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06 March 2024
08 March 2024
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Roman | |
cp | Specific heat capacity [J/kgK] |
d | Diameter [m] |
g | Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] |
G | Specific Mass flux [kg/m2s] |
h | Heat transfer coefficient [W/m2K] |
hlv | Latent heat of vaporization [J/kg] |
i | Specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
Jv | Vapour superficial velocity [m/s] |
Lh | Heated length [m] |
M | Molecular mass [kg/kmol] |
p | Pressure [Pa] |
pr | Reduced pressure, |
q | Specific Heat flux [W/m2] |
Ra | Mean roughness height [µm] |
SV | Specific volume, |
T | Temperature [°C] |
x | Vapour quality [–] |
Greek letters | |
β | Chevron angle [°] |
δ | Channel height [m] |
Δp | Pressure drop [Pa] |
θ | Winding angle [°] |
λ | Thermal conductivity [W/mK] |
µ | Dynamic viscosity [Pa·s] |
ν | Kinematic viscosity [m2/s] |
ρ | Density [kg/m3] |
ρ* | Density ratio, |
ρtp | Two phase density, |
σ | Surface tension [N/m] |
Subscripts | |
avg | Average |
c | Critical |
cb | Convective boiling |
eq | Equivalent |
exp | Experimental |
flat | Flattened tubes |
frict | Frictional |
h | Hydraulic |
i | Inner |
l | Liquid |
lo | Liquid only |
loc | Local |
nb | Nucleate Boiling |
o | Outer |
pb | Pool boiling |
pred | Predicted |
sat | Saturation |
v | Vapour |
vo | Vapour only |
w | Wall |
Abbreviations | |
AD | Average Deviation |
aPD | Adiabatic flow pressure drop |
AAD | Absolute average deviation |
CFCs | Chlorofluorocarbons |
f.p.m. | Fins per meter |
GWP | Global Warming Potential |
HBHX | Helically baffled shell-and-tube heat exchanger |
HCFCs | Hydrochlorofluorocarbons |
HC Rs | Hydrocarbon refrigerants |
HFCs | Hydrofluorocarbons |
HFO | Hydrofluoroolefin |
HT | Heat transfer |
bHT | Boiling heat transfer |
cHT | Condensation heat transfer |
HTC | Heat Transfer Coefficient |
LHP | Loop heat pipe |
LNG | Liquefied natural gas |
MF | Microfin |
ODF | Offset strip fin |
ODP | Ozone Depletion Potential |
PCHE | Printed circuit heat exchanger |
PD | Pressure drop |
PHE | Plate heat exchanger |
R | Refrigerant |
ST | Smooth tube |
SWHE | Spiral wound heat exchanger |
TP | Two Phase |
TPCT | Two-phase closed thermosyphon |
VQ | Vapour quality |
Dimensionless numbers | |
Bo | Boiling number, |
Bd | Bond number, |
Cn | Confinement number, |
Co | Convection number, |
Fa | Fang number, |
Two-phase frictional multiplier (Chisholm) | |
Frl | Liquid Froude number, |
f | Friction Factor ≡ Darcy factor, |
fFann | Fanning friction factor, |
Ja | Jacob’s number, |
Ka | Kapitza number, |
Nu | Nusselt number |
Pr | Prandtl number, |
Reeq | Equivalent Raynolds number |
Rel | Liquid Reynolds number |
Rev | Vapour Reynolds number |
Reko | Liquid only (k=l) or vapor only (k=v) Re, |
We | Weber number, |
Xtt | Lockhart-Martinelli parameter |
(Turbulent-Turbulent flow) | |
Xvv | Lockhart-Martinelli parameter |
(Laminar-Laminar flow) |
First author/Year | R | Data | Geometry/Material/Orientation | Research highlights |
Aǧra (2012) [6] |
R600a | Analytical model and experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tube, di = 4 mm | TP annular flow condensation HT |
Ahmadpour (2019) [7] | R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal straight copper tube, di = 8.7 mm | Condensation HT, Effect of lubricating oil on condensation HT |
Horizontal U-shaped copper tube, di = 8.7 mm | ||||
Akbar (2021) [8] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube, di = 3 mm | TP flow boiling HT |
Ali (2021) [9] |
R1234yf R152a R600a R134a |
Experimental study | Vertical stainless steel tube di = 1.60 mm, Lh = 245 mm |
Flow boiling frictional PD |
Allymehr (2020) [10] |
R290 | Experimental study | A smooth tube, MF1, MF2 do = 5 mm |
Flow boiling HT and PD |
Allymehr (2021) [11] |
R600a R1270 |
Experimental study | A smooth tube, MF1, MF2 do = 5 mm |
Evaporation HT and PD |
Allymehr (2021) [12] |
R290 R600a R1270 |
Experimental study | A smooth tube, MF1, MF2 do = 5 mm |
Condensation HT and PD |
Amalfi (2016) [13] |
R134a R245fa R236fa R717, R290 R600a R1270 R1234yf R mixtures |
External experimental database [14] | Brazed/gasketed/welded/shell and plate heat exchanger (PHE), β = 27–70°, dh = 1.7–8 mm | Flow boiling HT and TP frictional PD |
Anwar (2015) [15] |
R600a | Experimental study | Vertical stainless steel tube di = 1.60 mm, Lh = 245 mm |
Flow boiling HT and dryout characteristics |
Arima (2010) [16] |
R717 | Experimental study | Vertical plate evaporator |
Flow patterns and forced convective boiling HT |
Asim (2022) [17] |
R600a | Experimental study | Vertical stainless steel tube di = 1.60 mm, Lh = 245 mm |
Flow boiling HT |
Ayub (2019) [18] |
R717 R134a R410A |
External experimental database (see [18]) | PHE, β = 0–65° | Evaporation HT |
Basaran (2021) [19] |
R600a | Steady-state numerical simulations (CFD code ANSYS Fluent 19.2) |
Horizontal smooth circular microchannel di = 0.2–0.6 mm |
Condensation HT and TP PD |
Basaran (2021) [20] |
R600a | Experimental study and thermal simulation model | Microchannel dh = 0.2–0.6 mm |
Condensation HT and PD |
Butrymowicz (2022) [21] |
R134a, R507A R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal copper tubular channel di = 12 mm |
Flow boiling HT under near critical pressure |
Butrymowicz (2022) [22] |
R290 | Experimental study | Aluminium minichannel condenser and evaporator | Condensation and evaporation frictional PD |
Cao (2021) [23] |
R600a | Experimental study | Aluminium minichannel di = 8 mm, vertical/horizontal inclined angles 0°–180° |
Condensation HT and frictional PD |
Choi (2009) [24] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth stainless steel minichannels di = 1.5, 3.0 mm |
TP flow boiling HT and PD |
Choi (2014) [25] |
R744 R717 R290 R1234yf |
Experimental study | Horizontal circular stainless steel smooth tube di = 1.5, 3 mm |
Evaporation HT |
Cioncolini (2011) [26] |
R22, R32 R134a R290 R600a R718, R12 R236fa R245fa |
External experimental database (see [26]) | Vertical/horizontal tubes di = 1.03–14.4 mm |
Liquid film thickness, void fraction and convective boiling HT |
Da Silva (2023) [27] |
R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal aluminium multiport extruded tube di = 1.47 mm |
Flow patterns, void fraction distribution and flow boiling PD |
Da Silva Lima (2009) [28] | R717 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube, di = 14 mm | Flow patterns, diabatic and adiabatic frictional PD |
Dalkilic (2010) [29] |
R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tube, di = 4 mm | Annular flow condensation frictional PD |
Darzi (2015) [30] |
R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal copper smooth round tube, dh = 8.7 mm | Condensation HT and PD |
Horizontal copper flattened tubes, dh = 5.1–8.2 mm | ||||
De Oliveira (2016) [31] | R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube di = 1.0 mm, Lh = 265 mm |
TP flow patterns and flow boiling HT |
De Oliveira (2017) [32] |
R290 R600a |
Experimental study | Horizontal stainless steel tube di = 1.0 mm, Lh = 265 mm |
Flow patterns and TP flow boiling frictional PD |
De Oliveira (2018) [33] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube di = 1.0 mm, Lh = 265 mm |
Flow patterns and flow boiling HT |
De Oliveira (2020) [34] |
R1270 | Experimental study | Horizontal stainless-steel circular tube, di = 1 mm | Flow patterns and flow boiling HT |
De Oliveira (2023) [35] |
R1270 | Experimental study | Horizontal stainless-steel circular tube, di = 1 mm | Flow patterns and flow boiling frictional PD |
Del Col (2014) [36] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal copper minichannel di = 0.96 mm, Ra = 1.3 µm |
TP condensation and flow boiling HT, frictional PD |
Del Col (2017) [37] |
R1270 | Experimental study | Horizontal copper Minichannel di = 0.96 mm, Ra = 1.3 µm |
Condensation and flow boiling HT, adiabatic TP PD |
ElFaham (2023) [38] |
R290 R600 R600a |
External experimental database (see [38]) | Horizontal/vertical stainless steel/copper tubes di = 0.168–7.7 mm |
TP flow boiling HT |
Fang, Xiande (2019) [39] |
R717 R290 R600a |
External experimental database (see [39]) | Horizontal/vertical upward copper/ stainless steel single circular tubes dh = 0.96–14 mm |
Saturated flow boiling HT |
Fang, Xianshi (2023) [40] |
R600a | External experimental database [41] | Horizontal copper circular smooth and spiral coil inserted tubes, di = 8.1 mm | Condensation frictional PD |
Fries (2019) [42] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal mild steel plain tubes, di = 14.65, 20.8 mm | Condensation HT and PD |
Fries (2020) [43] |
R290 R1270 |
Experimental study | Copper tube, di = 15 mm Mild steel tube, di = 14.65 mm |
PD in TP flow |
Fronk (2016) [44] |
R717 | External experimental database [45] | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube, di = 0.98–2.16 mm | Pure ammonia condensation HT, high-temperature-glide zeotropic ammonia/water mixtures |
Gao (2018) [46] |
R717 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube, di = 4 mm | Flow boiling HT, adiabatic TP frictional PD |
Gao (2019) [47] |
R717 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube, di = 4, 8 mm | TP PD |
Ghazali (2022) [48] |
R290 | External experimental database (see [48]) | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tubes di = 1–6 mm |
Pre-dry out TP evaporation HT, genetic algorithm optimization |
Ghorbani (2017) [49] |
R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal flattened copper tube dh = 7.29 mm | Condensation HT, R600a-oil-nanoparticle mixtures |
Guo (2018) [50] |
R1234ze(E) R290 R161 R41 |
Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tube, di = 2 mm | Condensation HT |
Huang (2012) [51] |
R134a R507a R12, R717 |
Experimental study and external experimental database [52] | Brazed PHE β = 28–60°, dh = 3.51 mm |
TP flow boiling HT and PD |
Ilie (2022) [53] |
R717 | Experimental study | PHE, β = 60°, dh = 10 mm | Boiling HT |
Inoue (2018) [54] |
R32, R410a R1234ze(E) R152a |
Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tube, di = 3.48 mm |
Condensation HT |
Kanizawa (2016) [55] |
R134a R245fa R600a |
External experimental database (see [55]) | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube, di = 0.38–2.60 mm | Flow boiling HT |
Khan, T.S. (2012) [56] |
R717 | Experimental study | PHE, β = 60° | TP evaporation HT and PD |
Khan, M.S.(2012) [57] | R717 | Experimental study | PHE, β = 30° | TP evaporation HT and PD |
Koyama (2014) [58] |
R717 | Experimental study | Titanium plate evaporator Channel height = 1, 2, 5 mm |
Flow boiling HT |
Lee (2010) [59] |
R290 R600a |
Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tube di = 5.80–10.07 mm |
Condensation HT |
Lillo (2018) [60] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal circular smooth stainless steel tube di = 6 mm, Lh = 193.7 mm |
TP flow boiling HT and PD, dry-out incipience vapor quality |
Liu (2016) [61] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal square stainless steel minichannel dh = 0.952 mm Ra = 3.2 µm |
Condensation HT and PD |
Liu (2018) [62] |
R600a R227ea R245fa |
Experimental study | Vertical rectangular copper mini-channel, dh = 2.76 | Flow patterns and flow boiling HT |
Longo (2012) [63] |
R600a R290 R1270 |
Experimental study | Brazed plate heat exchanger (PHE), β = 60°, dh = 10 mm | Vaporization HT and frictional PD |
Longo (2017) [64] |
R290 R1270 |
Experimental study | Horizontal smooth tube di = 4 mm |
Forced convection condensation HT, condensation frictional PD |
Longo (2020) [65] |
R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tube, di = 4 mm | Flow boiling HT and frictional PD |
Longo (2023) [66] |
R290 R1270 |
Experimental study | Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (BPHE), β = 65° | Nucleate boiling HT |
López-Belchí (2016) [67] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal square aluminium multiport minichannel tube, di = 1.16 mm | TP condensation HT and frictional PD |
Macdonald (2016) [68] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tubes, di = 7.75, 14.45 mm | Condensation HT and frictional PD |
Macdonald (2016) [69] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tubes, di = 7.75, 14.45 mm | Flow visualization, condensation HT and frictional PD |
Macdonald (2017) [70] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal circular smooth tube, di = 7.75 mm | Flow visualization and condensation HT |
Maher (2020) [71] |
R134а R245fa R125, R744 R236ea R22, R152a R32, R410a R1234ze(E) R290 R600a R1234yf |
External experimental database (see [71]) | Horizontal circular tubes di = 0.509–8.0 mm |
Two Phase Flow frictional PD |
Maqbool (2012) [72] |
R717 | Experimental study | Vertical circular stainless steel mini channel di = 1.70, 1.224 mm |
Flow boiling TP PD |
Maqbool (2012) [73] |
R717 | Experimental study | Vertical circular stainless steel mini channel di = 1.70, 1.224 mm |
Flow boiling HT |
Maqbool (2013) [74] |
R290 | Experimental study | Vertical circular stainless steel minichannel di = 1.70 mm, Ra = 0.21 µm, Lh = 245 mm |
TP flow boiling HT and frictional PD |
Mohd-Yunos (2020) [75] |
R290 | External experimental database (see [75]) | Vertical /horizontal tubes di = 1–6 mm |
TP Evaporation HT and genetic algorithm optimization |
Moreira (2021) [76] |
R134a R600a R290 R1270 |
Experimental study | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube, di = 9.43 mm | Flow patterns and convective condensation HT |
Morrow (2021) [77] |
R717 R290 R600a |
External experimental database (see [77]) | Horizontal/vertical, round/square/rectangular/flat, smooth tubes di = 0.952–10.07 mm |
Flow condensation HT |
Murphy (2019) [78] |
R290 | Experimental study | Vertical aluminium minichannel, di = 1.93 | Condensation HT and PD |
Nasr (2015) [79] |
R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tube, di = 8.7 mm | Flow patterns and flow boiling HT |
Oh (2011) [80] |
R22, R134a R410A, R290, R744 | Experimental study | Horizontal circular smooth stainless steel tubes di = 0.5, 1.5, 3.0 mm |
Flow patterns and TP flow boiling HT |
Pamitran (2009) [81] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth stainless steel minichannels di = 1.5, 3.0 mm |
TP flow boiling HT |
Pamitran (2011) [82] |
R290 R717 |
Experimental study | Horizontal circular stainless steel smooth tube di = 1.5, 3 mm |
Evaporation HT |
Patel (2018) [83] |
R290, R22 R1234yf, R1234ze, R410a, R32 |
External experimental database (see [83]) | Horizontal minichannel dh = 0.952–1.150 mm |
Condensation TP frictional PD |
Pham (2019) [84] |
R22, R32, R410a R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal aluminium multiport rectangular minichannel, dh = 0.83 mm | Condensation HT and TP frictional PD |
Qiu (2015) [85] |
R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tube, di = 8 mm | Saturation flow boiling HT and adiabatic frictional PD |
Sempértegui-Tapia (2017) [86] | R134a R1234ze(E)R1234yf R600a |
Experimental study | Horizontal stainless-steel tube, di = 1.1 mm | Flow boiling HT |
Sempértegui-Tapia (2017) [87] |
R134a R1234ze(E) R1234yf R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal circular/square/triangular stainless steel tube dh = 0.634–1.1 mm |
TP frictional PD |
Shafaee (2016) [88] |
R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal copper smooth tube, di = 8.1 mm | Flow boiling HT, effect of coiled wire inserted tubes on HT |
Shah (2009) [89] |
R718 Halocarbon Rs HC Rs Organics |
External experimental database (see [89]) | Horizontal/vertical/downward-inclined tubes dh = 2–49 mm |
Condensation HT |
Shah (2016) [90] |
R718, R744 Halocarbon Rs, HC Rs |
External experimental database (see [90]) | Horizontal round/square/ rectangle/semi-circle/triangle/barrel shaped single and multi channels dh = 0.1–2.8 mm |
Condensation HT |
Shah (2017) [91] |
R718 R744 R717 Halocarbon Rs Cryogens HC Rs |
External experimental database (see [91]) | Horizontal/vertical, round/rectangular/triangular single and multi-port channels, dh = 0.38–27.1 mm | Saturated boiling HT prior to critical heat flux |
Shah (2017) [92] |
R718, R744 cryogens, R12, R113 R22, R134a HC R (R50, R290) |
External experimental database (see [92]) | Horizontal/vertical tubes dh = 0.98–25 mm |
Dispersed flow film boiling HT |
Shah (2021) [93] |
R718, HC Rs, R717, halocarbon Rs | External experimental database (see [93]) | Plate heat exchanger (PHE), β = 30–75° | Condensation HT |
Shah (2022) [94] |
R718, R744 Halocarbon R, HC, R717 cryogens, chemicals |
External experimental database (see [94]) | Horizontal/vertical, round/rectangular/triangular single and multi-port channels, dh = 0.38–41 mm | Saturated boiling HT |
Tao (2019) [95] |
HFCs HC Rs HFOs R744 |
External experimental database (see [95]) | Brazed/gasketed plate heat exchanger (PHE), β = 25.7–70°, dh = 3.23–8.08 mm | Condensation HT and frictional PD |
Tao (2020) [96] |
R717 | External experimental database [97] | PHE, β = 63°, dh = 2.99 mm | Flow patterns, condensation HT and TP frictional PD |
Turgut (2016) [98] |
R717 | External experimental database [99] | Horizontal circular smooth stainless steel tube di = 14 mm |
Flow pattern map, flow boiling TP PD |
Turgut (2021) [100] |
R290 | External experimental database (see [100]) | Vertical/horizontal smooth stainless steel/copper tubes dh = 0.3–7.7 mm |
Saturated TP flow boiling HT |
Turgut (2022) [101] |
R717 | External experimental database (see [101]) | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube, dh = 3–14 mm | Flow boiling HT |
R600a | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube, dh = 1.1–8.0 mm | |||
Umar (2022) [102] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal stainless steel smooth tube, di = 3 mm | TP flow boiling PD |
Wang, S. (2014) [103] |
R290 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tube, di = 6 mm | TP saturated flow boiling HT and frictional PD |
Wang, H. (2016) [104] |
R717 | External experimental database (see [104]) | Horizontal/vertical stainless steel/aluminium/carbon steel tube, di = 1.224–32 mm | Flow boiling HT |
Wen (2018) [105] |
R290 | Numerical simulation CFD software ANSYS Fluent |
Horizontal circular smooth mini-channel, dh = 1 mm | Condensation HT and frictional PD |
Yang (2017) [106] |
R600a | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth copper tube, di = 6 mm | Flow patterns, flow boiling HT and TP frictional PD |
Yuan (2017) [107] |
R134a, R22 R717, R744 R236fa R245fa R1234ze |
External experimental database (see [107]) | Horizontal smooth circular stainless steel/aluminium/copper tube di = 0.5–14.0 mm |
Annular flow boiling HT |
Zhang, Y. (2019) [108] |
R290 R600a |
External experimental database (see [108]) | Horizontal smooth stainless steel/copper tube di = 1–6 mm |
Boundary layer theory and flow boiling HT |
Zhang, J. (2021) [109] |
R134a R236fa R245fa R1233zd (E) R1234ze(E) R290 R600a |
Experimental study | Brazed plate heat exchanger (PHE), β = 65°, dh = 3.4 mm |
Condensation HT and frictional PD |
Zhang, J. (2021) [110] |
R134a R236fa R245fa R1233zd (E) R1234ze(E) R290 R600a |
Experimental study | Brazed plate heat exchanger (PHE), β = 65°, dh = 3.4 mm |
Flow boiling HT and frictional PD |
Zhang, R. (2021) [111] |
R717 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth stainless steel tube, di = 3 mm | Flow patterns, TP Flow boiling HT and frictional PD, dryout phenomenon |
Zhang, R. (2022) [112] |
R717 | Experimental study | Horizontal smooth steel tube, di = 3 mm | Flow boiling TP HT and TP frictional PD, dryout phenomenon |
First author/Year |
R | ST/SP/VQ | Heat Flux (kW/m2) | Mass Flux (kg/m2s) | Best reported HTC correlation/New HTC correlation | AAD (%) | Best reported PD correlation/New PD correlation | AAD (%) | |
Aǧra (2012) [6] |
R600a | Tsat = 30–43 °C – – |
– | G = 47–116 |
*±20% | – | – | |
Ahmadpour (2019) [7] | R600a | – psat = 510–630 kPa x = 0.04–0.80 |
– | G = 140–280 | Straight tube: Cavallini and Zecchin [113], Shah [114] | *±20 | – | – | |
U shaped tube: Traviss et al. [115] Shah [89] | |||||||||
Akbar (2021) [8] |
R290 | Tsat = 0–11 °C – x = 0–1 |
q = 5–20 | G = 50–180 | Aizuddin et al. [116] | 11.6 | – | – | |
Ali (2021) [9] |
R1234yf R152a R600a R134a |
Tsat = 27, 32 °C – – |
– | G = 50–500 | – | – | Based on Cavallini et al. [117] |
*71.78 %±30% | |
Allymehr (2020) [10] |
R290 | Tsat = 0, 5, 10 °C – x = 0.14–1 |
q = 15–33 | G = 250–500 | ST: Liu & Winterton [118] MF1: Rollmann & Spindler [119] MF2: Rollmann & Spindler [119] |
6.2 14.8 26.3 |
ST: Xu & Fang [120] MF1: Diani et al. [121] MF2: Diani et al. [121] |
11.7 3 12.7 |
Allymehr (2021) [11] |
R600a | Tsat = 5, 10, 20 °C – x = 0.11–1 |
q = 15–34 | G = 200–515 | ST: Shah [122] MF: Rollmann & Spindler [119] |
6.4 – |
ST: Xu & Fang [120] MF: Diani et al. [121] |
6.6 – |
R1270 | ST: Liu & Winterton [118] MF: no reliable correlation |
8.5 – |
ST: Xu & Fang [120] MF: Diani et al. [121] |
4.4 – |
Allymehr (2021) [12] |
R290 | Tsat = 35 °C – x = 0.12–0.89 |
– | G = 200–500 | ST: Dorao and Fernandino [123] MF1: Cavallini et al. [124] |
4.9 7.9 |
ST: Macdonald and Garimella [69] MF: Diani et al. [121] |
7.9 – |
R600a | ST: Dorao and Fernandino [123] MF1: Cavallini et al. [124] |
5.8 7.8 |
ST: Xu and Fang [125] MF: Diani et al. [121] |
11.0 – |
R1270 | ST: Dorao and Fernandino [123] MF1: Cavallini et al. [124] |
11.0 13.6 |
ST: Macdonald and Garimella [69] MF: Diani et al. [121] |
6.4 – |
Amalfi (2016) [13] |
R134a R245fa R236fa R717, R290 R600a R1270 R1234yf mixtures |
Tsat = −25–39 °C – x = 0–0.95 |
q = 0.1–50.0 | G = 5.5–610 | For Bd < 4 For Bd >= 4 |
22.1 (all data) |
21.5 (all data) | |
Anwar (2015) [15] |
R600a | Tsat = 27, 32 °C – x = 0–0.8 |
q = 20–130 | G = 50–350 | Li and Wu [126] | −0.48 (AD) | – | – | |
Arima (2010) [16] |
R717 | Tsat = 13.9, 17.9, 21.6 °C psat = 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 x = 0.1–0.4 |
q = 15, 20, 25 | G = 7.5, 10, 15 |
*±25% | – | – | |
Asim (2022) [17] |
R600a | Tsat = 27, 32 °C – – |
q = 5–245 | G = 50–500 | Mahmoud and Karayiannis [127] | 14.17 | – | – | |
Ayub (2019) [18] |
R717 R134a R410A |
– psat = 0.136–1.445 MPa – |
– | – |
*±30% (all data) | – | – | |
Basaran (2021) [19] |
R600a | Tsat = 40 °C – x = 0.3–0.9 |
q = 40 | G = 200–600 |
10.22 |
17.42 | |
Basaran (2021) [20] |
R600a | Tsat = 0.82056 °C – – |
– | G = 200–600 | **6.8 (Po) | Sakamatapan and Wongmisses [128] | – | ||
Butrymowicz (2022) [21] |
R134a, R507A R600a | – pr = 0.501–0.985 x = 0.1–1 |
q = 0.4–10 | G = 60–200 | Based on Gungor–Winterton [129] |
*R2 = 0.51 (all data) | – | – | |
Butrymowicz (2022) [22] |
R290 | Tsat,e = 8 °C Tsat,c = 34 °C – – |
– | G = 50–160 | – | – | Based on Müller-Steinhagen [130] Condensation: |
*R2 = 0.832 | |
Evaporation |
*R2 = 0.555 | ||||||||
Cao (2021) [23] |
R600a | – psat = 530–620 kPa – |
– | G = 25–41.25 |
9.8 | 7.3 | ||
Choi (2009) [24] |
R290 | Tsat = 0, 5, 10 °C – x = 0–1 |
q = 5–20 | G = 50–400 |
9.93 | 10.84 | ||
Choi (2014) [25] |
R744 R717 R290 R1234yf |
Tsat = 0–10 °C – x = 0–1 |
q = 5–60 | G = 50–600 |
12.28 (all data) 11.09 (R717) 10.02 (R290) |
– | – | |
Cioncolini (2011) [26] |
R22, R32 R134a R290 R600a R718, R12 R236fa R245fa |
– p =0.1–7.2 MPa x = 0.19–0.94 |
q = 3–736 | G = 123–3925 |
13.0 (all data) |
– | – | |
Da Silva (2023) [27] |
R600a | Tsat = 24 °C psat = 340.3 kPa x = 0.09 – 0.98 |
q = 4.5–18.5 | G = 35–170 | – | – | Hwang and Kim [131] | 7.96 (AD) |
Da Silva Lima (2009) [28] | R717 | Tsat = −14–14 °C – x = 0.05–0.6 |
q =12–25 | G = 50–160 | – | – | Moreno Quibén and Thome [132] | 9.5 | |
Dalkilic (2010) [29] |
R600a | Tsat = 30–43 psat = 4–5.73 bar x = 0.45–0.9 |
– | G = 75–115 | – | – | Chen et al. [133] Mishima and Hibiki [134] |
*±30% | |
Darzi (2015) [30] |
R600a | – – x = 0.1–0.8 |
q = 17 | G = 154.8–265.4 | Based on Shah [89] |
*90%±17 | Jung and Radermacher [135] | *80%±25 | |
De Oliveira (2016) [31] | R600a | Tsat = 25 °C – x = 0–0.92 |
q = 5–60 | G = 240–480 | Kim and Mudawar (2013) [136] | 4.4 (AD) |
– | – | |
De Oliveira (2017) [32] |
R290 | Tsat = 25 °C – – |
q = 5–60 | G = 240–480 | – | – | Zhang et al. [137] | 21.66 (AD) | |
R600a | Mishima and Hibiki [134] | −5.54 (AD) | |||||||
De Oliveira (2018) [33] |
R290 | Tsat = 25 °C psat = 952.2 kPa – |
q = 5–60 | G = 240–480 | Li and Wu [126] | −8.5 (AD) |
– | – | |
De Oliveira (2020) [34] |
R1270 | Tsat = 25°C psat = 1154.4 kPa x = 0.01–0.99 |
q = 5–60 | G = 240–480 | Bertsch et al. [138] | 22.8 (AD) |
– | – | |
De Oliveira (2023) [35] |
R1270 | Tsat = 25°C psat = 1154.4 kP a– |
q = 5–60 | G = 240–480 | – | – | Hwang and Kim [131] | 2.65 (AD) |
Del Col (2014) [36] |
R290 | Tsat,aPD,cHT = 40°C Tsat,bHT = 31°C – x = 0.05–0.6 |
q,bHT = 10–315 | G,aPD = 200–800 G,cHT = 100–1000 G,bHT = 100–600 |
cHT: Moser et al. [139] bHT: Thome et al. [140] |
7.22 3.9 (AD) |
Del Col et al. [141] | 9.1 | |
Del Col (2017) [37] |
R1270 | Tsat,aPD,cHT = 40°C Tsat,bHT = 30°C – – |
q,bHT = 10–244 | G,aPD = 400, 600 G,cHT = 80–1000 G,bHT = 100–600 |
cHT: Moser et al. [139] bHT: Sun and Mishima [142] |
16.4 8.6 |
Friedel [143] | 7.3 | |
ElFaham (2023) [38] |
R290 R600 R600a |
Tsat = −35–43 °C – x = 0–1 |
q = 5–315 | G = 50–1100 | Kew and Cornwell [144] | 24.6 (all data) | – | – | |
Fang, Xiande (2019) [39] |
R717 | Tsat = 1.06–31°C psat = 2.15–11.06 bar x = 0–0.99 |
q = 5–130 | G = 20–600 | Fang et al. [145] | 4.7 | – | – | |
R290 | 6.5 | ||||||||
R600a | 10.2 | ||||||||
Fang, Xianshi (2023) [40] |
R600a | Tsat = 38.5 °C – x = 0.05–0.79 |
– | G = 115–365 | – | – | Nualboonrueng et al. [146] | Non-annular flow | 32.52 |
Annular flow | 10.18 | ||||||||
Fries (2019) [42] |
R290 | – psat = 12–16 bar – |
– | G = 300–400 | Thome [147] (for low x) Cavallini and Zecchin [113] (for high x) |
– – |
Friedel [143] | – | |
Fries (2020) [43] |
R290 R1270 |
– pr = 0.25 – |
– | G = 300, 450, 600 | – | – | Friedel [143] | *±20% (all data) | |
Fronk (2016) [44] |
R717 | Tsat = 30–60 °C pr = 0.10–0.23 – |
– | G = 75–225 | Annular flow model : Non-annular flow model: |
12.8 | – | – | |
Gao (2018) [46] |
R717 | Tsat = −15.8–5 °C – – |
q = 9–21 | G = 50–100 | Gungor and Winterton [148] | 19.6 | Müller-Steinhagen and Heck [130] | 16.1 | |
Gao (2019) [47] |
R717 | Tsat = −15.8–4.6 °C – x = 0–0.9 |
– | G = 20–200 | – | – | Based on Müller-Steinhagen and Heck [130] ; ; |
13.5 | |
Ghazali (2022) [48] |
R290 | Tsat = 5–25 °C – x = 0.4–1 |
q = 2.5–60 | G = 50–500 | Based on Mohd-Yunos et al. [75] |
17.02 | – | – | |
Ghorbani (2017) [49] |
R600a | Tsat = 36.2−45.6 – x = 0.06−0.78 |
− | G = 110−372 | Shah [89] | 13 AD |
– | – | |
Guo (2018) [50] |
R1234ze(E) R290 R161 R41 |
Tsat = 35–45 °C – x = 0–1 |
q = 8–30 | G = 200–400 | Based on Koyama et al. [149] |
21.6 (R290) | – | – | |
Huang (2012) [51] |
R134a R507a R12, R717 |
Tsat = 1.9–13 – xout = 0.2–0.95 |
q = 1.9–10.8 | G = 5.6–52.3 |
7.3 (all data) | – | – | |
Ilie (2022) [53] |
R717 | Tsat = −9–(−2) °C – x = 0.5 |
q = 4–7.3 | G = 1.8–2.6 | Shah [114] | 14.23 | – | – | |
Inoue (2018) [54] |
R32, R410a R1234ze(E) R152a |
Tsat = 35 °C – – |
– | G = 100–400 |
*±30% (all data) | – | – | |
*±30% R290 External data [65] | |||||||||
Kanizawa (2016) [55] |
R134a R245fa R600a |
Tsat = 21.5–58.3 °C – x = 0.01–0.93 |
q = 5–185 | G = 49–2200 |
11 (all data) No good agreement (R600a) |
– | – | |
Khan, T.S. (2012) [56] |
R717 | Tsat = −25–(−2)°C – xout = 0.5–0.9 |
q = 21–44 | G = 8.5–27 | *75%±4% | *90%±5% | |||
Khan, M.S. (2012) [57] |
R717 | Tsat = −25–(−2) °C – xout = 0.5–0.9 |
q = 21–44 | G = 5.5 | *70%±4% | *90%±7% | |||
Koyama (2014) [58] |
R717 | – psat = 0.7, 0.9 MPa – |
q = 10, 15, 20 | G = 5–7.5 | For δ = 1 mm: |
*85%±30% | – | – | |
For δ = 2 and 5 mm: |
*88%±30% | ||||||||
Lee (2010) [59] |
R290 | Tsat = 40 °C – x = 0–0.9 |
– | G = 35.5–178.8 | Haraguchi et al. [150] | 13.75 | – | – | |
R600a | 6.57 | ||||||||
Lillo (2018) [60] |
R290 | Tsat = 25–35 °C – x = 0–1 |
q = 2.5–40.0 | G = 150–500 | Based on Wojtan et al. [151] |
8.2 | Friedel [143] | 20.8 | |
Liu (2016) [61] |
R290 | Tsat = 40, 50 °C psat = 1.37–1.71 MPa x = 0.1–0.9 |
– | G = 200–500 | Kim et al. [152] | 13 | Kim and Mudawar [153] | ±30% | |
Liu (2018) [62] |
R600a R227ea R245fa |
Tsat = 27.5–45.5 °C – x = 0–0.8 |
q = 3.60–10.50 | G = 32.20–116.8 |
a = 17022, b = 0.939, c = 0.347, d = 0.581, e = 0.23 |
14.93 (all data) 17.09 (R600a) |
– | – | |
Longo (2012) [63] |
R600a | Tsat = 9.8–20.2 °C – x = 0.21–1 |
q = 4.3–19.6 | G = 6.6–23.9 | Cooper [154] | 17.2 |
8.8 (all data) | |
R290 | Gorenflo [155] | 16.2 | |||||||
R1270 | Gorenflo [155] | 27.1 | |||||||
Longo (2017) [64] |
R290 | Tsat = 30, 35, 40 °C psat = 1.075–1.650 MPa x = 0.12–0.95 |
– | G = 75–400 | Akers et al. [156] | 9.0 | Friedel [143] | 14.5 | |
R1270 | 13.0 | 12.4 | |||||||
Longo (2020) [65] |
R600a | Tsat = 5–20 °C psat = 1.195–3.045 bar x = 0.08–0.75 |
q = 15–30 | G = 100–300 | Fang et al. [145] | 6.2 | Wang et al. [157] | 15.49 | |
Longo (2023) [66] |
R290 | Tsat = 9.9–10.4 °C psat = 0.63–0.79 MPa x = 0.24–1 |
q = 2.9–28.3 | G = 5.0–17.8 | Longo et al. [158] | 7.7 | – | – | |
R1270 | 6.9 | ||||||||
López-Belchí (2016) [67] |
R290 | Tsat = 30, 40, 50 °C psat = 1.08–1.71 MPa – |
q = 15.76–32.25 | G = 175–350 | Koyama et al. [159] | 18.44 | Sun and Mishima [160] | 6.88 | |
Macdonald (2016) [68] |
R290 | Tsat = 30–94 °C – – |
– | G = 150–450 | Cavallini et al. [161] | 24 | Garimella et al. [162] | 26 | |
Macdonald (2016) [69] |
R290 | Tsat = 30–94 °C – – |
– | G = 150–450 |
11 |
18 | |
Macdonald (2017) [70] |
R290 | Tsat = 30–75 °C pr = 0.25–0.67 – |
– | G = 150–450 | Based on Macdonald and Garimella [69] |
5.4 | – | – | |
Maher (2020) [71] |
R134a R245fa R125, R744 R236ea R22, R152a R32, R410a R1234ze(E) R290 R600 aR1234yf |
Tsat = 25–55 °C – – |
– | G = 35.5–2094 | – | – |
30 (all data) |
Maqbool (2012) [72] |
R717 | Tsat = 23, 33, 43 °C – – |
q = 15–355 | G = 100–500 | – | – | Based on Tran et al. [163] |
16 | |
Maqbool (2012) [73] |
R717 | Tsat = 23, 33, 43 °C – – |
q = 15–355 | G = 100–500 | Cooper [164] | 20 | – | – | |
Maqbool (2013) [74] |
R290 | Tsat = 23, 33, 43 °C – – |
q = 5–280 | G = 100–500 | Cooper [165] | 18 | Müller-Steinhagen and Heck [130] | 17 | |
Mohd-Yunos (2020) [75] |
R290 | Tsat = −35–25 °C – – |
q = 5–190 | G = 63.9–480 | Based on Choi et al. [25] |
33.16 25.26 |
– | – | |
Moreira (2021) [76] |
R134a R600a R290 R1270 |
Tsat = 35 °C – x = 0–1 |
q = 5–60 | G = 50–250 |
– | – | – | |
Morrow (2021) [77] |
R717 | Tsat = 24–60 °C – x = 0–1 |
– | G = 20–800 | Shah [90] | 41 | – | – | |
R290 | Kim [152] | 14 | |||||||
R600a | Shah [166] | 15 | |||||||
Murphy (2019) [78] |
R290 | Tsat = 47, 74 °C psat = 1.6, 2.8 MPa x = 0.1–0.9 |
– | G = 75–150 |
13.4 |
12 | |
Nasr (2015) [79] |
R600a | – pavg = 5–6 bar x = 0–0.7 |
q = 10–27 | G = 130–380 | Gungor–Winterton [129] | 12.23 | – | – | |
Oh (2011) [80] |
R22, R134a R410A, R290, R744 | Tsat = 0–15 °C – x = 0–1 |
q = 5–40 | G = 50–600 |
15.28 (all data) | – | – | |
Pamitran (2009) [81] |
R290 | Tsat = 0, 5, 10 °C – x = 0–1 |
q = 5–20 | G = 50–400 |
8.27 | – | – | |
Pamitran (2011) [82] |
R290 R717 R744 |
Tsat = 0–10 °C – x = 0–1 |
q = 5–70 | G = 50–600 |
19.81 (all data) 17.94 (R290) 22.52 (R717) |
– | – | |
Patel (2018) [83] |
R290, R22 R1234yf, R1234ze, R410a, R32 |
Tsat = 30–50 °C – x = 0.1–0.9 |
– | G = 150–800 | – | – |
10.08 | |
Pham (2019) [84] |
R22, R32, R410a R290 | Tsat = 48 °C – x = 0.1–0.9 |
q = 3–15 | G = 50–500 |
18.14 | – | – | |
Qiu (2015) [85] |
R600a | Tsat = 20 °C – x = 0.05–0.85 |
q = 5–10 | G = 200–400 | Shah [122] | 21.75 | Groennerud [167] | 19.07 (G=400) 28.55 (G=200) |
Sempértegui-Tapia (2017) [86] | R134a R1234ze(E)R1234yf R600a |
Tsat = 31, 41 °C – x = 0–0.93 |
q = 15–145 | G = 200–800 | Based on Kanizawa et al. [168] |
11.4 (all data) 14.0 (R600a) |
– | – | |
Sempértegui-Tapia (2017) [87] |
R134a, R1234ze(E) R1234yf R600a |
Tsat = 31,41 °C – x = 0.05–0.95 |
– | G = 100–1600 | – | – | Based on Müller-Steinhagen and Heck [130] |
10.2 (all data) 9.3 (R600a) 7.2 (R290, external data [36]) |
Shafaee (2016) [88] |
R600a | – pavg = 4–6 bar x = 0.08–0.7 |
q = 18.6–26.1 | G = 109.2–505 | Shah [122] | 15 | – | – | |
Shah (2009) [89] |
R718 Halocarbon Rs HC Rs Organics |
– pr = 0.0008–0.9 x = 0.01–0.99 |
– | G = 4–820 |
Boundary between Regime I and II: |
14.4 (all data) 11.2,13.7 (R600a) 16.4,15.210.5,20.5 (R290)17.2,32.6 (R1270) |
– | – | |
Shah (2016) [90] |
R718, R744 Halocarbon Rs, HC Rs | – pr = 0.0055–0.94 x = 0.02–0.99 |
– | G = 20–1400 |
![]() |
15.5 (all data) 21.3 (R290) |
– | – | |
Shah (2017) [91] |
R718 R744 R717 HalocarbonRs Cryogens HC Rs |
– pr = 0.0046– 0.787 – |
– | G = 15–2437 |
18.6 (all data) 21.6 (R717) 9.2 (R290) 11.4,40.1 (R600a) |
– | – | |
Shah (2017) [92] |
R718, R744 cryogens, R12, R113 R22, R134a HC Rs (R50, R290) |
– pr = 0.0046–0.99 x = – |
– | G = 3.7–5176 |
19.4 (all data) 28.3 (R290) |
– | – | |
Shah (2021) [93] |
R718, HC Rs, R717, halocarbon Rs | – pr = 0.0083–0.8 x = 0–1 |
q = 2.5–93.5 | G = 2.3–165 | Based on Longo et al. [169] |
20.9 (all data) 16.6,23.6 (R717) 13.5,17.4 (R600a) 6.5,11.0,25.8 (R290) 13.8 (R1270) |
– | – | |
Shah (2022) [94] |
R718, R744 Halocarbon Rs, HC Rs, R717 cryogens, chemicals |
– pr = 0.0046–0.787 – |
– | G = 15–2437 |
18.8 (all data) 18.2 (HC Rs) |
– | – | |
Tao (2019) [95] |
HFCs HC Rs HFOs R744 |
Tsat = −34.4–72.1°C psat = 1.0–24.2 x = 0–1 |
q = 2.5–66.5 | G = 2–150 | Longo et al. [169] | 25.5 (all data) | 31.2 (all data) | ||
Tao (2020) [96] |
R717 | – psat = 630–930 kPa x = 0.05–0.65 |
– | G = 21–78 | 7.4 |
14.6 | ||
Turgut (2016) [98] |
R717 | Tsat = −14–14 °C x = 0.1–0.6 – |
q = 12–25 | G = 50–160 | – | – | Gronnerud [170] | 13.9 | |
Turgut (2021) [100] |
R290 | Tsat = −35–43 °C – x = 0.01–0.99 |
q = 2.5–227.0 | G = 50–600 | Based on Wattelet et al. [171] |
19.1 | – | – | |
Turgut (2022) [101] |
R600a | Tsat = −34.4– 43 °C x = 0.01– 0.96 |
q = 5–240 | G = 16.3–500 |
17.3 | – | – | |
R717 | Tsat = 6–40 °C – x = 0.01– 0.94 |
q = 5–140 | G = =49–2200 |
12.4 | ||||
Umar (2022) [102] |
R290 | Tsat = 8.7–10.8 °C – x = 0.1–0.9 |
q = 5–20 | G = 50–180 | – | – | Li and Hibiki [172] | 19.47 | |
Wang, S. (2014) [103] |
R290 | Tsat = −35–(−1.9) °C – – |
q = 11.7–87.1 | G = 62–104 | Liu and Winterton [118] | 7.5 | Müller-Steinhagen and Heck [130] | 17.0 | |
Wang, H. (2016) [104] |
R717 | – psat = 0.19–1.6 x = 0.002–0.997 |
q = 2.0–240 | G = 10–600 | Kandlikar [173] Stephan [174] |
40.9 40.9 |
– | – | |
Wen (2018) [105] |
R290 | Tsat = 40 °C psat = 1.37 MPa – |
– | G = 400–800 | Thome et al. (2003) [147] | 7.27 | Friedel [143] | 7.59 | |
Yang (2017) [106] |
R600a | – psat = 0.215–0.415 MPa – |
q = 10.6–75.0 | G = 67–194 | Liu and Winterton [118] | 11.5 | Based on Müller-Steinhagen and Heck [130] |
16.6 | |
Yuan (2017) [107] |
R134a, R22 R717, R744 R236fa R245fa R1234ze |
– pr = 0.01–0.77 x = 0.10–0.98 |
q = 3–240 | G = 50–1290 |
13.7 (all data) 12.9 (R717) |
– | – | |
Zhang, Y. (2019) [108] |
R290 R600a |
Tsat = −35–40 °C – x = 0–0.99 |
q = 5–135 | G = 50–500 |