Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

A Novel Compact Broadband Quasi-Twisted Branch Line Coupler Based on Double-Layered Microstrip Line

Version 1 : Received: 15 December 2023 / Approved: 18 December 2023 / Online: 18 December 2023 (10:12:34 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Ahmed, F.H.; Saad, R.; Khamas, S.K. A Novel Compact Broadband Quasi-Twisted Branch Line Coupler Based on a Double-Layered Microstrip Line. Micromachines 2024, 15, 142. Ahmed, F.H.; Saad, R.; Khamas, S.K. A Novel Compact Broadband Quasi-Twisted Branch Line Coupler Based on a Double-Layered Microstrip Line. Micromachines 2024, 15, 142.


A novel quasi-twisted miniaturized wideband Branch Line Coupler (BLC) is proposed. The design is based on bisecting the conventional microstrip line BLC transversely and folding bisected sections on double-layered substrates with a common ground plane in between. The pair of quarter wavelength horizontal parallel arms is converted to a Z-shape meandered microstrip line in the designed structure. On the other hand, the pair of quarter wavelength vertical arms are cut by half into two lines and converted to a periodically loaded slow wave structure. The bisected parts of BLC are placed on the opposite side of the doubled-layer substrate and connected through four vias passing through the common ground plane. This technique enabled a compact BLC size of 6.4×18 mm2, which corresponds to a surface area miniaturization by ~50% as compared to the classical BLC size of 10×23 mm2 at 6GHz, Moreover, the attained relative bandwidth is 73.9% (4.6-10 GHz) for S11, and 75.8% (4.5-10 GHz) for S33 as compared to 41% for the ordinary BLC at the same resonant frequency. The circuit is constructed on a double-layered low-cost FR4 substrate with a relative permittivity of 4.3, and a loss tangent of 0.025. An isolation of -13dB was realized in both S13 and S31 demonstrating an excellent performance. The transmission coefficients between input/output ports S21, S41, S23, and S43 are between -3.1dB to -3.5dB at the frequency of 6GHz. Finally, the proposed BLC provides phase differences between output ports of 90.5o and 94.8o at the frequency of 6GHz when the input ports 1 and 3 are excited, respectively. The presented design offers the potential of being utilized as a unit cell for building a Butler-matrix (BM) for sub-6GHz 5G beamforming networks.


Branch Line Coupler (BLC); microstrip double-layered TL (MDL-TL); phased array antenna; slow wave structure


Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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