Version 1
: Received: 22 September 2023 / Approved: 25 September 2023 / Online: 25 September 2023 (11:02:52 CEST)
How to cite:
Perkovic, N. Explaining the Ratios of Masses of all Three Generations of Leptons and Quarks and Predicting the Mass Eigenstates of Neutrinos. Preprints2023, 2023091679.
Perkovic, N. Explaining the Ratios of Masses of all Three Generations of Leptons and Quarks and Predicting the Mass Eigenstates of Neutrinos. Preprints 2023, 2023091679.
Perkovic, N. Explaining the Ratios of Masses of all Three Generations of Leptons and Quarks and Predicting the Mass Eigenstates of Neutrinos. Preprints2023, 2023091679.
APA Style
Perkovic, N. (2023). Explaining the Ratios of Masses of all Three Generations of Leptons and Quarks and Predicting the Mass Eigenstates of Neutrinos. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Perkovic, N. 2023 "Explaining the Ratios of Masses of all Three Generations of Leptons and Quarks and Predicting the Mass Eigenstates of Neutrinos" Preprints.
In this paper we will provide a new equation that explains why there are three generations or families of leptons and quarks, respectively. We will also explain why all those particles have the known mass ratios amongst their three respective generations and flavors. We will also tackle the problem of Yukawa couplings being arbitrary parameters in the Standard Model Higgs mechanism, which is a long standing problem do to their formulaic dependence on the Higgs Vacuum Expectation Value (VEV). We will attempt to solve this problem and provide a strong argument through an equation for Yukawa couplings of all leptons and quarks via a new methodology that depends on the running of the fine-structure constant on the Q scale, quantum numbers and the Weinberg angle (also on the Q scale). We will also make predictions for all three left-chiral neutrino mass eigenstates and we will provide upper limits for the three right-chiral neutrino mass eigenstates
higgs mechanism; yukawa coupling; fine structure constant; leptons, quarks
Physical Sciences, Particle and Field Physics
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