3.1. Specific Phototrophic Assay (SPA)
Figure 1 shows SCOD, ammonium, and phosphate assimilation during SPA experiments, PPB, and total bacteria growth through the absorbance ratio at 805 nm (peak absorbance related to the light-harvesting complexes of PPB). Results revealed an absence of the development of the characteristics of PPB's light-harvesting complexes during the experimental time during the treatment of LF or DWW alone. The inhibition of PPB phototrophic activity and growth can be due to the low pH of the FL [
36] and low SCOD content in the case of DWW, not enough to provide a sufficient carbon source for the growth of the culture. In both cases, it was accompanied by limited nutrient assimilation (N and P) after 70 h.
The LF/DWW balance is essential to find the optimal COD:N ratio to assimilate the medium's nutrients fully. Discharge values for N (15 mgN/L) were achieved in the 100:5 and 100:6 tests at 28 h and before 48 h in the 100:3, 100:4 and 100:7 tests. P assimilation was like N except for the 100:3 ratio, leaving a residual P value of 2.7 mgP/L (
Figure 1-B), higher than its maximum discharged value (>2 mgP/L).
The efficiency of SCOD assimilation is directly linked to the COD/N ratio. While the initial SCOD increased, the nutrients became more limiting, causing an excess of remnant SCOD at the end of the test. When checking the extremes, the 100:3 test started with the highest SCOD (2080 ± 90 mgSCOD/L), and its low COD:N ratio caused an excessive SCOD remaining in the medium (higher than 800 mg/L). After 48 h, the ammonium was assimilated entirely, but the SCOD was still being consumed during the rest of the experimental time. This cannot be due to biomass growth and is suggested to be related to carbon accumulation as PHA in a secondary metabolic pathway that PPB use to attain redox homeostasis [
37]. In contrast, the 100:7 ratio test started with the lowest SCOD (1010 ± 60 mgSCOD/L), and therefore it achieved the lowest concentration by the end of the experiment (180 mgCOD/L). It is well-known that the assimilation of SCOD is directly related to the concentration of nutrients in the medium [
38]. Thus, the N and P limitation at low COD/N ratios avoided reaching the COD discharge limits of 125 mgCOD/L.
Due to the similarity of the experiments' COD and nutrient assimilation results, the biomass yield was monitored as it is another key performance parameter for maintaining a stable continuous operation. The best values for this parameter were obtained within the intermediate values, notably in the 100:5 test that achieved 0.71 mgVSS/mgCOD. This value rounds around the highest reported in the literature in a previous work (0.72-0.76 mgVSS/mgCOD), where the SCOD came from sugars (fructose and glucose), and the growth was due to the inoculation of pure cultures of
Rsp. rubrum and
Rb. capsulatus [
28]. Thus, the optimum value for further continuous experiments was set at a COD:N ratio of 100:5, but, in any case, the ratios 100:6 and 100:7 cannot be discarded and can be set during the reactor's operation to attain discharge values for COD, N and P. In short, it has been demonstrated that it is possible to optimize the mix between the DWW and the LF to maximize PPB growth, considerably improving the COD, N and P assimilation and, in the case of N and P, achieving discharge values in a single step.
3.2. Semicontinuous operation using CSTR to evaluate the anaerobic and aerobic conditions: ORP influence on the phototrophic mixed culture
As the SPA trials demonstrated that the co-treatment of both urban wastes using mixed phototrophic cultures improves considerably the COD, N, and P assimilation, a co-treatment using two CSTRs in semicontinuous mode operation was analyzed. First, the two systems were acclimatized to develop the PPB biomass properly (Stage I). They were operated maintaining a COD:N ratio of 100:5, the one maximizing the biomass yield in the batch experiments. The HRT of 3 d was higher than the minimum time required for the biomass growth reported in
Figure 1, and long enough to avoid biomass washout as it corresponds to a dilution rate of 0.33 d
-1, far below the specific maximum activities for mixed cultures of PPB (1.44-7.2 d
-1) [
39]. After 15 days, an absorbance ratio of 805/600 nm of almost 1.0 and a stable biomass concentration of around 500 mgVSS/L were obtained, providing evidence of a successful start-up of the system.
Figure 2 shows the general performance parameters of the CSTR reactors during the operational time. In general, the microaerophilic reactor (CSTR-1) performed similarly to the anaerobic one (CSTR-2) in terms of COD, N, and P assimilation. Evenly, the microaerophilic reactor occasionally achieved better results in terms of discharge parameters than the anaerobic system. These results were accompanied by a negative ORP throughout the 90 days of operation, as reported in
Figure 3. This fact suggests that a negative ORP fulfills a photobioreactor's assimilative (non-oxidative) operation requirements. These results contrast with another study that affirms that operating a photobioreactor opened to the air entails an irremediable transition to an aerobic operation that strongly decreases the assimilative behavior of the system [
40]. Indeed, negative ORP values avoid inhibiting the photoheterotrophic metabolism and preserve the growth of PPB [
41] despite not working under anaerobic and agitated conditions, as suggested previously [
On the other hand, as the outdoor operation of the photobioreactors entails periods of light and darkness, the feed must be during the light periods, thus favoring the photoheterotrophic metabolism [
23]. In fact, almost 56% of PPB dominated the mixed cultures all over Stages I and II, decreasing to 23% and 16.5% during Stages III and Stage IV, respectively (
Figure 4), always being the most representative metabolic group of the consortium in both reactors, above aerobic heterotrophs, strict anaerobes, and facultative aerobes. It is worth mentioning the evident decrease of aerobic microorganisms such as the Xanthobacteraceae family and genera like
Halomonas, or
Luteolibacter as the ORP of the two CSTR turns into negative values (between -300 to -400mV) in Stage I, settling in all cases below 9% of the total 16S rRNA gene copies within the culture. The resilience of the PPB community despite the variations of the HRT and COD:N ratios in the open reactor is also highly relevant.
The HRT had a higher influence on the microbial composition than the COD:N ratios in the open reactor. During Stage I,
Rhodobacter sp. played a crucial role, where up to 46.5% of the reactor was colonized by this genus, a k-strategist microorganism typical of CSTRs that prevails in low-strength wastewater treatment operations [
31]. In this case, when the HRT is 3 days and the COD:N ratio is 100:5, the biomass renewal is higher than in the other posterior stages that operate with a 5-day HRT (III and IV). CSTRs tend to enrich
Rhodopseudomonas before
Rhodobacter in discontinuous start-ups, but the light/dark cycles favor the metabolism of
Rhodobacter over
Rhodopseudomonas [
31], as happened during Stage I. However,
Rhodopseudomonas, a r-strategist microorganism, appeared later in the CSTR-2 as the HRT increased to 5d (Stage III). The availability of nutrients in the culture seems to cause the relative abundance to be displaced into this genus [
Rhodobacter seems to have a higher affinity for the nutrients than other PPB genera, as the OLR at this Stage, 0.41(0.05) gCOD/L·d, is the highest of all (
Figure 4). However, when changing the COD:N ratio to 100:7 during Stage II, e.g., under organic substrate limiting conditions, this genus disappears almost entirely and is replaced by
C39 in CSTR-1 and
Rhodopseudomonas in CSTR-2. This result contradicts the generally accepted fact that the
Rhodobacter genus is a k-strategist [
31]. Nevertheless, the literature generally considers the growth strategy for the assimilation of organic substrates, not nutrients [
Rhodobacter may have a lower saturation constant for N and P than
Rhodopseudomonas, which favored its dominance along Stage I in both reactors, and in Stage IV in CSTR-2, when the HRT increased, and the nutrients became limiting again when
Rhodobacter reappeared. In these fluctuations, the dilution rate may also have a role here. Indeed, it has been seen that nitrogen-fixing genera entail changes in microbial evolution where the k-strategists outnumber the r-strategists [
43]. However, the results presented here are not conclusive regarding the role of the dilution rate.
Regardless of the conditions of the system, open (CSTR-1) or closed (CSTR-2), working in a 3-day HRT is too short a time to completely assimilate carbon and nutrients simultaneously from the medium by the mixed PPB culture. Stage I favored attaining discharge values for N and P in both reactors, whereas during Stage II SCOD discharge values were attained from 20 d onwards, especially in the CSTR-2. During these Stages, PPB prevailed over the rest of the microbial community. This may be due to low oxygen concentration (over-competing aerobes), which were always below 0.5 mg/L, and the generation times of the PPBs are shorter than those of the fermentative microorganisms [
31]. Thus, PPB are more adaptable because they have less competition regarding substrate consumption. The microaerophilic conditions provided the CSTR-1 system with greater stability and performance by fixing the HRT in 5 days to reach the discharge values for SCOD and P instead of working in anaerobiosis. CSTR-1 during Stage III and IV removed 83% and 85% of SCOD (respectively) and between 86% and 91% of the P fed to the system. CSTR-2 did not exceed 65% N removal in any of the Stages III and IV and failed to reach P discharge values, with a maximum removal rate of 77% in Stage III, which was insufficient. Only the CSTR-1 achieved N discharge values between days 50-60. These results compare positively with other studies that used SBR in anaerobic conditions, where N and P removal was insufficient to reach discharge values and only were consumed by 62 ± 2.0 % and 51 ± 2.6 %, respectively [
44]. Thus, strict anaerobic conditions are not the most suitable for nutrient assimilation by the mixed PPB cultures. As PPB maintained their dominancy within the system, microaerophilic operation favored SCOD, N, and P assimilations while maintaining their photoheterotrophic metabolism.
Figure 5 shows the relationship between the COD:N intake and uptake ratios. It compares how efficient the system is in nitrogen assimilation compared to the influent's COD:N ratios. The microaerophilic CSTR was more efficient in N assimilation than the CSTR-2 in all operative stages, but Stage IV (COD:N uptake ratios are 57% of the intake ratios versus almost 66%, respectively). This result also shows the stability and better performance of the microaerophilic reactor despite the HRT and COD:N conditions, which even allows a higher enrichment of the PPB cultures. Although PPB are microorganisms that have always been reported to have better COD:N removal performance in anaerobic conditions [
45], the complexity of the two urban wastes makes these bacteria adapt to the environment by favoring their photoheterotrophic metabolism in periods of light and remaining resilient to other microorganisms thanks to their chemoorganotrophic metabolism in periods of darkness, as long as the COD:N ratio is optimal for their growth. Interestingly, in both cases, the intake-to-uptake COD:N ratios were better at lower HRT, accompanied by an increased abundance of non-PPB biomass when that efficiency decreased. The rise of anaerobic chemoheterotrophic microorganisms due to longer SRT may displace the PPB and negatively affect the reactors' nitrogen uptake efficiency. This suggestion has been furtherly explored by using MBR reactors.
3.3. Semicontinuous operation using MBR to evaluate the SRT and HRT parameters
Upon the finalization of the CSTR operation, the biomass from the CSTR-1 reactor was used to inoculate two microaerophilic MBR reactors, filling the reactors with half of the CSTR-1 reactor volume and the other half with DWW. Subsequently, the PPB mixed culture was adapted to the new operating conditions for one week by feeding with the mixture of DWW and the LF (see
Table 3).
The HRT and SRT variations strongly impacted C, N, and P removals in both reactors. In MBR-1, average COD and P removal values were 86% and 77%, respectively, and on multiple occasions during Stage V-a (day 112-118), 96-100% removal allows reaching the discharge values in SCOD and P. In MBR-2, the best performance was achieved in Stage VI-a, reaching COD and P removal efficiencies of 87% and 55%, respectively. Despite the low abundance of PPB in both Stages (V-a and VI-a), the system operated within the legal limits for COD and P. However, neither reactor could remove enough N to achieve the discharge values of 15mgN/L during these Stages. An N removal of up to 56%, 42%, and 47% (Stage V-a, Stage VI-a and VI-b, respectively) was insufficient. This fact may be due to the high N concentration in the influent (
Figure 6) and the low amount of assimilative microorganisms, like PPB, as will be furtherly discussed.
In the following Stages (V-b in MBR1, and VI-c and VI-d in MBR2) the COD:N ratio was decreased to 100:5, thus increasing the OLR to 0.3 gCOD/L·d in the V-b Stage and from 0.4 to 0.76 gCOD/L·d in the VI-c and VI-d Stage, respectively. Both MBR-1 and MBR-2 were able to remove a higher N percentage. The MBR-2 achieved N values between 29.9 (0.7) and 24.4 (0.65) mgN/L in Stages VI-c and VI-d, respectively. However, MBR-1 at Stage V-b reached values below the discharge limits (11.2 (0.2) mgN/L) or very close to 15 mgN/L at several points (days 126 to 133). The increase in the N assimilation was accompanied by the proliferation of PPB in the MBR systems, especially in the MBR-1 where, at the end of Stage V-b, around 22% of the microbial community was composed of PPB taxa such as genus
Rhodobacter and family
Rhodospirillales (
Figure 7). Similar results have been reported working with DWW in the literature [
46] but working under anaerobic conditions and continuous irradiation, which notably increases the process's costs during the scaling-up, unlike the operation carried out in the present study.
Due to the negative ORP favored inside the reactors, aerobic microorganisms had a limited proliferation in both systems, favoring anaerobic and facultative cultures (
Figure 7). As shown in
Figure 8, the ORP between days 100 to 111 turned into positive values in MBR-2, accompanied by increased dissolved oxygen for several days, rising to 1-2 mgO
2/L. These conditions favored the appearance of aerobic genera up to 22% (
Figure 7). During the rest of the Stages, the ORP remained negative, and the percentages of aerobes in both reactors never exceeded 10%. This presence of aerobic microorganisms might be promoted by the oxygenic condition of the influents and the contact of the reactors' surface with atmospheric oxygen. Bacteria such as
Thauera [
47] and other aerobes took advantage of the positive ORP to use the organic acids derived from the activity of the fermentative microorganisms as a substrate for their chemoorganotrophic metabolism.
The uncoupling of SRT and HRT substantially impacted the microbial population dynamics. PPB were not able at any point to outcompete anaerobic chemoheterotrophic bacteria (
Figure 7), and was strongly displaced by anaerobic chemoheterotrophs at the beginning of the operation in both reactors. Given their fermentative metabolism to generate VFA [
31], these taxa strongly impacted the PPB development, so understanding their coexistence is critical to improving and developing robust wastewater treatment systems. This fact was not a detriment to PPB development, as the fermentative metabolism promotes the maintenance of PPB redox homeostasis by sugars fermentation and conversion into VFA that PPB can assimilate easier than sugars [
48]. The recovery of PPB populations started during the last operative Stages in both reactors, achieving up to 25% and 12% of total 16S rRNA gene copies in MBR-1 and MBR-2, respectively.
The COD:N uptake ratio is another key factor that indicates the presence of assimilative bacteria as PPB in the culture, as shown previously in
Figure 5 for the semicontinous CSTR . The same analysis was conducted for the MBR reactors and it is depicted in
Figure 9. Working at a COD:N ratio of 100:5 as in Stage V-b and Stages VI-b-c-d, values of 22% of relative abundance of PPB in MBR-1 were reached. In this reactor, the fermentative genus of
Bacteroides [
49] became highly relevant during Stage V-a, operating at a COD:N ratio of 100:6, but disappeared in Stage V-b when the ratio was changed to 100:5. Similar results are observed in MBR-2. Working back to the 100:5 ratio, the relative abundance of PPB increased and became competitive against fermentative genera and aerobes. The loss of aerobic microorganisms (Stage V-b and Stage VI-d) may be related to the recovery of the PPB population, supporting the possibility that their coexistence is not feasible because they compete for the same substrate. Therefore, it seems clear that aerobic or microaerophilic conditions with positive ORP are inadequate for developing a PPB community in open reactors, especially under high organic load.