Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Genome Analysis of Epsilon Crass-like Phages Revealed That Some of Them Can Be Temperate Phages Encoding Atypical Diversity-Generating Retroelements

Version 1 : Received: 8 December 2023 / Approved: 8 December 2023 / Online: 8 December 2023 (13:28:31 CET)

How to cite: Babkin, I. V.; Tikunov, A. Y.; Baykov, I. K.; Morozova, V. V.; Tikunova, N. V. Genome Analysis of Epsilon Crass-like Phages Revealed That Some of Them Can Be Temperate Phages Encoding Atypical Diversity-Generating Retroelements. Preprints 2023, 2023120623. Babkin, I. V.; Tikunov, A. Y.; Baykov, I. K.; Morozova, V. V.; Tikunova, N. V. Genome Analysis of Epsilon Crass-like Phages Revealed That Some of Them Can Be Temperate Phages Encoding Atypical Diversity-Generating Retroelements. Preprints 2023, 2023120623.


СrAss-like phages play an important role in maintaining ecological balance in the human intestine microbiome. However, their lifestyle and genetic diversity are still insufficiently studied. In this study, a novel CrAssE-Sib phage genome belonging to the epsilon сrAss-like phage genomes was found. Detailed analysis indicated that CrAssE-Sib encodes unusual proteins – DNA primase, virion RNA polymerase, prophage antirepressor, and transcriptional repressor, as well as reverse transcriptase (RT) and receptor binding protein (RBP) that are part of diversity-generating retroelement (DGR). Comparative analysis showed that all epsilon сrAss-like phages are divided into two putative genera, which were proposed to name Epsilonunovirus and Epsilonduovirus; CrAssE-Sib belongs to the first of them. RT from CrAssE-Sib and several Epsilonunoviruses contains a specific motif in its fourth domain that was not previously found in RTs from phage and bacterial DGRs. In addition, RBP from CrAssE-Sib and all Epsilonunoviruses has a unique structure. The presence of the conservative prophage repressor and anti–repressors that belong to the lysogenic-to-lytic cycle switches indicate that CrAssE-Sib and other Epsilonunoviruses could be temperate. Epsilon сrAss-like phage substantially differ from other crAss-like phages, including zeta сrAss-like phages. This fact indicates the need to isolate these phages into a separate family.


crAss-like phages; genome sequence; diversity-generating retroelements; temperate phages; phylogenetics; virus taxonomy; 3D modeling


Biology and Life Sciences, Virology

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