Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Application of PEEK Based Polymer in Prosthodontic Therapy of Patients With Parafunctional Mandibular Activity

Version 1 : Received: 12 June 2023 / Approved: 14 June 2023 / Online: 14 June 2023 (03:56:08 CEST)

How to cite: Špadijer Gostović, A.; Racić, A.; Todorović, A.; Radović, K.; Čairović, A.; Perić, M.; Vlatković Jakovljević, I. Application of PEEK Based Polymer in Prosthodontic Therapy of Patients With Parafunctional Mandibular Activity. Preprints 2023, 2023060973. Špadijer Gostović, A.; Racić, A.; Todorović, A.; Radović, K.; Čairović, A.; Perić, M.; Vlatković Jakovljević, I. Application of PEEK Based Polymer in Prosthodontic Therapy of Patients With Parafunctional Mandibular Activity. Preprints 2023, 2023060973.


The aim of this article was to evaluate properties of new polymer material, based on PEEK, for FPDs in patients with parafunctions. Methods: Prospective clinical study involved patients with diagnosed signs and symptoms of parafunctions, restored with 100 units, PEEK based FPDs, veneered with composite material. During one year observation period the following parameters were evaluated: color changes, periodontal indices, treatment success using FDI criteria, occlusal parameters, patient-reported outcome measures (OHIP-49) and occurrence of complications. Results: Spectrophotometry revealed that 63% of bridges experienced changes for L*, a*, b* color parameters, but it was not clinically significant for patients. Periodontal indices (PI, GI, BOP) revealed statistically significant higher values around restorations. According to FDI criteria, therapy was considered successful and 86.7% of FPDs were acceptable. Computerized occlusal analysis demonstrated no significant difference in the number of occlusal contacts and the intensity of relative forces between restoration and control side. Results of OHIP-49 questionnaire showed improved patient’s quality of life. Complications appeared in a limited number of cases. Conclusion: PEEK based FPDs could be indicated for successful prosthodontic rehabilitation in patients with parafunctional activities, but further material improvements and long-term clinical trials should be conducted to analyze performance of this material in challenging cases, for patients with CMD and in implant therapy.


PEEK; Computer occlusal analysis; Bruxism; Parafunctional activities; Prosthetic rehabilitation; OHIP-49


Medicine and Pharmacology, Dentistry and Oral Surgery

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