Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Study on the Effect of L. barbarum-Forage Intercropping Pattern on the Growth of L. barbarum

Version 1 : Received: 20 November 2023 / Approved: 21 November 2023 / Online: 21 November 2023 (07:15:04 CET)

How to cite: Li, W. Y.; Zhu, L.; Jun, H.; Nan, X.; Wang, F.; Liu, Y.; Xia, J. Q.; Long, Y. Z.; Hao, W.; Yan, Z.; Qin, Y. H.; Ken, Q.; Hua, L. Y. Study on the Effect of L. barbarum-Forage Intercropping Pattern on the Growth of L. barbarum. Preprints 2023, 2023111279. Li, W. Y.; Zhu, L.; Jun, H.; Nan, X.; Wang, F.; Liu, Y.; Xia, J. Q.; Long, Y. Z.; Hao, W.; Yan, Z.; Qin, Y. H.; Ken, Q.; Hua, L. Y. Study on the Effect of L. barbarum-Forage Intercropping Pattern on the Growth of L. barbarum. Preprints 2023, 2023111279.


Forest-grass intercropping patterns of protected cultivation has been widely used to increase productivity and sustainability in modern agriculture. However, there have been few studies of wolfberry (L. barbarum) intercropping and it is cultivated mostly by clean tillage. This paper takes 10 kinds of wolfberry-forage intercropping patterns, compares the effects of different planting modes on the growth, yield, photosynthetic characteristics, nutritional quality, and the degree of occurrence of diseases and pests, which aims to make clear the effects of wolfberry-forage intercropping patterns on wolfberry. The results showed that different intercropping combinations had different effects on wolfberry. The overall effect of Wolfberry-forage intercropping patterns on the growth of wolfberry were promote the photosynthetic characteristics. Ryegrass could increase the branch number, Lvyuan 5 and mangel increase branch length; Mangel, clover, sweet sorghum, ryegrass and stipas could reduce the damage of powdery mildew by 69%, and alfalfa, stipa and ryegrass could reduce the occurrence of aphids by 67% (P<0.05). Intercropping could increase carotenoids, flavonoids and ascorbic acid contents to improve wolfberry quality by 21%, 53% and 127%, respectively (P<0.05). Among all the performances, wolfberry-mangel intercropping has absolute advantages in promoting wolfberry yield and quality increase. Therefore the best patterns of wolfberry-mangel, wolfberry-ryegrass, wolfberry-alfalfa and wolfberry-clover were chosen.


wolfberry-forage; intercropping pattern; yield; diseases and insect pests; fruit quality


Biology and Life Sciences, Agricultural Science and Agronomy

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