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The Practice of Teaching and Scientific Research on Cadaveric Material Remains Crucial for Medical Education: Finally, in Italy Too, a Comprehensive Legislation Has Been Introduced
Bolino, G.; Fineschi, V.; Cecannecchia, C.; D’Antonio, G.; Frati, P. The Practice of Teaching and Scientific Research on Cadaveric Material Remains Crucial for Medical Education. Clin. Pract.2023, 13, 1073-1081.
Bolino, G.; Fineschi, V.; Cecannecchia, C.; D’Antonio, G.; Frati, P. The Practice of Teaching and Scientific Research on Cadaveric Material Remains Crucial for Medical Education. Clin. Pract. 2023, 13, 1073-1081.
Bolino, G.; Fineschi, V.; Cecannecchia, C.; D’Antonio, G.; Frati, P. The Practice of Teaching and Scientific Research on Cadaveric Material Remains Crucial for Medical Education. Clin. Pract.2023, 13, 1073-1081.
Bolino, G.; Fineschi, V.; Cecannecchia, C.; D’Antonio, G.; Frati, P. The Practice of Teaching and Scientific Research on Cadaveric Material Remains Crucial for Medical Education. Clin. Pract. 2023, 13, 1073-1081.
The practice of teaching and scientific research on cadaveric material remains crucial for medical education, especially in surgical disciplines. However, in Italy, this practice has been neglected due to legislative insufficiency and financial constraints. Although innovative methods and tools like simulators and e-learning have been adopted, direct hands-on experience with human cadavers remains irreplaceable for medical and surgical education. The absence of clear legislation governing cadaveric dissection has limited availability for teaching and research, resulting in economic burdens for universities and individuals seeking proper surgical training. To address this issue, the Law No. 10/2020 and the recent implementing decree were introduced in Italy, providing detailed legislation on the donation of bodies for educational and research purposes. The law emphasizes the importance of respecting the donor's specific choices and aligns with constitutional principles promoting culture, research, and health protection. However, some critical issues related to consent procedures, duration of body availability, and preservation of anatomical parts remain. Additionally, the law's dissemination among the population needs improvement. Future optimization could include allowing donors to choose the timing of body donation and considering different timeframes for body availability. Furthermore, the implementation of consent procedures could be simplified to increase donations. The law should also address the need for appropriate reception centers and allocate resources for effective dissemination. Despite these challenges, Law No. 10/2020 represents a significant step forward in enhancing medical-surgical training, scientific research, and the overall quality of patient care in Italy.
autopsy; body donation; surgical training; scientific research; law dissemination; Italian law no. 10/2020.
Medicine and Pharmacology, Pathology and Pathobiology
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