Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Antiviral Potential of Specially Selected Bulgarian Propolis Ex-Tracts: In Vitro Mechanism of Action Against Structurally Different Viruses

Version 1 : Received: 15 June 2023 / Approved: 15 June 2023 / Online: 15 June 2023 (10:05:09 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Vilhelmova-Ilieva, N.M.; Nikolova, I.N.; Nikolova, N.Y.; Petrova, Z.D.; Trepechova, M.S.; Holechek, D.I.; Todorova, M.M.; Topuzova, M.G.; Ivanov, I.G.; Tumbarski, Y.D. Antiviral Potential of Specially Selected Bulgarian Propolis Extracts: In Vitro Activity against Structurally Different Viruses. Life 2023, 13, 1611. Vilhelmova-Ilieva, N.M.; Nikolova, I.N.; Nikolova, N.Y.; Petrova, Z.D.; Trepechova, M.S.; Holechek, D.I.; Todorova, M.M.; Topuzova, M.G.; Ivanov, I.G.; Tumbarski, Y.D. Antiviral Potential of Specially Selected Bulgarian Propolis Extracts: In Vitro Activity against Structurally Different Viruses. Life 2023, 13, 1611.


Propolis, or bee glue, is a complex mixture of resins from plant buds and flowers, wax, pollen and bee saliva. It also contains various vitamins, essential oils, mineral salts, trace elements, hormones and enzymes. It has been found that propolis possesses antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. We have studied the antiviral activity of six extracts of Bulgarian propolis collected from six districts of Bulgaria. The study was conducted against structurally different viruses: Human coronavirus strain OC-43 (HCoV OC-43) and Human respiratory syncytial virus type 5 (HRSV-5) (enveloped RNA viruses), Human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) (enveloped DNA virus), Human rhinovirus type 14 (HRV-14) (non-enveloped RNA virus) and Human adenovirus type 2 (HadV-2) (non-enveloped DNA virus). The influence of the extracts on the internal replicative cycle of viruses was determined using the cytopathic effect (CPE) inhibition test. The virucidal capacity, their influence on the adsorption stage and their protective effect on uninfected cells were also determined by the end-point dilution method. Residual viral infectivity in propolis samples was compared to untreated controls and Δlgs were calculated. When administered during viral replication, most propolis extracts demonstrated the strongest activity against HCoV OC-43. The influence of propolis extracts on the viability of extracellular virions was expressed to a different degree in the various viruses studied, and the effect was significantly stronger in those with an envelope. Almost all extracts significantly inhibited the step of herpes virus adsorption to the host cell, and some of them showed a protective effect on healthy cells before they were subjected to herpes infection. Our results enlarge the knowledge about the action of propolis and could open new perspectives for its application in viral infections treatment.


propolis extracts; antiviral activity; virucidal activity; viral adsorption; Human coronavirus; Human respiratory syncytial virus; Herpes simplex virus; Human rhinovirus; Human adenovirus


Biology and Life Sciences, Virology

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