Winlow, W., & Johnson, A. S. Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying perception and sentience in the neocortex. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 18, 1335739.
Winlow, W., & Johnson, A. S. Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying perception and sentience in the neocortex. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 18, 1335739.
Winlow, W., & Johnson, A. S. Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying perception and sentience in the neocortex. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 18, 1335739.
Winlow, W., & Johnson, A. S. Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying perception and sentience in the neocortex. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 18, 1335739.
The basis for computation in the brain is the quantum threshold of the ‘soliton’ accompanying the ion changes of the action potential and the refractory membrane at convergences. We provide a logical explanation from the action potential to a neuronal model of the coding and computation of the retina and have explained how the visual cortex operates by quantum phase processing. In the small world network parallel frequencies collide into definable patterns of distinct objects. Elsewhere we have shown how many sensory cells are mean sampled to a single neuron and that convergences of neurons are common. We have also demonstrated, using the threshold and refractory period of a quantum phase pulse, that action potentials diffract across a neural network due to the annulment of parallel collisions in phase ternary computation (PTC). Thus, PTC applied to neuron convergences results in collective mean sampled frequency and is the only mathematical solution within the constraints of brain neural networks (BNN). In the retina and other sensory areas, we discuss how this information is coded and then understood in terms of network abstracts within the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and visual cortex. First by defined neural patterning within a neural network, and then in terms of contextual networks, we demonstrate that the output of frequencies from the visual cortex contain information amounting to abstract representations of objects in increasing detail. We show that nerve tracts from the LGN provide time synchronisation to the neocortex (defined as the location of the combination of connections of the visual cortex, motor cortex, auditory cortex, etc). The full image is therefore combined in the neocortex with other sensory modalities so that it receives information about the object from the eye, and all abstracts that make up the object. Spatial patterns in the visual cortex are formed from individual patterns illuminating the retina and memory is encoded by reverberatory loops of computational actions potentials (CAPs). We demonstrate that a similar process of PTC may take place in the cochlea and associated ganglia, as well as ascending information from the spinal cord, and that this function should be considered universal where convergences of neurons occur.
Biology and Life Sciences, Neuroscience and Neurology
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