Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Different Effects of Functional Food and Music Aerobic Exercise on Complete Blood Counts, Blood Biochemistry and Frailty of the Elderly

Version 1 : Received: 12 July 2023 / Approved: 13 July 2023 / Online: 13 July 2023 (09:49:28 CEST)

How to cite: Yeh, S.-H.; Lee, C.-H.; Lee, M.-T.; Wang, J.-H.; Pan, M.-H.; Sung, W.-C.; Yang, K. D. Different Effects of Functional Food and Music Aerobic Exercise on Complete Blood Counts, Blood Biochemistry and Frailty of the Elderly. Preprints 2023, 2023070893. Yeh, S.-H.; Lee, C.-H.; Lee, M.-T.; Wang, J.-H.; Pan, M.-H.; Sung, W.-C.; Yang, K. D. Different Effects of Functional Food and Music Aerobic Exercise on Complete Blood Counts, Blood Biochemistry and Frailty of the Elderly. Preprints 2023, 2023070893.


(1) Background: The elderly who have chewing difficulty (CD) are prone to malnutrition, frail-ty, and sarcopenia, and those with insufficient physical activity (IPA) are also prone to frailty, overweight, and high blood cholesterol. There is an urgent need to prepare functional foods and to promote healthy physical activity for the elderly over 70 years of age to prevent poor nutri-tion and frailty. (2) Methods: This study prepared functional foods (FF) with softened chicken moose and milkfish without fin for the elderly and compared the different effects of FF from those of music aerobic exercise (MAE) on the complete blood counts, blood biochemistry, in-cluding nutrition index of albumin, and cholesterol levels, and frailty scores before and after in-stitution of FF and MAE among residents of long-term care institutes. (3) Results: The FF signif-icantly increased the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and albumin levels. In contrast, MAE significantly increased red blood cells (RBC), and decreased the rates of frailty items on fatigue feeling and low physical activity. In comparison between FF and MAE groups, we found that the FF for 5 weeks significantly improved better on HDL-C and MCV while the MAE for 10 weeks improved significantly better on hematopoiesis as increases in red blood cells and platelets. (4) Conclusions: Results from this study suggest that FF and MAE for the elderly have different ef-fects on nutrition status, blood biochemistry and frailty. A combination of both FF and MAE might provide better benefits of nutrition status, physical function, and frailty for the elderly.


functional food; music aerobic exercise; complete blood counts; biochemistry; frailty


Biology and Life Sciences, Aging

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