC (Montiaceae–Montioideae). Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Hershkovitz, M. 2020 "Systematics of <em>Calandrinia pilosiuscula</em> DC a.k.a. <em>Calandrinia compressa</em> Schrad. ex DC (Montiaceae–Montioideae)" Preprints.
Calandrinia compressa Schrad. ex DC (Prodr. 3: 359. 1828) is the name currently widely applied to a polymorphic annual species of Calandrinia sect. Calandrinia endemic to the Chilean Floristic Region. A total of ten validly published heterotypic names plus six horticultural designations (and orthographic variants thereof) have been considered at some point as taxonomically the same as C. compressa. Two additional heterotypic taxa and their synonyms and two other designations possibly refer to this species. Two other taxa sometimes referred to this species are excluded. I treat here a total of 77 distinct nomenclaturally valid names and invalid designations and variants thereof. The type of one of the valid and legitimate names, Calandrinia pilosiuscula DC (Rev. Portulac. 9. 1827), is judged here to be taxonomically the same as the type of C. compressa. Because of its chronological priority, Calandrinia pilosiuscula DC must be accepted as the correct name for Calandrinia compressa Schrad. ex DC when the two are considered taxonomic synonyms. Here, the taxonomic history of this taxon is articulated and, where possible, types are identified and/or designated. The natural and anthropogenic history of the species is summarized critically in a theoretical context.
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