Diogénes, L.V.; Pereira Filho, J.M.; Edvan, R.L.; de Oliveira, J.P.F.; Nascimento, R.R. do; Santos, E.M.; Alencar, E.J.S.; Mazza, P.H.S.; Oliveira, R.L.; Bezerra, L.R. Effect of Different Additives on the Quality of Rehydrated Corn Grain Silage: A Systematic Review. Ruminants 2023, 3, 425–444, doi:10.3390/ruminants3040035.
Diogénes, L.V.; Pereira Filho, J.M.; Edvan, R.L.; de Oliveira, J.P.F.; Nascimento, R.R. do; Santos, E.M.; Alencar, E.J.S.; Mazza, P.H.S.; Oliveira, R.L.; Bezerra, L.R. Effect of Different Additives on the Quality of Rehydrated Corn Grain Silage: A Systematic Review. Ruminants 2023, 3, 425–444, doi:10.3390/ruminants3040035.
Diogénes, L.V.; Pereira Filho, J.M.; Edvan, R.L.; de Oliveira, J.P.F.; Nascimento, R.R. do; Santos, E.M.; Alencar, E.J.S.; Mazza, P.H.S.; Oliveira, R.L.; Bezerra, L.R. Effect of Different Additives on the Quality of Rehydrated Corn Grain Silage: A Systematic Review. Ruminants 2023, 3, 425–444, doi:10.3390/ruminants3040035.
Diogénes, L.V.; Pereira Filho, J.M.; Edvan, R.L.; de Oliveira, J.P.F.; Nascimento, R.R. do; Santos, E.M.; Alencar, E.J.S.; Mazza, P.H.S.; Oliveira, R.L.; Bezerra, L.R. Effect of Different Additives on the Quality of Rehydrated Corn Grain Silage: A Systematic Review. Ruminants 2023, 3, 425–444, doi:10.3390/ruminants3040035.
This review aimed to analyze the effects of additives in the process of producing silage from re-hydrated corn grains for ruminants. Control treatment studies used in this analysis was corn grain rehydrated with water only. To be included in the review, the studies needed to follow stand-ardized criteria, including the absence of additives in the control treatment and the evaluation of the silage in beef animals, such as cattle, goats, and sheep. A total of seven publications, published between 2014 and 2022, were included in the final dataset. To compare the results, the PROC ANOVA of SAS was used, which included a random effect of comparison within the study, per-forming a paired comparison. It was observed that the use of additives did not influence the chemical composition, pH, organic acid and ethanol content, microbial population, fermentative losses, aerobic stability, and dry matter in vitro digestibility of rehydrated corn grain silage (p >0.05). Based on this information, it is concluded that the use of additives in rehydrated corn grain silage did not show major differences on silage quality. It is important, however, to evaluate the effects of additives in silages on animal performance.
Additives; Corn grains; Digestibility; Silage
Biology and Life Sciences, Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Zoology
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