Version 1
: Received: 5 December 2023 / Approved: 6 December 2023 / Online: 6 December 2023 (05:01:39 CET)
How to cite:
Ibrahim, N. A.; Basher, N. S.; Idriss, H.; Aleissa, M. S.; Nasr, F. A.; Mohammed, A.; Abdella, F. I. A. An Investigation of the Protective Influence of Dates Fruit Against Nephrotoxicity in Wistar Albino Rats Induced by Gentamicin. Preprints2023, 2023120315.
Ibrahim, N. A.; Basher, N. S.; Idriss, H.; Aleissa, M. S.; Nasr, F. A.; Mohammed, A.; Abdella, F. I. A. An Investigation of the Protective Influence of Dates Fruit Against Nephrotoxicity in Wistar Albino Rats Induced by Gentamicin. Preprints 2023, 2023120315.
Ibrahim, N. A.; Basher, N. S.; Idriss, H.; Aleissa, M. S.; Nasr, F. A.; Mohammed, A.; Abdella, F. I. A. An Investigation of the Protective Influence of Dates Fruit Against Nephrotoxicity in Wistar Albino Rats Induced by Gentamicin. Preprints2023, 2023120315.
APA Style
Ibrahim, N. A., Basher, N. S., Idriss, H., Aleissa, M. S., Nasr, F. A., Mohammed, A., & Abdella, F. I. A. (2023). An Investigation of the Protective Influence of Dates Fruit Against Nephrotoxicity in Wistar Albino Rats Induced by Gentamicin. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ibrahim, N. A., Abdullah Mohammed and Faiza I. A. Abdella. 2023 "An Investigation of the Protective Influence of Dates Fruit Against Nephrotoxicity in Wistar Albino Rats Induced by Gentamicin" Preprints.
Nephrotoxicity is a common adverse effect associated with gentamicin administration. The current study investigated the potential protective effects of dates fruit against Gentamicin-induced renal nephrotoxicity in female albino rats. Date fruit antioxidants were measured using a spectropho-tometer, and GC-MS was performed using a Perkin Elmer Clarus 600 GC and Turbomass mass spectrometer. Thirty experimental animals were assigned at random to one of three Prevention and Treatment subgroups. Gentamicin (GM) administration at a dose of 100mg/kg resulted in renal toxicity, as evidenced by alterations in kidney function tests and histological changes in the proximal convoluted tubules. Date fruit improved kidney function (albumin, total protein, uric acid, urea, creatinine) and tubule histology, according to the findings. The GC-MS analysis reveals the presence of 20 chemicals. Date fruit antioxidants include 14mg/gallic acid total phenolic, 32.22 mg/rutin equivalent total flavonoid, and 1000 ug/ml DPPH free radical scavenging. According to the study, date fruit and Gentamicin performed the best. Date fruit had a significant impact on prevention during Gentamicin treatment.
Biology and Life Sciences, Biology and Biotechnology
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