Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Phytochemical Characterization and Evaluation of the Biological Activities of Opuntia ficus indica L

Version 1 : Received: 5 February 2024 / Approved: 6 February 2024 / Online: 6 February 2024 (13:18:49 CET)

How to cite: Slimane, M.; Boumediene, B.; Cruz, C.; Karima, B.; Bousedra, F.; Bensekrane, Z.; Nabti, E.-H. Phytochemical Characterization and Evaluation of the Biological Activities of Opuntia ficus indica L. Preprints 2024, 2024020362. Slimane, M.; Boumediene, B.; Cruz, C.; Karima, B.; Bousedra, F.; Bensekrane, Z.; Nabti, E.-H. Phytochemical Characterization and Evaluation of the Biological Activities of Opuntia ficus indica L. Preprints 2024, 2024020362.


In the context of sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture, current scientific researches are focusing on plant-based bioproducts to remedy the toxicity caused by chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This study was conducted on cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indicato screen the bioactive molecules and to evaluate the activity againstfungal agentsisolated from tomato fruits. Quantitative analysis of the methanolic extractrevealed its richeness in total polyphenols (86.6 mg GAE/100 g FW), flavonoids (13.4 mg QE/100 g FW), condensed tannins (08.9 mg TAE/100 g FW), and carotenoids(0.9 mg β-CE/100 g FW). DPPH test revealed that the cladodes extract had a high antioxidant potential (0.6 mg/ml). On the other hand, 7 fungal agents were isolated from infected tomato fruits and identifyed asbelonging to the following genera: Rhizoctonia (EC2), Fusarium (EC1 and EC3), Alternaria (EC4), Mucor (EC5), Aspergillus (EC6) and Penicillium (EC7). At a concentration 0.02% of cladodehydro-ethanolic extract, results of the antifungal activity showed aninhibition of mycelial growth up to70% for the isolates ofAlternariaspEC4 (70.91%), Rhizoctonia solaniEC2 (58.49%), Fusarium oxysporiumEC3 (57.63%) and Fusarium solaniEC1 (53.13%). While,inhibitory activities lower than 50% were obtained for fungal isolates MucorspEC6 (31.08%), Aspergillus sp EC5 (35.14%) and Penicillium sp EC7 (28.38%).At 0.04%all thecladode hydro-ethanolic extractwere able to inhibit mycelium growth in more than 50%.Similarly, maximum spore inhibition development were obtained with 0.04 cladode hydro-ethanolicreaching more than 60%. Inhibition percentages of 83.02%, 85.96%, 87.76% and 90.20% were obtained for fungal isolates Fusarium oxysporium EC3, Fusarium solani EC1, Rhizoctonia solani EC2 and Alternaria sp EC4, respectively. All together, the results show that Opuntia ficus-indica extract has potential tobe used effectively as a biopesticide against fungal agents of tomato fruits.


Opuntia ficus-indica; Cladodes; Bioactive molecules; Fungal agents; Solanum lycopersicum L; Antifungal activity


Biology and Life Sciences, Biology and Biotechnology

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