Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Integrated Multimodal Genomics and Dietary Approaches for the Management of Neurodegeneration

Version 1 : Received: 27 July 2023 / Approved: 27 July 2023 / Online: 27 July 2023 (13:22:59 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Murai, T.; Matsuda, S. Integrated Multimodal Omics and Dietary Approaches for the Management of Neurodegeneration. Epigenomes 2023, 7, 20. Murai, T.; Matsuda, S. Integrated Multimodal Omics and Dietary Approaches for the Management of Neurodegeneration. Epigenomes 2023, 7, 20.


Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, are caused by a combination of multiple events that damage neuronal function. A well-characterized biomarker of neurodegeneration is proteinaceous aggregates accumulation in the brain. However, the gradually worsening symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases are unlikely to be solely due to the result of a mutation in a single gene, but rather a multi-step process involving epigenetic changes. Multiple epigenetic studies have revealed that modification of histones accompanied by both the local and global remodeling of the chromatin structure and alternations in transcriptional patterns are closely associated with the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Unlike DNA mutations, epigenetic alterations are reversible, and therefore raise the possibilities for therapeutic intervention including dietary modifications. Additionally, reactive oxygen species may contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Given that the antioxidant properties of plant-derived phytochemicals are likely to exhibit pleiotropic effects against ROS-mediated epigenetic alternation, dietary intervention may be promising for the management of neurodegeneration in these diseases. In this review, the state-of-the-art applications using single-cell multi-modal omics approaches including genetics, and epigenetics, and dietary approaches for the identification of novel biomarkers and therapeutic approaches for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases are discussed.


Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; phytochemicals; dietary intervention; epigenetics; transcriptome; epigenome; transcriptomics; epigenomics


Biology and Life Sciences, Neuroscience and Neurology

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