PreprintArticleVersion 1Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed
Examine the Effects of a Reproduction and Production Teaching Styles Interventions in Primary Schoolchildren. What implications for Physical Education Teachers?
Version 1
: Received: 21 September 2023 / Approved: 22 September 2023 / Online: 26 September 2023 (08:11:07 CEST)
How to cite:
Monacis, D.; Annoscia, S.; Limone, P.; Colella, D. Examine the Effects of a Reproduction and Production Teaching Styles Interventions in Primary Schoolchildren. What implications for Physical Education Teachers?. Preprints2023, 2023091595.
Monacis, D.; Annoscia, S.; Limone, P.; Colella, D. Examine the Effects of a Reproduction and Production Teaching Styles Interventions in Primary Schoolchildren. What implications for Physical Education Teachers?. Preprints 2023, 2023091595.
Monacis, D.; Annoscia, S.; Limone, P.; Colella, D. Examine the Effects of a Reproduction and Production Teaching Styles Interventions in Primary Schoolchildren. What implications for Physical Education Teachers?. Preprints2023, 2023091595.
APA Style
Monacis, D., Annoscia, S., Limone, P., & Colella, D. (2023). Examine the Effects of a Reproduction and Production Teaching Styles Interventions in Primary Schoolchildren. What implications for Physical Education Teachers?. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Monacis, D., Pierpaolo Limone and Dario Colella. 2023 "Examine the Effects of a Reproduction and Production Teaching Styles Interventions in Primary Schoolchildren. What implications for Physical Education Teachers?" Preprints.
In recent years the study of the teacher-student relationship in the teaching-learning processes in physical education has had great emphasis. Previous studies have shown that the use of the Spectrum of teaching Styles can enhance intrinsic motivation, enjoyment, adherence to physical activity and physical activity levels in children and adolescents. The present study aims to assess if a physical education (PE) intervention based on the variations in teaching styles, with reference to production ones, can also have positive effects on physical fitness. The sample involved 4 primary school classes (n = 124 children, mean age = 8-10 years) recruited from the SBAM (Health, Wellness, Food Education and Movement at School) Project in Apulia, Southern Italy. Classes were randomly assigned to Experimental Group (EG) and Control Group (CG). EG followed a 5months experimental intervention based on the variation of teaching styles, while CG performed regular PE lessons. Physical fitness test was assessed with Standing Long Jump (SLJ), Medicine Ball Throw 1kg (MBT), and 20m sprint (20m), while two validated questionnaires were used to evaluate physical self-perception (PSP) and enjoyment. A 2x2 (intervention group x time) ANOVA was carried out to assess significant difference and interaction effect pre (t0) and post (t1) intervention protocol. Data analysis showed a significant improvement of physical fitness in both EG and CG, while PSP and enjoyment increased only in EG. Moreover, significant interaction (p<. 05) effects were found for 20m sprint, PSP and Enjoyment with low effect size (η2 ~. 20). The results of the present study highlight the effectiveness of a PE intervention based on the variation of teaching styles in improving physical fitness, self-perception, and enjoyment. Moreover, the use of production teaching styles significantly impacts self-perception and enjoyment, that are important mediating factors for guarantee better adherence to physical activity.
teaching styles; model-based practice in physical education; physical fitness
Social Sciences, Education
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