PreprintArticleVersion 1Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed
The Effects of Transplantation of the Spaceflight Intestinal Microbiome on Short Chain Fatty Acid Production, Lymphoid organ Immune Composition and Transport Kinetics
Version 1
: Received: 22 July 2023 / Approved: 25 July 2023 / Online: 25 July 2023 (10:46:09 CEST)
How to cite:
Powell, R.; Endsley, M.; Cromer, W. E. The Effects of Transplantation of the Spaceflight Intestinal Microbiome on Short Chain Fatty Acid Production, Lymphoid organ Immune Composition and Transport Kinetics. Preprints2023, 2023071699.
Powell, R.; Endsley, M.; Cromer, W. E. The Effects of Transplantation of the Spaceflight Intestinal Microbiome on Short Chain Fatty Acid Production, Lymphoid organ Immune Composition and Transport Kinetics. Preprints 2023, 2023071699.
Powell, R.; Endsley, M.; Cromer, W. E. The Effects of Transplantation of the Spaceflight Intestinal Microbiome on Short Chain Fatty Acid Production, Lymphoid organ Immune Composition and Transport Kinetics. Preprints2023, 2023071699.
APA Style
Powell, R., Endsley, M., & Cromer, W. E. (2023). The Effects of Transplantation of the Spaceflight Intestinal Microbiome on Short Chain Fatty Acid Production, Lymphoid organ Immune Composition and Transport Kinetics. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Powell, R., Mark Endsley and Walter Emerson Cromer. 2023 "The Effects of Transplantation of the Spaceflight Intestinal Microbiome on Short Chain Fatty Acid Production, Lymphoid organ Immune Composition and Transport Kinetics" Preprints.
The microbiome is critical to the function of higher organisms and the gastrointestinal microbiome in chief among them. We do not know what impact the spaceflight GI microbiome has on organismal health in the absence of other confounding factors. We used a fecal transplant model to address this question and we found that we can recapitulate some of the functional aspects of the spaceflight microbiome on the ground but the impact on organismal health was ambiguous showing neither a defined improvement nor a impairment to lymph transport, growth, or immune populations. Histidine treatment was able to alter some of the functional aspects of the microbiome. Overall it we can conclude that the spaceflight microbiome is not pathological but has distinct impacts on organismal health.
microbiome; spaceflight; lymphatic; short chain fatty acid; trascriptome
Biology and Life Sciences, Life Sciences
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