Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Effects of Impaired Fasting Glucose on Left Atrial Strain Evaluated by Speckle Tracking Echocardiography

Version 1 : Received: 21 September 2023 / Approved: 22 September 2023 / Online: 22 September 2023 (07:40:50 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Bingöl, G.; Avcı Demir, F.; Özmen, E.; Ünlü, S.; Özden, Ö.; Tokdil, K.O.; Arsoy, L.B.; Özpamuk Karadeniz, F.; Ökçün, B. Effects of an Impaired Fasting Glucose on the Left Atrial Strain Evaluated by Speckle Tracking Echocardiography. Medicina 2023, 59, 1982. Bingöl, G.; Avcı Demir, F.; Özmen, E.; Ünlü, S.; Özden, Ö.; Tokdil, K.O.; Arsoy, L.B.; Özpamuk Karadeniz, F.; Ökçün, B. Effects of an Impaired Fasting Glucose on the Left Atrial Strain Evaluated by Speckle Tracking Echocardiography. Medicina 2023, 59, 1982.


Background and Objectives: Similar to diabetes, the presence of left ventricular (LV) diastolic function (DD) has been reported in various studies which were conducted with people with a diagnosis of impaired fasting blood glucose (FBG). The study aimed to examine the effects of fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels on left atrial strain (LAS) estimated by two-dimensional echocardiography speckle tracking analyses in patients without known diabetes. Material and Methods: The study included 148 participants (74 female and 74 male) without a history of diabetes mellitus or chronic disease. The patients were divided into two groups as follows: individuals with FBG <100 mg/dl and those with FBG between 100-125 mg/dl after at least 8 hours of overnight fasting and according to these FBG levels STE measures were compared. Results: There was a significant decrease in the LA reservoir (52.3±15 vs. 44.5±10.7; p=0.001) and conduit strain (36.9±11.7 vs. 28.4±9.7; p=0.001) in the impaired FBG group. When the STE findings of both ventricles were compared, no significant difference was observed between the groups in right and LV strain imaging. Conclusion: In the earliest stage of LVDD, changes in atrial functional parameters become particularly evident. Echocardiographic analyses of these parameters can help to diagnose and determine the degree of LVDD while the morphological parameters are still normal. The addition of LAS imaging to the routine TTE study in patients with impaired FBG but without a DM diagnosis may be helpful in demonstrating subclinical LVDD or identifying patients at risk for LVDD in this patient group.


strain echocardiography; diabetes mellitus; fasting blood glucose


Medicine and Pharmacology, Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems

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