Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

A Comprehensive Review Unleashing the Challenges and Advancements in In-Vitro Propagated Eucalypt Plantations

Version 1 : Received: 28 June 2023 / Approved: 29 June 2023 / Online: 30 June 2023 (10:09:13 CEST)

How to cite: Sharma, V.; ., A.; Karnwal, A.; Sharma, S.; Kamal, B.; Jadon, V. S.; Gupta, S.; Sivanasen, I. A Comprehensive Review Unleashing the Challenges and Advancements in In-Vitro Propagated Eucalypt Plantations. Preprints 2023, 2023062187. Sharma, V.; ., A.; Karnwal, A.; Sharma, S.; Kamal, B.; Jadon, V. S.; Gupta, S.; Sivanasen, I. A Comprehensive Review Unleashing the Challenges and Advancements in In-Vitro Propagated Eucalypt Plantations. Preprints 2023, 2023062187.


The genus Eucalyptus is a globally captivated source of hardwood and is well known for its medicinal uses. The hybrid and wild species of Eucalyptus are widely used as exotic plantations due to their renowned potential of adapting to various systems and sites, furthermore, making the species the most extensively propagated. Despite unquestionable progression in biotechnological and tissue culture approaches, the productivity of plantations is still limited often due to the low efficiency of clonal propagation from cuttings. The obtained F1 hybrids yield high biomass and High-quality low-cost raw material for large-scale production, however, the development of hybrid, clonal multiplication, proliferation, and post-developmental studies are still major concerns. This riveting review describes the problems concerned with in-vitro and clonal propagation of Eucalypt plantation; recent advances in biotechnological and tissue culture practices for massive and rapid micro-propagation of Eucalyptus; as well, highlights the Eucalypt germplasm preservation techniques.


Eucalyptus; tissue culture; F1 hybrids; clonal propagation; micro-propagation; germplasm.


Biology and Life Sciences, Plant Sciences

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