Moderate to severe hypoxic-ischemic (HI) encephalopathy (HIE) is caused by reduced brain oxygen and blood supply from birth asphyxia and occurs in about 1 to 3 infants in every 1000 live term births in America and Western Europe with greater prevalence in eastern countries [
1]. Nearly one million infants die worldwide each year from HIE after perinatal asphyxia [
2]. Hypothermia (HT) is the only approved treatment for neonatal HIE in western countries [
3]. However, approximately one-third of survivors who receive whole body or head cooling still have, compared to peers, moderate-to-severe impairments in executive, visuospatial, and motor functions, language, and emotional maturity years later [
6]. Because these functions are forged neocortically [
9], these childhood outcomes suggest that effects of HT on the gyrencephalic cerebral cortex are less therapeutic than in subcortical brain regions or that different neocortical areas or cell layers are affected variably by the injury and the cooling. The neocortex indeed segregates into highly sensitive and less vulnerable regions after neonatal HI with the peri-Rolandic and watershed patterns [
12], and cortical laminar necrosis can be seen associating with increased risk for spasticity [
13], though with severe insults total neocortical damage can prevail [
14]. The idea of differential regional protection with HT is supported by studies of infants cooled for neonatal HIE with follow-up MRI [
15]. MRI of HIE cooled infants also suggests that the pattern of neocortical insensitivity to HT appears predictive of long-term epilepsy originating in watershed territories of neocortex [
16]. Experimentally, gyrencephalic animals are propitious for fully examining the organization of neocortex [
17] and its pathobiology, including cortical neuron cell death [
18]. Neonatal piglets, like infant humans, present with a neocortical selective vulnerability, including laminar necrosis, after asphyxic cardiac arrest [
20]. Piglets (< 2 weeks of age) with hypovolemic ischemia and normothermia (NT) or mild HT (1 hour) treatments show reduced histologic damage in deep layers of temporal and occipital cortex with HT but not in frontal or parietal cortex and not in the superficial cell layers of any cortical region [
HIE commonly causes neonatal seizures, even in cooled newborns [
23]. Seizure severity or burden in infants is associated with amount of brain injury and adverse neurodevelopmental outcome [
25]. These seizures can be overt or subtle and undetectable by clinical observation [
27]. Amplitude-integrated EEG helps with the problem of seizure detection and is used in neonatal intensive care units [
28]. Seizure monitoring is critical because rewarming from therapeutic HT places infants at risk for seizures [
There is debate about whether seizures have additional direct damaging effects on the immature brain separate from the primary underlying HIE that instigates seizures. Some clinical studies report that neonatal seizures independently associate with poor outcome by causing additional brain damage [
30]. However, others find that neonatal seizures do not exert an deleterious impact independent of the underlying HIE [
31]. Neonatal rhesus monkeys with term intrauterine partial asphyxia develop seizures about 24 hours after the insult and then severe neuropathology involving telencephalon, brainstem, and cerebellum [
33]. In neonatal piglets (24-49 hours old) with severe hypoxia-induced seizures, seizure activity did not exacerbate cortical gray matter lactate/pyruvate ratios at 6 hours after the insult, but higher cerebral cortical damage grade was seen in piglets that developed electroconvulsive activity, burst suppression, or persistently low EEG amplitudes [
34]. In newborn (14-72 hours old) posthypoxic piglets recovered under NT or mild HT for 3 hours, neuropathology grade in neocortex did not differ among NT and HT piglets, but after excluding piglets with seizures, HT animals had less damage than NT piglets suggesting that seizures cause more neuropathology [
35]. In piglets (7-10 days old) with HI brain damage from asphyxic cardiac arrest, we described neocortical injury as topographic, selectively restricted, and laminar or distributed and panlaminar; the latter pattern was present in piglets with clinical seizures and responsiveness to diazepam [
20]. Subsequently, greater cellular neuropathology was found in piglets with clinical seizures compared to piglets without clinical seizures [
36]. Discordant outcomes in clinical and experimental settings could be related to seizures not being uniform due to differences in species (and strain), genetic background, semiology, detection methods, anatomical locations, gyrencephaly and network connectivity, tissue oxygenation, and metabolic depletion and recovery [
38]. Resolving the question of whether seizures in gyrencephalic neonatal animals with HIE independently add or contribute to brain damage or reflect the underlying severity of encephalopathy is important because answers can instruct on clinical management needs [
39]. Commonly used anticonvulsant therapies for neonates are not strongly proven in efficacy and may be harmful [
40] with neurotoxic potential in neonatal animals, including non-human primates [
We developed a neonatal piglet model that combines global HI and HT, the standard of clinical care, with continuous EEG (cEEG) monitoring during survival for neuropathological assessments. We addressed several questions with our gyrencephalic large animal model: 1) does HT protect neocortical areas differentially after neonatal HI; 2) do cEEG-confirmed seizures associate with worse neuropathology after neonatal HI; 3) does HT after neonatal HI protect against seizures and neocortical neuropathology; 4) is there clear secondary seizure-related encephalopathy distinguishable from HIE evidenced by topographical and laminar damage in neocortex; and 5) is there a seizure-related cytopathology phenotype, identified by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or immunostaining, in neonatal neocortex divisible from the typically predominant HIE ischemic-necrosis? We examined the localization of RNA Binding FOX-1 Homolog 3 (Rbfox3/NeuN) because the gene for this RNA splicing protein is seizure-associated with loss of function mutations causing neonatal and childhood epilepsy [
46]. This work can advance the understanding of the effects of HT on the gyrencephalic cerebral cortex after HI and the relationships among neonatal seizures, neocortical neuronal injury, and molecular pathology.
2.1. Neocortical Cytoarchitecture and Connectomics in Normal Piglets
The animal protocols were reviewed and approved on 06/06/2023 by the Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee of the Johns Hopkins University (protocol number SW23M119). Neonatal Yorkshire piglets (2 to 5-days old, 1-2 kg, males) were used for descriptive normative neuroanatomy and tract-tracing experiments to identify, using cytology and connectivity, the locations of the motor cortex and somatosensory cortex. We wanted to verify these regions for placement of cEEG electrodes and neuropathological assessments. Naïve piglets (n=3) were deeply anesthetized with pentobarbital 50 mg/kg and phenytoin 6.4 mg/kg (SomnaSol) and, after thoracotomy and left myocardial puncture and aortic catheterization, ice-cold 100 mM phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.4) was perfused (~2 liters) for body exsanguination followed by freshly prepared 4% paraformaldehyde (PF) in 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) for brain fixation (~4 liters). Appropriate tissue fixation was judged by the stiffness of the body and immovability of the jaw and limbs. The piglets were decapitated, and the head was placed in 4% PF for overnight. The following day the calvarium was removed carefully by rongeur, and the brain was extracted from the skull base, placed in PF for overnight, and then immersed in 20% glycerol for cryoprotection.
The brains were bisected mid-sagittally, and individual cerebral hemispheres were frozen and serially cut on a sliding microtome into 40 µm thick floating sections in sagittal, horizontal, and coronal planes. Every 10
th section was mounted on a glass microscope slide for Nissl (cresyl violet, CV) staining to study neocortical cytology. Every 11
th section was used for visualization of cytochrome C oxidase enzyme activity by histochemistry, as described [
48], for visualization of neocortical mitochondrial metabolic activity
in situ.
Other neonatal piglets (n=7) were used for brain tract-tracing experiments to confirm the locations of somatosensory and motor cortices for cEEG electrode placement. Anesthesia was induced by a nose cone with isoflurane 5% and 50% nitrous oxide in 50% oxygen. The piglets were intubated, and the anesthetic was changed to isoflurane 1.5-2% and 70% nitrous oxide in 30% oxygen. Using sterile technique, catheters were placed in the external jugular vein and femoral artery. A fentanyl 20 µg/kg intravenous (iv) bolus was given followed by 20 µg/kg/h. Additional fentanyl boluses of 10-20 µg/kg were given as needed to mitigate discomfort.
Each piglet was mounted securely in a stereotaxic frame (Kopf Instruments, Tujunga, CA) in a flat skull position. The head surface was shaved and washed with chlorhexidine antiseptic scrub and 70% alcohol, draped, and then painted with povidone-iodine solution. With a scalpel (10 blade), a midline incision was made in the scalp carefully avoiding damage to the vulnerable superior sagittal sinus below. The scalp was reflected with clamps. Fascia was cleared with a bone spatula to visualize surface landmarks on the skull for craniotomies. Craniotomies were made using a high-speed dental drill with a 0.5 mm fine bit and a gentle sweeping hand motion (to carefully remove skull bone layers) rather than a vertical compression to avoid cortical injury. Stereotaxic coordinates were selected from the atlas of Salinas-Zeballos et al [
49]. Because this atlas uses a 3-day-old (1.15 kg) piglet as a reference, targeting adjustments were made based on the neonatal piglet size and brain neuroanatomical histology. Brain regional stereotaxic coordinates were: motor cortex (2 mm anterior to bregma, 1 mm lateral, 2 mm ventral to cortical surface), anterior somatosensory cortex (1 mm anterior to bregma, 10 mm lateral, 2 mm ventral to cortical surface), middle somatosensory cortex (at bregma, 17 mm lateral, 2 mm ventral to cortical surface), posterior somatosensory cortex (5 mm posterior to bregma, 15 mm lateral, 2 mm ventral to cortical surface), and striatum (10 mm anterior to bregma, 10 mm lateral, 15 mm ventral to cortical surface). Motor cortex was verified by evoked muscle contractions upon cortical stimulation, while somatosensory cortex was verified by somatosensory-evoked potentials as described [
50]. We used a combination of track-tracers including recombinant neurotropic viruses genetically encoding different fluorescent proteins and non-genetic connectivity reporters such as wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) and FluoroGold (FG) [
52]. The viruses used were adeno-associated virus-enhanced green fluorescent protein (AAV-eGFP, Vector BioLabs), adenovirus-cyan fluorescent protein (AV-CFP, GenTarget Inc) and lentivirus-red fluorescent protein (LV-RFP, Amsbio). All recombinant viruses drove the expression of their fluorescent protein under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter for high neural cell expression. Commercially prepared WGA-HRP (Vector Laboratories) and FG (Fluorochrome LLC, Denver, CO) were used. A Hamilton microsyringe (blunt tip) was used for injections. Tracer injections (10-20 µl) were delivered slowly by discontinuous pressure pulses; after the final pulse the needle was allowed to sit in place for 10 minutes before withdrawal. The tracers were used at the following concentrations: AV-CFP (1x10
9 IFU/ml), AAV-eGFP (1x10
12 genome copies/ml), LV-RFP (1x10
8 IFU/ml), FG (5%), and WGA-HRP (20%). The craniotomies were sealed with bone wax, the scalp was sutured, and the piglets emerged from anesthesia and were extubated. Piglet survival times were 3 or 7 days at which time they were perfusion-fixed with 4% PF, and their brains were prepared for frozen sectioning.
Tracer visualization in piglet brain sections was done by direct fluorescence, immunohistochemistry, and enzyme histochemistry [
52]. eGFP, RFP, and FG were observed by their fluorescence. Highly specific antibodies were also used for the detection of RFP (BioVision), FG (Millipore) and CFP (BioVision). WGA-HRP was detected by enzyme histochemistry [
53] with neutral red counterstaining.
2.2. Neonatal Piglet Model of Encephalopathy
Neonatal Yorkshire piglets (2 to 3-days old, 1-2 kg, males) were randomized to one of four experimental groups: sham normothermia (NT), sham HT, HI-NT, or HI-HT. An unanesthetized unoperated group of piglets was a naive control. The group sizes were sham-NT (n=6), sham-HT (n=10), HI-NT (n=8), HI-HT (n=10), and naïve (n=6).
Anesthesia was induced with isoflurane 5% and 50% nitrous oxide in 50% oxygen delivered by a nose cone. After intubation, the anesthetic was changed to isoflurane 1.5-2% and 70% nitrous oxide in 30% oxygen. Sterile catheters were placed in the external jugular vein and femoral artery. A fentanyl bolus (20 µg/kg iv) was given followed by 20 µg/kg/h. Additional fentanyl (10-20 µg/kg boluses) was given as needed for discomfort management.
Some piglets received craniotomies for placement of sterile, epidural 4-lead electrode telemetry arrays for cEEG (Stellar Telemetry, TSE Systems, Inc., Chesterfield MO). The placement (LJM, NRD) of the Stellar Telemetry real-time continuous recording electrode arrays (
Figure 1A–C) was determined from previous neuroanatomical mapping of the topographic distribution of neocortical pathology in newborn piglets that survived for 1-4 days after HI [
36] and key confirmatory neuroanatomical experiments shown here. The EEG recording arrays had 4 bipolar channels with each electrode attached securely to a miniature cranial screw inserted epidurally through a craniotomy made at stereotaxically determined coordinates. Each electrode-epidural screw assembly was secured firmly to the surrounding bone by low-heat, quickset acrylic cement (
Figure 1A–C). The immobility of each electrode was confirmed with forceps. The placement was bilaterally symmetrical in the right and left hemispheres. The anterior most channel (designated right or left hemisphere anterior) had electrode placement 15 mm anterior to bregma and 3 mm lateral to the midline and was paired with an electrode placed 10 mm anterior to bregma and 6 mm lateral to the midline. The anterior channel recorded EEG from anterior primary motor cortex and anterior primary somatosensory cortex. The posterior most channel (designated right or left hemisphere posterior) had electrode placement 8 mm anterior to bregma and 3 mm lateral to the midline and was paired with an electrode 4 mm anterior to bregma and 6 mm lateral to the midline. The posterior channel recorded EEG from the posterior motor cortex and posterior primary somatosensory cortex. The electrode array transmitter (
Figure 1C) was inserted subdermally in a nape pocket. The left- and right-side electrode wire leads were loosely braided and flanked laterally under each side of the scalp. The array antenna was secured to the posterior most point of the scalp incision with suture and emerged externally. The surgical incision was closed with 3.0 suture. Upon completion of surgery, the isoflurane was discontinued, and the fentanyl was decreased to 10 µg/kg/h. All piglets received vecuronium 0.2 mg/kg/h to prevent ventilatory efforts during hypoxia-asphyxia and shivering during HT. The same anesthetic regimen was given to all HI and sham piglets. The cortical electrode placement for each piglet was confirmed visually (LJM) after brain perfusion-fixation (
Figure 1D,E).
2.3. Global HI Injury and Mild HT
The inhaled oxygen was deceased to 10% for 45 minutes. Then, 5 minutes of room air was supplied to reoxygenate the heart to improve cardiac resuscitation in our model. The endotracheal tube was then clamped to induce 8 minutes of asphyxia [
56]. With this protocol, piglets develop severe bradycardia and hypotension with heart rates < 60 beats per minute or mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) less than 45 mmHg. The piglets were resuscitated with an inhaled oxygen concentration of 50%, manual chest compressions, and epinephrine (100 µg/kg iv). Piglets that were not resuscitated within 3 minutes of chest compressions were excluded. Sham procedure piglets received 50% inhaled oxygen for 3 minutes. After return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) or time equivalent in shams, the 70% nitrous oxide in 30% oxygen was restarted.
NT in neonatal piglets is rectal temperature in the range of 37.5-39.0°C [
59]. In piglets randomized to receive HT, whole body HT was started 2 hours after ROSC using ice packs and a cooling blanket to a goal rectal temperature of 34°C [
54]. This change in temperature is like the 4°C decrease in clinical HT [
60]. HT was initiated 2 hours after resuscitation to mimic clinical delays in cooling [
Three hours after ROSC, ketamine (10 mg/kg/h iv) was started, and the nitrous oxide was decreased to 33% in 33% oxygen and 33% air. For the remainder of the anesthetic, fentanyl and ketamine were increased in 10 µg/kg/h and 10 mg/kg/h increments, respectively, with additional as needed boluses of fentanyl 10 µg/kg and ketamine 10 mg/kg for comfort. Dopamine was given when needed to maintain the MAP above 40 mmHg during the overnight HT or NT protocols.
Rewarming to NT began in HT piglets at 20 hours from onset by increasing the temperature of the water circulating through the blanket. The rate of rewarming was 0.5°C/h, which is the clinical rewarming rate at Johns Hopkins Hospital NICU [
60]. Piglets reached their NT target temperature of 38.5°C/h at ~ 29 hours from onset. Vecuronium infusion was stopped 15 hours after ROSC to allow time for the neuromuscular blockade to wear off before extubating. Piglets then emerged from anesthesia and were extubated. After regaining postural and ambulatory control, the piglets were returned to their cages with free access to milk and continued overnight supervision and intermittent video monitoring (LJM, Supplementary Material Video 1).
2.4. Piglet Survival and Perfusion-Fixation
The piglets survived for 2-7 days. They did not receive anticonvulsant medications. The humane treatment and survivability of piglets required their independent ambulation and feeding (drinking milk) ad libitum. Piglets that became non-ambulatory and unable to drink, had sustained general tonic-clonic seizures > 20 mins (Supplementary Material Videos 3 and 4), or deemed to be in status epilepticus [
62] were euthanized before the 7-day endpoint. All piglets in this cohort had their brains prepared optimally for neuropathology. There were no postmortem delays before animal perfusion-fixation. Piglets were euthanized with SomnaSol iv. Sham procedure piglets were euthanized as time matches for HI piglets throughout the 2 to 7-day period. After deep anesthesia, but prior to fatal cardiorespiratory arrest, the cEEG electrode arrays were quickly removed from the skull before perfusion fixation with 4% PF (LJM). All piglets achieved uniform fixation. Afterwards, they were decapitated, and the head was immersed in 4% PF for overnight. The following day the calvarium was removed (LJM) and the brain with the intact dura mater was examined and photographed (
Figure 1D); afterwards, the dura was removed carefully, and the brain was again examined for cortical damage and photographed (
Figure 1E). This protocol was followed strictly to determine that the cEEG electrode cranial screws were only epidural without underlying neocortical parenchymal damage (
Figure 1D,E). The brain was then removed from the skull base and returned to PF for overnight. The following day the brain was immersed in 20% glycerol. Each brain, left and right cerebral hemispheres, was blocked in the coronal plane (
Figure 2A–C) from the frontal lobes to the hindbrain, including the telencephalon, diencephalon, midbrain, pons, and medulla with cerebellum, and paraffin processed in tissue cassettes. The paraffinized brain blocks were cut on a rotary microtome into 10-µm sections and mounted on glass slides for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining (
Figure 2) and immunohistochemistry (
Figure 3).
2.5. H&E Neuropathology and Cell Counting
H&E-stained brain sections, the standard for clinical HIE postmortem neuropathological diagnosis [
63], were used for neuropathological assessments. The assessments were done blinded to piglet treatment. An investigator (JKL) used for neuronal counting one H&E-stained section from each of the blocks containing: 1) the frontal lobe with the dorsomedial anterior motor cortex and gyrus rectus and the dorsolateral and inferior prefrontal cortex (
Figure 2A,D); 2) the anterior striatum and the overlying central motor cortex and the anterior primary somatosensory cortex (
Figure 2B,E); and 3) the mid-thalamus with the overlying posterior motor cortex and somatosensory cortex (
Figure 2C,F). In separate piglets, the identities of these neocortical regions were confirmed by cytology (
Figure 4) and connectivity (
Figure 5). The primary somatosensory and motor regions were specifically assessed for neuropathology because they have reproducible vulnerability to HI in many variations of this swine model of asphyxic cardiac arrest [
64], and these brain regions in piglet have high endogenous mitochondrial metabolism and sodium/potassium ATPase activity [
20] and blood flow [
65]. Another investigator (LJM) analyzed the inferior parietal neocortex for neuropathology (
Figure 2B,E). This area was assessed because previous topographic mapping suggests that this region in piglet is typically not vulnerable to the primary HI insult, but in the presence of clinical seizures, damage spreads into this area of neocortex [
A profile counting based approach was used for quantification of the amount of neuronal damage in each piglet brain. Individual neuron profiles were counted microscopically in the medial and lateral banks of the anterior and mid-parietal somatosensory cortex and middle and posterior motor cortex. The anterior motor cortex was counted medial to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (
Figure 2D). The identification of these regions was a consensus between two investigators (JKL, LJM). At 400x magnification, five vertical rows of microscope fields spanning cortical layers II through VI in each gyral bank were counted independent of laminar specification (
Figure 2D–F). In the inferior parietal cortex, the number of morphologically normal neuron profiles was counted (LJM) in 10 horizontally arranged 1000x microscopic specifically in layers II, III, and V of the superior bank. These counts were done at a high magnification for improved resolution and careful assessment of neuronal cell death phenotype [
66]. Additionally, 10 microscope fields at 400x were counted (JKL) in putamen gray matter (
Figure 2B) to assess the efficacy of HT protection as described before [
Counted neuronal profiles in H&E-stained sections were classified by their microscopic appearances [
69]. Normal neurons (
Figure 2G) had a size of 8-15 μm in diameter and non-vacuolated cytoplasm, interpreted as intact membranous organelles without swelling, and an open nucleus (not condensed, darkly basophilic, or pyknotic) with at least one nucleolus and gossamer chromatin strands dispersed in a finely particulate nucleoplasmic matrix. Other neurons (
Figure 2H) were unlike normal neurons with a stark basophilic cytoplasm and few vacuoles or dilated cisterns, notably at a perinuclear location, seemingly intact cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes, and a prominent darky basophilic (blue-dark purple) nucleoplasmic matrix but non-pyknotic nucleus with a nucleolus [
56]. Because neurons typified by enhanced basophilia might survive [
71] and may correspond to neurons with enhanced chromatin-DNA template activity and RNA synthesis [
72], they were combined into a total normal neuron category for analysis. The ischemic-necrotic neuron had a hematoxylin (blue-purple)-stained, angular, and pyknotic nucleus, angular soma, vacuolated and eosinophilic (red-pink) cytoplasm, and absence of perinuclear pallor (
Figure 2I). These cells undergo dissolution of the plasma and nuclear membranes and nucleoplasmic matrix speckling [
69]. Cells undergoing the apoptosis-necrosis continuum had ≥ 5 nuclear fragments of irregularly shaped chromatin clumps, eosinophilic cytoplasm, some cytoplasmic vacuolation, but seemingly intact cell membrane (
Figure 2J) [
69]. Apoptotic cells could be identified as neurons because of their size and residual cytoplasm (
Figure 2K) or they were cell type non-identifiable and were round and small profiles with eosinophilic, condensed cytoplasm, chromatin clumps (≤4 crescent-shaped or round clumps), and cell surface that often was withdrawn from the surrounding neuropil [
Rbfox3 Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
Immunoperoxidase IHC, with diaminobenzidine (DAB) as chromogen, was done on piglet brain paraffin sections as described [
76] to localize Rbfox3 (previously known by its antibody called NeuN) using a mouse monoclonal antibody (Millipore, Clone A60). This antibody was characterized for specificity in pig brain homogenates using western blotting (
Figure 3A, inset) and the results were similar as described for human and mouse brain [
78]. Nissl counterstaining with CV was done for cellular and laminar identifications in piglet neocortex and for profile counting of total neurons.
The Rbfox3-stained brain sections were used for cell counting in somatosensory cortex (
Figure 3). Counting was done specifically in layers II, III, and V. The CV counterstaining defined layer identification by cell morphology, distribution, and packing densities as well as other landmarks such as distances from deep layer I (a neuron poor layer in piglet) and the very distinctive polymorphic layer VI just above the subcortical white matter (
Figure 3A–C). After layer identification from positive cell morphology and packing densities (
Figure 3A), neuronal counts were made in 1000x non-overlapping microscopic fields distributed horizontally intralaminarly (
Figure 2E). Total neurons were counted based on the CV counterstaining in each microscopic field, and then neurons were classified as normal Rbfox3-positive with nuclear and cytoplasmic staining (
Figure 3B inset), ischemic-necrotic Rbfox3-positive with pyknotic and clumped nuclear immunoreactivity (
Figure 3C inset), and neurons with nuclear depletion of Rbfox3 immunoreactivity but otherwise appeared morphologically normal from the CV staining (
Figure 3E).
2.6. EEG and Video Analysis
cEEG data were acquired for up to 7 days after HI (Stellar Telemetry, TSE Systems, Inc.). The EEG data were analyzed using Notocord-hem software (NOTOCORD Systems, Version, 2020, Philadelphia, PA). An investigator (CTP, senior neurology resident) with experience in reading human EEG analyzed the piglet EEG with the guidance of two American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology epileptologists (EKR, CWH) who are experienced in analyzing human neonatal and experimental EEG. These investigators were blinded to the treatment group and clinical video recordings. Electrographic seizure activity was defined as waveform activity with features of epileptiform pattern (spike wave, polyspikes, sharp wave, rhythmicity) of at least 10 seconds with confidence in evolution of waveform in frequency, morphology, or location. Seizure activity that clustered in time was counted as a single seizure if clustering occurred within 60 seconds of an event. Seizure start times, stop times and waveform characteristics, including morphology, frequency, and focality, were documented within each recording. The seizure burden was defined as the percentage of the total EEG recording with seizure activity. Another investigator (LJM) who video recorded piglet behavior during recovery used the recordings to corroborate electrographic seizures and rule out motion artifact. Seizures were allowed to self-resolve without anti-seizure medications, to identify the natural biology of brain injury with seizures, but piglets with continuous clinical seizure activity (Supplementary Videos 3, 4) were euthanized.
2.7. Sample Size and Statistical Analysis of Data
In a prior report [
64] of neonatal piglets with HI injury that received 29 hours of anesthesia like the current study, the mean difference in ischemic necrotic neurons within the motor cortex between HI-NT and sham-NT piglets was 100 with a within-group standard deviation of 5. A sample size of 4 would generate power > 0.9. We increased the sample size to allow for some variability in our estimates.
The differences between mean ratios of normal-to-total and ischemic necrotic-to-total neurons and the numbers of apoptotic and apoptosis-necrosis continuum cells within the frontal, motor, and somatosensory cortices determined from H&E-stained sections were estimated using linear mixed models with random intercepts to account for measurements within the same piglet (33 comparisons for each cell category). Sham-NT was the reference group, and these analyses were adjusted for survival duration.
The counts representing the number of normal neurons (cells/mm2) in the inferior parietal cortex from the H&E-stained sections and the total neurons and NeuN (Rbfox3)-nuclear depleted neurons in somatosensory cortex were analyzed separately outside of the linear mixed model. Individual comparisons of group means were made between independent groups (e.g., Sham-NT vs Sham-NT, Sham-NT vs HI-NT) using a two-sample t-test and comparisons among means of all four groups were done with ANOVA.
Arterial blood pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2), partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), MAP, hemoglobin, and glucose levels at baseline and 1, 3, 20, 24, and 28 hours after ROSC were analyzed by 2-way repeated measures analysis of variance with post-hoc Tukey tests. The blood gas and MAP data for 42 minutes hypoxia and 7-8 minutes of asphyxia between HI piglets destined to receive NT or HT were compared by t-tests. Blood gas data were analyzed from the 7-minute and the MAP data were analyzed from the 8-minute time points of asphyxia. These data are graphed as means with 95% confidence intervals.
Non-parametric data, including survival duration and the ratio of normal-to-total neurons among naïve control and anesthetized sham groups, were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis analysis of variance on ranks. The difference in seizure burden between all sham and all HI piglets were analyzed by Mann Whitney tests. Spearman correlations evaluated the relationship between seizure burden and the ischemic necrotic-to-total neuron ratio. These data are graphed as box or scatter plots.
Figure 1.
Surgical placement of electrodes for cEEG in neonatal piglets. A. Cranial screw placement. B. EEG electrode array attachment. C. Isolated EEG electrode array showing the round transmitter (on left) and the naked electrodes and electrodes with attached cranial screws and acrylic cement placodes. D. Exposed brain of a 4%PF perfusion fixed piglet with calvarium removed and intact dura mater showing dural placement sites of cranial screws seen as focal hemorrhagic damage. E. The same brain shown in D with dura mater removed and no damage to the underlying neocortical parenchyma. The optimal quality of the brain perfusion fixation is also demonstrated by the absence of residual blood in cortical vessels and discrete contouring of the cortical surface.
Figure 1.
Surgical placement of electrodes for cEEG in neonatal piglets. A. Cranial screw placement. B. EEG electrode array attachment. C. Isolated EEG electrode array showing the round transmitter (on left) and the naked electrodes and electrodes with attached cranial screws and acrylic cement placodes. D. Exposed brain of a 4%PF perfusion fixed piglet with calvarium removed and intact dura mater showing dural placement sites of cranial screws seen as focal hemorrhagic damage. E. The same brain shown in D with dura mater removed and no damage to the underlying neocortical parenchyma. The optimal quality of the brain perfusion fixation is also demonstrated by the absence of residual blood in cortical vessels and discrete contouring of the cortical surface.
Figure 2.
Piglet brain levels used for neuron counting in three neuroanatomic levels, H&E counting strategies, and neuronal injury classification. A-C. H&E-stained hemibrain sections at the levels of frontal cortex (A), posterior frontal-anterior parietal cortex and striatum (B), mid-parietal cortex, posterior striatum, and thalamus (C). Brain regions pertinent to the study are identified. Medial is at left. Superior is at top. D-F. Neurons were counted in rows of adjacent microscope fields in cortical layers II-VI or in specific layers in inferior parietal cortex. In frontal cortex (A,D) counts were done in the medial-most gyrus comprised of the anterior motor cortex dorsally and the ventrally located gyrus rectus and laterally in the inferior frontal cortex. At a striatal level (B,E) counts were done in the medial and lateral banks of the motor cortex and somatosensory cortex and in layers II, III, and V of inferior parietal cortex. At a thalamic level (C,F) counts were done in the medial and lateral banks of the posterior motor cortex and somatosensory cortex. G-K. Neuron morphology classification by H&E staining (see methods for descriptions): normal neuron (G, arrow), injured neuron (H, arrow), ischemic-necrotic degenerating neurons (I, arrows), apoptosis-necrosis continuum degenerating neuron (J, arrow), and apoptotic neuron (K, arrow). Scale bars (in µm): G, 10; H, 10; I, 8.75; J, 10; K, 25.
Figure 2.
Piglet brain levels used for neuron counting in three neuroanatomic levels, H&E counting strategies, and neuronal injury classification. A-C. H&E-stained hemibrain sections at the levels of frontal cortex (A), posterior frontal-anterior parietal cortex and striatum (B), mid-parietal cortex, posterior striatum, and thalamus (C). Brain regions pertinent to the study are identified. Medial is at left. Superior is at top. D-F. Neurons were counted in rows of adjacent microscope fields in cortical layers II-VI or in specific layers in inferior parietal cortex. In frontal cortex (A,D) counts were done in the medial-most gyrus comprised of the anterior motor cortex dorsally and the ventrally located gyrus rectus and laterally in the inferior frontal cortex. At a striatal level (B,E) counts were done in the medial and lateral banks of the motor cortex and somatosensory cortex and in layers II, III, and V of inferior parietal cortex. At a thalamic level (C,F) counts were done in the medial and lateral banks of the posterior motor cortex and somatosensory cortex. G-K. Neuron morphology classification by H&E staining (see methods for descriptions): normal neuron (G, arrow), injured neuron (H, arrow), ischemic-necrotic degenerating neurons (I, arrows), apoptosis-necrosis continuum degenerating neuron (J, arrow), and apoptotic neuron (K, arrow). Scale bars (in µm): G, 10; H, 10; I, 8.75; J, 10; K, 25.

Figure 3.
Rbfox3 detection in piglet neocortex with NeuN antibody and immunoperoxidase immunohistochemistry. A. In sham piglet somatosensory cortex, RbFox3-positive cells have a laminar distribution (brown immunoreactivity with blue Nissl counterstaining). Numbers identify the cortical layers. The thick layer IV is discernable. Inset shows antibody specificity in western blot of crude homogenates of piglet somatosensory cortex with prominent band detection at 46-48 kDa. B. With a prominent layer V and an attenuated layer IV, RbFox3 immunostaining in sham piglet motor cortex is distinct from that seen in the somatosensory cortex. Inset shows the nuclear and cytoplasmic staining for Rbfox3 in piglet neocortical neurons. C. In HI-NT piglets, Rbfox3 can be found selectively depleted in layer II neurons of somatosensory cortex, yet, across the sulcus (asterisk), the motor cortex layer II neurons are positive. Other pyramidal neurons (inset) in layers III-V have nuclear clumping of Rbfox3 when undergoing ischemic-necrosis. Hatched box is shown at higher magnification in D. D. HI-NT piglet with selective depletion of Rbfox3 in layer II, yet the neurons appear morphologically normal. E. Somatosensory cortex layer II of an HI-HT piglet with depletion of Rbfox3 in some neurons (solid arrow) and partial rescue of Rbfox3 positivity in other neurons (solid thin arrows). Scale bars (in µm): A (same for B,C), 160; B inset, 9; C inset, 10; D, 18; E, 7.
Figure 3.
Rbfox3 detection in piglet neocortex with NeuN antibody and immunoperoxidase immunohistochemistry. A. In sham piglet somatosensory cortex, RbFox3-positive cells have a laminar distribution (brown immunoreactivity with blue Nissl counterstaining). Numbers identify the cortical layers. The thick layer IV is discernable. Inset shows antibody specificity in western blot of crude homogenates of piglet somatosensory cortex with prominent band detection at 46-48 kDa. B. With a prominent layer V and an attenuated layer IV, RbFox3 immunostaining in sham piglet motor cortex is distinct from that seen in the somatosensory cortex. Inset shows the nuclear and cytoplasmic staining for Rbfox3 in piglet neocortical neurons. C. In HI-NT piglets, Rbfox3 can be found selectively depleted in layer II neurons of somatosensory cortex, yet, across the sulcus (asterisk), the motor cortex layer II neurons are positive. Other pyramidal neurons (inset) in layers III-V have nuclear clumping of Rbfox3 when undergoing ischemic-necrosis. Hatched box is shown at higher magnification in D. D. HI-NT piglet with selective depletion of Rbfox3 in layer II, yet the neurons appear morphologically normal. E. Somatosensory cortex layer II of an HI-HT piglet with depletion of Rbfox3 in some neurons (solid arrow) and partial rescue of Rbfox3 positivity in other neurons (solid thin arrows). Scale bars (in µm): A (same for B,C), 160; B inset, 9; C inset, 10; D, 18; E, 7.

Figure 4.
Neonatal piglet neocortex gyrencephaly, cytoarchitectonics, and chemoarchitectonics. A. Perfusion fixed (4% PF) piglet brain illustrating the gyrencephalic cerebral cortex from a dorsal view. Anterior is at top. Gyri corresponding to the motor cortex, somatosensory cortex, and visual cortex are identified. B. Nissl staining of a piglet brain sagittal section (40 µm) showing the prominent layer V of motor cortex. C. Nissl staining of a piglet brain sagittal section (40 µm) showing the prominent layer IV of somatosensory cortex. D. Nissl staining of a piglet brain sagittal section (40 µm) showing the transition from motor cortex (left) to somatosensory cortex (right). The motor cortex has a conspicuous layer V and an inconspicuous layer IV (agranular), while the somatosensory cortex has a prominent layer IV and an attenuated layer V. E-F. Piglet brain axial sections (anterior is at top) showing that the enzyme activity of cytochrome C oxidase (complex IV) is differentially enriched in different regions of cerebral cortex. The most inferior-most section with the centrum semiovale is G. Scale bars: B and C, 105 µm; D, 54 µm; E (same for F, G), 2 mm.
Figure 4.
Neonatal piglet neocortex gyrencephaly, cytoarchitectonics, and chemoarchitectonics. A. Perfusion fixed (4% PF) piglet brain illustrating the gyrencephalic cerebral cortex from a dorsal view. Anterior is at top. Gyri corresponding to the motor cortex, somatosensory cortex, and visual cortex are identified. B. Nissl staining of a piglet brain sagittal section (40 µm) showing the prominent layer V of motor cortex. C. Nissl staining of a piglet brain sagittal section (40 µm) showing the prominent layer IV of somatosensory cortex. D. Nissl staining of a piglet brain sagittal section (40 µm) showing the transition from motor cortex (left) to somatosensory cortex (right). The motor cortex has a conspicuous layer V and an inconspicuous layer IV (agranular), while the somatosensory cortex has a prominent layer IV and an attenuated layer V. E-F. Piglet brain axial sections (anterior is at top) showing that the enzyme activity of cytochrome C oxidase (complex IV) is differentially enriched in different regions of cerebral cortex. The most inferior-most section with the centrum semiovale is G. Scale bars: B and C, 105 µm; D, 54 µm; E (same for F, G), 2 mm.

Figure 5.
Neonatal piglet neocortical connectome. A. Perfusion fixed (4% PF) piglet brain (gross) with color-coded buttons identifying locations of injection sites for AV-CFP (blue) in right motor cortex, and AAV-eGFP (green), LV-RFP (red) and WGA-HRP (black) in right somatosensory cortex. Black line in left cerebrum identifies approximate level of brain slab shown in B. B. Piglet gross brain coronal slab identifying subcortical location of injection site for FluoroGold (FG, yellow) in left striatum. Inset shows FG retrogradely labeled (white arrows) motor cortex corticostriatal projection neurons in layer V (direct fluorescence of FG). C. CFP labeling of motor cortex (brown, antibody detection of CFP by immunohistochemistry with diaminobenzidine chromogen and blue Nissl counterstaining). Layer V neurons are positive (arrows) with inset showing a gigantocellular Betz cell (arrow) strongly positive for CFP. Area in hatched box is shown at higher magnification in D. D. Superficial layers of the lateral bank of the motor cortex gyrus showing numerous CFP-labeled apical dendrites of layer V neurons extending through layers IV, III, II, and I to the cortical surface. E. Single-axon resolution labeling (arrows) of CFP motor corticostriatal projections in putamen. F,G. RFP labeling of somatosensory corticostriatal projections to putamen seen in the external capsule (open arrow) and in white matter stria (solid arrow) in the lateral putamen (direct fluorescence of RFP). RFP labeling near the somatosensory cortex (G injection site for LV-RFP (open arrow, direct fluorescence of RFP). H. Somatosensory cortex injection site for LV-RFP (brown, arrow) seen by antibody detection of RFP. Box in ventral thalamus is shown in I. I. RFP anterograde labeling of fine somatosensory corticothalamic terminal field plexus (arrows) in the ventroposterolateral thalamic nucleus. J. Corticocortical projections identified by eGFP-positive (direct fluorescence) retrogradely labeled neurons concentrated in layer V of cingulate cortex after AAV-eGFP injection in somatosensory cortex. K. HRP labeled single axon (arrows) in lateral putamen (near external capsule) resulting from injection of WGA-HRP in ipsilateral somatosensory cortex (neutral red counterstaining). L. Within central putamen, the HRP-labeled somatosensory corticostriatal terminal field is robust and extensive (arrow, black dots represent individual presynaptic terminals). Putamen contralateral to injections of WGA-HRP in somatosensory cortex was essentially negative, indicating negligible crossed corticostriatal projections (data not shown). M. WGA-HRP retrogradely labeled neuron (arrow) in thalamic ventroposterolateral nucleus that projects to somatosensory cortex. Scale bars: B, 1.75 mm; B inset 30 µm; C, 293 µm; C inset, 35 µm; D, 25 µm; E, 8.5 µm; F, 10 µm; G, 10 µm; H, 2.6 mm; I, 7 µm; J, 44 µm; K, 12 µm; L, 21 µm; M, 10.5 µm.
Figure 5.
Neonatal piglet neocortical connectome. A. Perfusion fixed (4% PF) piglet brain (gross) with color-coded buttons identifying locations of injection sites for AV-CFP (blue) in right motor cortex, and AAV-eGFP (green), LV-RFP (red) and WGA-HRP (black) in right somatosensory cortex. Black line in left cerebrum identifies approximate level of brain slab shown in B. B. Piglet gross brain coronal slab identifying subcortical location of injection site for FluoroGold (FG, yellow) in left striatum. Inset shows FG retrogradely labeled (white arrows) motor cortex corticostriatal projection neurons in layer V (direct fluorescence of FG). C. CFP labeling of motor cortex (brown, antibody detection of CFP by immunohistochemistry with diaminobenzidine chromogen and blue Nissl counterstaining). Layer V neurons are positive (arrows) with inset showing a gigantocellular Betz cell (arrow) strongly positive for CFP. Area in hatched box is shown at higher magnification in D. D. Superficial layers of the lateral bank of the motor cortex gyrus showing numerous CFP-labeled apical dendrites of layer V neurons extending through layers IV, III, II, and I to the cortical surface. E. Single-axon resolution labeling (arrows) of CFP motor corticostriatal projections in putamen. F,G. RFP labeling of somatosensory corticostriatal projections to putamen seen in the external capsule (open arrow) and in white matter stria (solid arrow) in the lateral putamen (direct fluorescence of RFP). RFP labeling near the somatosensory cortex (G injection site for LV-RFP (open arrow, direct fluorescence of RFP). H. Somatosensory cortex injection site for LV-RFP (brown, arrow) seen by antibody detection of RFP. Box in ventral thalamus is shown in I. I. RFP anterograde labeling of fine somatosensory corticothalamic terminal field plexus (arrows) in the ventroposterolateral thalamic nucleus. J. Corticocortical projections identified by eGFP-positive (direct fluorescence) retrogradely labeled neurons concentrated in layer V of cingulate cortex after AAV-eGFP injection in somatosensory cortex. K. HRP labeled single axon (arrows) in lateral putamen (near external capsule) resulting from injection of WGA-HRP in ipsilateral somatosensory cortex (neutral red counterstaining). L. Within central putamen, the HRP-labeled somatosensory corticostriatal terminal field is robust and extensive (arrow, black dots represent individual presynaptic terminals). Putamen contralateral to injections of WGA-HRP in somatosensory cortex was essentially negative, indicating negligible crossed corticostriatal projections (data not shown). M. WGA-HRP retrogradely labeled neuron (arrow) in thalamic ventroposterolateral nucleus that projects to somatosensory cortex. Scale bars: B, 1.75 mm; B inset 30 µm; C, 293 µm; C inset, 35 µm; D, 25 µm; E, 8.5 µm; F, 10 µm; G, 10 µm; H, 2.6 mm; I, 7 µm; J, 44 µm; K, 12 µm; L, 21 µm; M, 10.5 µm.

Figure 6.
Physiology of HI and sham piglets. Blood gas, hemoglobin, and glucose data are at 7-min asphyxia. Temperature and blood pressure data are at 8-min asphyxia. The blue arrows along the x-axis show the beginning and maintenance of HT. The purple arrows show rewarming. A. Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) was interactively affected by time and treatment (p=0.006). B. Arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) varied across time (p<0.001). Mean arterial blood pressure (C), arterial pH (D), and core body temperature (E) were affected by treatment. F. Hemoglobin levels also varied across time (p<0.001). G. Blood glucose was interactively affected by time and treatment (p<0.001). For all parameters group sizes were: sham normothermia (n=6), sham hypothermia (n=10), HI normothermia (n=8), and HI hypothermia (n=10). *p<0.05 in post-hoc tests. Data are shown as means with 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 6.
Physiology of HI and sham piglets. Blood gas, hemoglobin, and glucose data are at 7-min asphyxia. Temperature and blood pressure data are at 8-min asphyxia. The blue arrows along the x-axis show the beginning and maintenance of HT. The purple arrows show rewarming. A. Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) was interactively affected by time and treatment (p=0.006). B. Arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) varied across time (p<0.001). Mean arterial blood pressure (C), arterial pH (D), and core body temperature (E) were affected by treatment. F. Hemoglobin levels also varied across time (p<0.001). G. Blood glucose was interactively affected by time and treatment (p<0.001). For all parameters group sizes were: sham normothermia (n=6), sham hypothermia (n=10), HI normothermia (n=8), and HI hypothermia (n=10). *p<0.05 in post-hoc tests. Data are shown as means with 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 7.
Primary somatosensory neocortex was protected in hypoxia-ischemia (HI)-HT piglets. A. HI-NT piglets had decreased normal-to-total neuron ratios in the anterior parietal cortex level (medial bank of the somatosensory gyrus: p<0.001; lateral: p<0.001) and in the mid-parietal level (medial: p<0.001; lateral: p<0.001). B. Ischemic necrosis was greatest in HI-NT piglets in the anterior parietal (medial: p<0.001; lateral: p<0.001) and mid-parietal (medial: p<0.001; lateral: p=0.001) somatosensory cortex. C. HI-NT piglets had increased apoptosis in somatosensory cortex (medial mid-parietal: p=0.013; lateral anterior parietal: p=0.003). Sham-HT piglets had less apoptosis than did sham-NT piglets in mid-parietal cortex (p=0.036). D. Apoptosis-necrosis continuum cell degeneration was most common in the medial bank of the mid-parietal somatosensory cortex in HI-NT piglets (p=0.026). Data are shown with means and 95% CIs. *p<0.05. E. H&E staining of the somatosensory cortex of an HI piglet showing clear selective laminar pathology in lower layer III and upper layer IV and more subtle damage in layer II as delineated by the black lines. F. H&E staining of the somatosensory cortex of an HI piglet showing clear panlaminar necrosis. Scale bar in E (same for F), 63 µm.
Figure 7.
Primary somatosensory neocortex was protected in hypoxia-ischemia (HI)-HT piglets. A. HI-NT piglets had decreased normal-to-total neuron ratios in the anterior parietal cortex level (medial bank of the somatosensory gyrus: p<0.001; lateral: p<0.001) and in the mid-parietal level (medial: p<0.001; lateral: p<0.001). B. Ischemic necrosis was greatest in HI-NT piglets in the anterior parietal (medial: p<0.001; lateral: p<0.001) and mid-parietal (medial: p<0.001; lateral: p=0.001) somatosensory cortex. C. HI-NT piglets had increased apoptosis in somatosensory cortex (medial mid-parietal: p=0.013; lateral anterior parietal: p=0.003). Sham-HT piglets had less apoptosis than did sham-NT piglets in mid-parietal cortex (p=0.036). D. Apoptosis-necrosis continuum cell degeneration was most common in the medial bank of the mid-parietal somatosensory cortex in HI-NT piglets (p=0.026). Data are shown with means and 95% CIs. *p<0.05. E. H&E staining of the somatosensory cortex of an HI piglet showing clear selective laminar pathology in lower layer III and upper layer IV and more subtle damage in layer II as delineated by the black lines. F. H&E staining of the somatosensory cortex of an HI piglet showing clear panlaminar necrosis. Scale bar in E (same for F), 63 µm.

Figure 8.
Motor cortex damage after HI varied regionally. A. HI-NT piglets had a decreased normal-to-total neuron ratio relative to sham-NT piglets at the anterior parietal level in the medial (p=0.010) and lateral (p=0.001) cortical banks. The loss of normal neurons after HI also occurred in mid-parietal motor cortex (medial bank, p=0.003; lateral bank, p=0.001). Neuron loss was not detected in frontal cortex. B. Compared to sham-NT piglets, cortical ischemic necrosis increased in HI-NT piglets in anterior and mid-parietal but not frontal cortex. In anterior parietal motor cortex, ischemic necrosis was greater in HI-NT piglets compared to sham-NT piglets (medial, p<0.009; lateral, p=0.001). In mid-mid-parietal motor cortex, more ischemic necrosis occurred in HI-NT piglets compared to sham pigs (medial, p=0.003; lateral, p<0.001). C. Sham-HT pigs had less apoptosis in frontal cortex than sham-NT pigs (p=0.020). D. HI-NT piglets had more apoptosis-necrosis continuum cell degeneration than shams (p=0.001). Data are shown with means and 95% CIs. *p<0.05. Hypoxia-ischemia, HI.
Figure 8.
Motor cortex damage after HI varied regionally. A. HI-NT piglets had a decreased normal-to-total neuron ratio relative to sham-NT piglets at the anterior parietal level in the medial (p=0.010) and lateral (p=0.001) cortical banks. The loss of normal neurons after HI also occurred in mid-parietal motor cortex (medial bank, p=0.003; lateral bank, p=0.001). Neuron loss was not detected in frontal cortex. B. Compared to sham-NT piglets, cortical ischemic necrosis increased in HI-NT piglets in anterior and mid-parietal but not frontal cortex. In anterior parietal motor cortex, ischemic necrosis was greater in HI-NT piglets compared to sham-NT piglets (medial, p<0.009; lateral, p=0.001). In mid-mid-parietal motor cortex, more ischemic necrosis occurred in HI-NT piglets compared to sham pigs (medial, p=0.003; lateral, p<0.001). C. Sham-HT pigs had less apoptosis in frontal cortex than sham-NT pigs (p=0.020). D. HI-NT piglets had more apoptosis-necrosis continuum cell degeneration than shams (p=0.001). Data are shown with means and 95% CIs. *p<0.05. Hypoxia-ischemia, HI.

Figure 9.
Layer III has prominent neuronal loss in the inferior parietal neocortex of HI-NT piglets. A. In sham-NT piglets, the H&E staining shows pristine undamaged neuronal cell body (arrows) and neuropil composition. Scale bar (same for B), 13 µm. B. In HI-NT piglets, layer III is devastated with only residual ischemic-necrotic neurons (arrows) remaining in a field of spongiform neuropil. C. HI-NT piglets had a severe loss of normal neurons in layer III of inferior parietal cortex compared to sham-NT piglets (p<0.001). Normal neuron number was partly rescued in HI-HT compared to HI-NT piglets (p<0.001). Box plots show median values with IQR and 5-95th percentile whiskers.
Figure 9.
Layer III has prominent neuronal loss in the inferior parietal neocortex of HI-NT piglets. A. In sham-NT piglets, the H&E staining shows pristine undamaged neuronal cell body (arrows) and neuropil composition. Scale bar (same for B), 13 µm. B. In HI-NT piglets, layer III is devastated with only residual ischemic-necrotic neurons (arrows) remaining in a field of spongiform neuropil. C. HI-NT piglets had a severe loss of normal neurons in layer III of inferior parietal cortex compared to sham-NT piglets (p<0.001). Normal neuron number was partly rescued in HI-HT compared to HI-NT piglets (p<0.001). Box plots show median values with IQR and 5-95th percentile whiskers.
Figure 10.
Somatosensory cortex in HI-NT piglets has differential laminar vulnerability and nuclear depletion of Rbfox3/NeuN immunoreactivity. Brain sections immunostained for Rbfox3 and CV counterstained were used to count total neurons (A-C) and neurons depleted of Rbfox3 nuclear positivity (D-F) in layers II, III, and V of somatosensory cortex. Box-and-whisker plots show the median and interquartile ranges. A-C. In sham piglets, layer II has the most neurons. In HI-NT piglets, total neuron counts were reduced (*p<0.001) compared to sham-NT in layers II (A), III (B), and V (C). In HI-HT piglets, total neuron counts were reduced (**p<0.01) compared to sham-HT in layers II (A) and III (B). There was significant (+p=0.009) rescue of total neurons in HI-HT piglets compared to HI-NT piglets. D-F. In HI-NT piglets, the ratio of Rbfox3-depleted to total neurons increased in all layers compared to sham-NT (p<0.001). In HI-HT piglets, the ratio of Rbfox3-depleted to total neurons increased in layer II compared to sham-NT (p<0.001). There was significant (+p=0.001) rescue of total neurons in HI-HT piglets compared to HI-NT piglets in layer V.
Figure 10.
Somatosensory cortex in HI-NT piglets has differential laminar vulnerability and nuclear depletion of Rbfox3/NeuN immunoreactivity. Brain sections immunostained for Rbfox3 and CV counterstained were used to count total neurons (A-C) and neurons depleted of Rbfox3 nuclear positivity (D-F) in layers II, III, and V of somatosensory cortex. Box-and-whisker plots show the median and interquartile ranges. A-C. In sham piglets, layer II has the most neurons. In HI-NT piglets, total neuron counts were reduced (*p<0.001) compared to sham-NT in layers II (A), III (B), and V (C). In HI-HT piglets, total neuron counts were reduced (**p<0.01) compared to sham-HT in layers II (A) and III (B). There was significant (+p=0.009) rescue of total neurons in HI-HT piglets compared to HI-NT piglets. D-F. In HI-NT piglets, the ratio of Rbfox3-depleted to total neurons increased in all layers compared to sham-NT (p<0.001). In HI-HT piglets, the ratio of Rbfox3-depleted to total neurons increased in layer II compared to sham-NT (p<0.001). There was significant (+p=0.001) rescue of total neurons in HI-HT piglets compared to HI-NT piglets in layer V.

Figure 11.
Seizure assessment in piglets. A. Seizure burden was greater in hypoxia-ischemia (HI) piglets compared to sham piglets (p=0.019). Sham-NT (black), sham-HT (green), HI-NT (red), and HI-HT (blue). *p<0.05. The whiskers show the 5-95th percentiles. B. Representative 10-second electrograms of neocortical activity in right anterior, right posterior, left anterior and left posterior leads in a sham-NT piglet. EEG shows background activity of a variety of frequencies and amplitudes throughout all leads. No rhythmic waveforms are present. C. EEG of HI piglet with seizures showing presence of epileptiform appearing rhythmic spike wave complexes (2-3 Hz) generalized in all four leads over 10 seconds. .
Figure 11.
Seizure assessment in piglets. A. Seizure burden was greater in hypoxia-ischemia (HI) piglets compared to sham piglets (p=0.019). Sham-NT (black), sham-HT (green), HI-NT (red), and HI-HT (blue). *p<0.05. The whiskers show the 5-95th percentiles. B. Representative 10-second electrograms of neocortical activity in right anterior, right posterior, left anterior and left posterior leads in a sham-NT piglet. EEG shows background activity of a variety of frequencies and amplitudes throughout all leads. No rhythmic waveforms are present. C. EEG of HI piglet with seizures showing presence of epileptiform appearing rhythmic spike wave complexes (2-3 Hz) generalized in all four leads over 10 seconds. .
Figure 12.
Piglets with greater seizure burden had more ischemic necrosis in the somatosensory cortex of (A, B) mid-parietal cortex (medial bank: r=0.69, p=0.002, n=18; lateral bank: r=0.62, p=0.006), (C) medial bank of anterior parietal cortex (r=0.57, p=0.015, n=18), (D) lateral bank of frontal motor cortex (r=0.48, p=0.045), and (E) putamen (r=0.60, p=0.009). Sham normothermia, black circles. Sham hypothermia, green squares, hypoxia-ischemia (HI) normothermia, red triangles. HI hypothermia, blue inverted triangle.
Figure 12.
Piglets with greater seizure burden had more ischemic necrosis in the somatosensory cortex of (A, B) mid-parietal cortex (medial bank: r=0.69, p=0.002, n=18; lateral bank: r=0.62, p=0.006), (C) medial bank of anterior parietal cortex (r=0.57, p=0.015, n=18), (D) lateral bank of frontal motor cortex (r=0.48, p=0.045), and (E) putamen (r=0.60, p=0.009). Sham normothermia, black circles. Sham hypothermia, green squares, hypoxia-ischemia (HI) normothermia, red triangles. HI hypothermia, blue inverted triangle.