
Breaking New Ground: Exploring the Promising Role of Solid-State Fermentation in Harnessing Natural Biostimulants for Sustainable Agriculture


08 June 2023


09 June 2023

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Agriculture has been experiencing a difficult situation because of limiting factors in its production, Natural biostimulants (NBs) have emerged as a novel alternative. This study reviews NBs produced through Solid-State Fermentation (SSF) from organic waste, focusing on the processes and production methods. The aim is to highlight their potential for improving agricultural productivity and promoting sustainable agriculture. Through a literature review, the effects of NBS on crops were examined, as well as the challenges associated with their production and application. The importance of standardizing production processes, optimizing fermentation conditions, and assessing their effects on different crops is emphasized. Furthermore, future research areas are identified, such as enhancing production efficiency and evaluating the effectiveness of SSF-produced NBS in different agricultural systems. In conclusion, SSF-produced NBS offers a promising alternative for sustainable agriculture, but further research and development are needed to maximize its efficacy and enable large-scale implementation.
Natural biostimulant; Solid-state fermentation; Organic waste; Sustainable agriculture; crop improvement
Engineering  -   Bioengineering

1. Introduction

One of the main challenges in agriculture is achieving global zero hunger[1] Therefore, sustainable agriculture is a viable solution to ensure food security. In this regard, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) envisions providing nutritious and accessible food for all while preserving natural resources to meet current and future needs. Sustainable agriculture also aims to benefit producers in terms of economic development [1]. In conventional agriculture, reducing the intensive use of agrochemicals is a significant challenge that negatively impacts soil health, water scarcity, and biodiversity[2]. In this context, natural biostimulants (NBs) have emerged as alternatives to sustainable agriculture. NBs are derived from products such as microorganisms, plant extracts, and seaweed extracts and can be classified into three main groups based on their source and content: humic substances (HS), hormone-containing products (HCP), and amino acid-containing products (AACP). HCP, such as seaweed extracts, contain various active substances for plant growth, including auxins, cytokinins, and their derivatives [3]. These products contain biologically active compounds that stimulate plant physiological processes and promote growth, development, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses[4,5,6,7]. NBs offer significant advantages as they are derived from natural sources, such as waste materials, plant extracts, and microorganisms [8,9], making them more environmentally sustainable than chemical products based on synthetic compounds. Furthermore, NBs are generally safer for the environment and human health than chemical products, which can be harmful [10]. NBs also have the potential to promote beneficial interactions with soil microorganisms, unlike chemical products that lack this capacity[11]. Additionally, NBs can serve as an easier alternative to comply with regulations and restrictions in many countries [6,12,13]. Given these issues, NBs present themselves as a promising alternative in agriculture.
Various production methods exist, including solid-state fermentation (SSF), a technology conducted in the absence or near absence of free water, allowing the use of solid materials as substrates for enhanced biotransformation. SSF has been reported as a promising eco-technology for the production of bio-based products, and studies have demonstrated the successful pilot-scale production of NBs using plant biomass as a support and carbon source for different microorganisms. These production processes are performed under controlled conditions, including temperature, humidity, and airflow, to optimize NBs synthesis [14,15]. Furthermore, the utilization of organic waste as a substrate in the SSF process has gained attention, primarily involving various solid biodegradable materials derived from agricultural and forestry byproducts and waste [16]. NBs obtained through SSF have shown biostimulant effects on crop development, including physical parameters such as germination, growth, stem length, leaf count, root dry weight, leaf area, biomass production, macronutrients, and micronutrients [17]. They have also demonstrated positive effects on root development in forest species[18]. Therefore, NBs produced through SSF represent an emerging alternative to the limitations of conventional biostimulants, including their negative impact on agricultural sustainability, the need to reduce the impact of waste on the environment, and the desire to limit the use of synthetic compounds in agriculture[19].
This review addresses the production of NBs through SSF using organic waste as a promising approach for sustainable agriculture. Furthermore, these NBs have the potential to enhance plant growth and development, while reducing reliance on conventional chemical products. To achieve this, the existing literature was reviewed to assess the effectiveness and limitations of NBs production through SSF.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Methodology

This review article involved the selection of scientific articles from the following scientific databases: SpringerLink (, Science Direct (, Wiley (, ProQuest (, Patent Inspiration (, and Web of Science ( Boolean operators (AND and OR) were used to obtain more accurate results. The following keywords were used: "solid state fermentation and biostimulant," "solid state fermentation and auxins," "solid state fermentation and biostimulant name" The literature from the past 30 years was included in the article review.
Articles were selected based on the following inclusion criteria: relevance of the publication to the topic and selected years. The following criteria were considered: type of NBs, substrate, microorganisms, optimal conditions, and effects on crops. We aimed to address these research questions by collecting and analyzing relevant studies, considering the latest trends in NBs production through SSF using organic waste.

3. Relevant sections

3.1. Definition and types of biostimulants

NBs, according on their origin, NBs are bioproducts derived from natural sources such as microorganisms, plant residues, seaweed, among others[20]. These products contain biologically active compounds that stimulate plant physiological processes, promoting plant growth, development, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses[10]. However, biostimulants include a wide range of compounds, as highlighted by the European Biostimulants Industry Council (EBIC) and the Biological Products Industry Alliance (BPIA) [14,23]. The EBIC defines plant biostimulants as substances or microorganisms that stimulate natural processes to enhance nutrient uptake, efficiency, stress tolerance, and crop quality. They do not a have direct pesticidal action and are not regulated by pesticides. BPIA defines biostimulants as diverse materials that improve crop vigour, quality, yield, and tolerance to abiotic stresses by facilitating nutrient uptake, enhancing soil microorganism development, and stimulating root growth to increase water-use efficiency[13,21]. This growth is in line with an increase in scientific support for the use of biostimulants as agricultural inputs for various plant species [22].
Currently, there are various types of NBs, including those produced by SSF, which can serve as a starting point for future research (Table 1).

3.2. Advantages of natural biostimulants over conventional ones

In this regard, NBs obtained through SSF have emerged as an alternative to conventional biostimulants, primarily because of their negative impact on agricultural sustainability, reduced environmental waste, and limited use of synthetic compounds in agriculture[64].
NBs obtained by SSF from organic waste are gaining interest because of their numerous advantages over conventionally synthesized biostimulants[65]. This article reviews and compares the advantages of NBs in terms of effectiveness, safety, sustainability, and environmental benefits. Among these advantages, the following can be highlighted.

3.2.1. Sustainability and Environmental Impact

The importance of NBs as a sustainable option in agriculture lies in their renewable origin and lower environmental impact than chemical biostimulants [22].
Generally, the use of NBs has a positive environmental impact [19,66,67]. As they can help reduce or rationalize the amount of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides needed to grow plants [68,69,70]. For example, some NBs can have a positive effect on microbial communities in the soil and can be beneficial for agricultural practices [11]. In terms of environmental impact, NBs extracted from microorganisms are non-toxic and do not pollute the environment [71,72]. In addition, because they are obtained from natural sources, their production is more sustainable than that of chemical biostimulants.

3.2.2. Security

In contrast to the risks associated with the chemicals used in chemical biostimulants, NBs tend to be safer for both the environment and human health [73].

3.2.3. Broad spectrum of activity

NBs have a wide spectrum of activities, which implies multiple benefits for plants in terms of growth, nutrient absorption, stress resistance, flowering, and fruiting quality [20,74].

3.2.4. Positive interactions

NBs promote beneficial interactions with soil microorganisms, improving soil health and favoring more balanced and productive agricultural systems [67,75].

3.2.5. Regulatory compliance

NBs offer an easier option for complying with government regulations and restrictions on the use of chemicals in agriculture, which has become more relevant in many countries [6].

3.3. Production Processes of NBs by SSF

Thus, SSF is a promising method for NBs production. Through SSF, produced a variety of bioactive products promote plant growth, development, and responses to abiotic and biotic stress conditions[76,77]. In this chapter, the processes used to obtain natural biostimulants through SSF were explored, highlighting their importance and efficacy in sustainable agriculture.

3.3.1. Substrate Selection for SSF

The appropriate choice of substrates is a crucial step in the production of NBs by SSF [78]. Substrates provide a source of nutrients, energy, and bioactive compounds for microorganisms during fermentation. [79]. The most commonly used substrates in SSF include agricultural residues, agro-industrial waste, food industry by-products and lignocellulosic materials [16]. These substrates are rich in nutrients and can be degraded by microorganisms, allowing the production of beneficial metabolites [80].

3.3.2. Substrate Pretreatment

Pretreatment of substrates is necessary to improve their composition and nutrient availability. Pretreatment may involve steps such as crushing, grinding, sieving, pH adjustment, sterilization, and addition of nutritional agents[76,81,82]. These steps aim to optimize the conditions for microbial growth and production of desired metabolites[83]. Pretreatment can also facilitate the degradation of substrates and increase fermentation efficiency[84].

3.3.3. Inoculation of microorganisms

The inoculation of microorganisms is a crucial step in the production of NBs by SSF[85]. Beneficial microorganism strains such as bacteria, fungi, and yeast are selected for their ability to degrade substrates and produce bioactive metabolites. These microorganisms were pre-cultivated under optimal conditions and then inoculated into substrates to initiate SSF [79,86]. The choice of suitable microorganisms and their interactions during SSF influence the composition and final quality of the biostimulant [85].

3.3.4. Control of SSF Conditions

Control of SSF conditions is essential for obtaining high-quality biostimulants through SSF. Parameters such as the temperature, humidity, pH, C/N ratio, moisture content, and process duration must be monitored and adjusted accordingly. These conditions affect the growth and metabolism of microorganisms [15,18]. The precise control of SSF conditions ensures the optimization and quality of the biostimulant.
The production of natural biostimulants through SSF involves the selection of suitable substrates, pretreatment of substrates, inoculation of microorganisms, and control of SSF conditions. These processes are crucial for obtaining high-quality NBs that can promote plant growth.

4. Methods of NBs Production

In this section, the production methods used to obtain NBs through SSF are addressed. The type of biostimulant, microorganisms used in this process, as well as the optimal conditions of SSF for its production, will be described.

4.1. Microorganisms used in NBs Production

In the production of NBs through SSF, various beneficial microorganisms play key roles in substrate degradation and the synthesis of metabolites. Examples of microorganisms used include bacteria, fungi, and yeast, each type of microorganism possesses specific characteristics that can influence biostimulants production. See Table 2.

4.2. Characteristics of SSF for NBs Production

SSF is used to produce natural biostimulants. In this process, microorganisms are cultivated on solid substrates, such as agricultural residues or by-products of the food industry. During fermentation, microorganisms secrete enzymes and bioactive metabolites that transform the compounds present in the substrate into forms that are readily assimilated by plants [85].
The biological activity determines the production of NBs and warrants particular attention in future research. Table 2 presents examples of substrates microorganisms used to obtain different natural biostimulants (NBs) through SSF.
Figure 1. Process map of the SSF to obtain natural biostimulants (IAA) from green waste using Trichoderma harzianum [15].
Figure 1. Process map of the SSF to obtain natural biostimulants (IAA) from green waste using Trichoderma harzianum [15].
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4.3. Effect of the NBs on crops

As detailed in previous chapters, NBs have a significant impact on crop growth, development, and yield. The following are examples of observed effects on different aspects of crop production, supported by scientific studies.

4.3.1. Improvement of plant growth and development

The application of NBs promotes root growth, increases plant biomass, improves plant architecture, and enhances seed germination and seedling emergence. These effects are attributed to the presence of specific molecules in NBs, such as low molecular weight peptides, gibberellic acid (GA3), and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)[95,96,97,98].
The following matrix summarizes the effects of NBs on crop growth and development:
Table 3. Effect of NBs on improving plant growth and development.
Table 3. Effect of NBs on improving plant growth and development.
Crop NBs type Effect Scale Ref
Arabidopsis thaliana Low molecular weight peptides Increase in plant biomass laboratory [99]
Sesame GA3 Improvement of plant architecture laboratory [100]
Rice GA3 Improvement of plant architecture laboratory [101]
Pepper seed

IAA Promotion of seed germination and seedling emergence Greenhouse


4.3.2. Increased resistance to adverse conditions

In addition to improving plant growth and development, NBs also enhance the resilience of crops against adverse conditions. It has been observed that certain molecules present in NBs, such as ABA and seaweed polysaccharides, contribute to increased tolerance to abiotic stress, enhanced disease and pest resistance, and protection against oxidative stress[105,106].
Here is a summary matrix of NBs and their effects on resistance to adverse conditions.
Table 4. Effect of NBs on resistance to adverse conditions
Table 4. Effect of NBs on resistance to adverse conditions
Crop NBs type Effect Scale Ref
ABA Abiotic stress tolerance Laboratory [107,108,109]
Seaweed polysaccharides Resistance to diseases and pests Field [110,111,112,113]

4.3.3. Effect of NBs on improving crop quality

In this section, we will explore scientific studies that have investigated the influence of different NBs on improving the quality of various crops. Aspects such as nutritional content, physical appearance, shelf life, and resistance to stress will be addressed. These findings provide a solid foundation for understanding the potential of NBs in enhancing crop quality and open new perspectives for their application in sustainable agriculture.
Table 5. Effect of NBs on enhancing resistance to adverse conditions
Table 5. Effect of NBs on enhancing resistance to adverse conditions
Crop NBs type Effect Scale Ref
Tectona grandis

Humic acid
Increased nutrient concentration Greenhouse [114,115,116,117]
Amino acids Improved organoleptic quality Greenhouse [118,119,120]
Petunia flowers
Cytokinins Delayed tissue senescence
Greenhouse [121,122,123]

4.3.4. Optimization of nutrient use efficiency

In this section, we focus on optimizing nutrient use efficiency in crops through the use of NBs. Nutrient use efficiency is a key factor in agricultural production as it directly influences the absorption, assimilation, and utilization of nutrients by plants. NBs have been demonstrated to be an effective tool for improving this efficiency and maximizing crop yield. The following table presents evidence of how NBs enhance nutrient use efficiency.
Table 6. Effect of NBs on optimal nutrient use.
Table 6. Effect of NBs on optimal nutrient use.
Crop NBs type Effect Scale Ref

Alginic acids
Improvement of Nutrient Availability in the Soil
Greenhouse [124,125,126]
French marigold Oligosaccharides Reduced nutrient losses Greenhouse [127,128]

4.3.5. Effect NBs on agricultural productivity

NBs are a promising tool for enhancing crop efficiency and productivity as well as addressing current challenges in agriculture. In this section, examples of studies demonstrating the positive effects of natural biostimulants on agricultural productivity are presented, highlighting the results obtained in different crops and the NBs involved.
Table 7. Effect of NBs on Agricultural Productivity.
Table 7. Effect of NBs on Agricultural Productivity.
Crop NBs type Effect of productivity on crops Scale Ref
Corn Seaweed extract Increase in grain yield, crop residue, and improvement in nutritional quality field [129,130,131]
Grapes Seaweed extract Increase in grape production, improvement in stress resistance, and higher polyphenol content. Greenhouse [132,133,134]
Tomato Seaweed extract Increased fruit yield and quality. Greenhouse [135,136,137]
Lettuce Seaweed extract Higher yield increase and increased shoot growth Greenhouse [138,139,140]
Strawberries Seaweed extract Improvement in fruit quality and flavour, higher yield Greenhouse [112,141]
Onion Seaweed extract Increased bulb diameter and weight field [142,143]
Potato Seaweed extract Increased tuber yield and quality. Field [144,145]
Corn IAA Stimulation of vegetative growth and increased grain production Greenhouse [146,147,148]
Lettuce IAA Increase in biomass Greenhouse [149]
Potato IAA Promotes tuber growth and improves yield Greenhouse [150,151,152]
Onion IAA Increases bulb size and enhances production Greenhouse
Quinoa IAA Boosts grain yield and improves quality Field [156,157]
Wheat IAA Stimulates plant growth and increases yield Field [158,159]
Tomato IAA Improves rooting, increases fruit production, and enhances antioxidant content. Greenhouse
Soybean IAA Improves root development and increases production. Greenhouse
Rice IAA Promotes rooting and improves yield Field [164,165]
broad beans IAA Stimulates vegetative growth and increases production Greenhouse

Grapes IAA Enhances root formation and increases yield Greenhouse
Corn Cytokinins Stimulates cell division and increases yield Greenhouse
Rice Cytokinins Promotes grain growth and improves yield. Greenhouse [172,173]
Wheat Cytokinins Increases the number of grains per spike and improves production. Field [174,175,176]
Soybean Cytokinins Improves vegetative growth and increases production Greenhouse [177,178]
Tomato Cytokinins Stimulates flower formation and increases yield. Greenhouse [29,179]
Potato Cytokinins Promotes tuber development and improves yield Field [180,181]
Grapes Cytokinins Enhances cluster size and quality Greenhouse [182,183]
Strawberry Cytokinins Increases stolon formation and improves production. Greenhouse [184,185]
Strawberry Cytokinins Stimulates bud break and improves yield Greenhouse [186]
Citrus Cytokinins Increases fruit size and improves production Greenhouse [187,188]
Onion Humic acids Enhances bulb yield, improves quality, and disease resistance. Greenhouse [189,190]
Corn Humic acids Improves nutrient absorption and increases yield Greenhouse [29,191]
Wheat Humic acids Increases grain size and weight. Greenhouse [192,193]
Rice Humic acids Boosts the number of spikes and improves production Greenhouse [194,195]
Tomato Humic acids Enhances fruit quality and increases yield Greenhouse [196,197]
Beans Humic acids Improves vegetative growth and increases production. Field [198]
Onion Humic acids Increases bulb size and quality. Greenhouse [199,200]
Carrot Humic acids Promotes root development and improves production Greenhouse [201]
Lettuce Humic acids Stimulates leaf growth and increases yield. Greenhouse [202]

4.4. Limitations and Challenges of NBs by SSF

Despite the benefits of NBs in sustainable agriculture, some limitations and challenges need to be considered. These aspects can affect their practical application and widespread adoption in agricultural production. Some of the main limitations and challenges of this study are as follows.

4.4.1. Standardization issues in NBs production by SSF

In this section, we address some standardization issues that may arise in the process of NBs production by SSF. Although SSF offers advantages in terms of cost, efficiency, and small-scale production, there are challenges that need to be addressed to achieve standardized and consistent production of high-quality bio-stimulants [203]. The following are some common limitations.
Substrate variability: The choice of substrate used in SSF can vary depending on the type of microorganism and production objective. However, the chemical composition and physical properties of substrates can vary, which could affect the quality NBs.
Control of SSF conditions: SSF condition, such as temperature, humidity, pH, and substrate/microorganism ratio, are crucial for the growth and activity of microorganisms. Without proper control of these conditions, there may be variations in the production of bioactive metabolites and enzymes[80], which can affect the quality and efficacy of NBs.
Scalability of production: The large-scale production of NBs by SSF can be challenging because of the need to maintain optimal fermentation conditions and ensure the quality of the final product. Scalability of production requires optimization of fermentation parameters, selection of suitable equipment, and design of efficient processes that meet quality standards and market demands [65].
Addressing these standardization issues in the production of NBs by SSF will require a combination of scientific research, development of new methodologies, collaboration between academia, industry, and regulatory bodies, and the adoption of good manufacturing practices. These efforts will contribute to ensuring the quality, consistency, and efficacy of NBs produced by SSF, thereby facilitating their reliable and sustainable application in agriculture.

4.4.2. Challenges in the Application of NBs from SSF in Sustainable Agriculture

In this chapter, we explore some difficulties that may arise in the application of NBs produced by SSF in sustainable agriculture. Although NBs offer numerous benefits for improving crop performance and quality, as shown in Table 03, there are still specific challenges related to their application in sustainable agricultural systems. The following are some possible difficulties.
Regulation and Standards: The lack of updated regulations in many countries regarding the use of NBs can hinder their application in sustainable agriculture, as evidenced by a critical analysis [204]. The lack of clear definitions and standards can create uncertainty regarding dosing and the frequency of application, which could hinder their widespread adoption.
Interaction with other inputs: The interaction of NBs with other inputs can be complex and may require adjustments in application practices to avoid possible negative interactions or decrease in product efficacy [205]. In sustainable agriculture, it is common to use multiple inputs such as organic fertilizers, biological pesticides, and beneficial microorganisms.
Adaptability to different crops and agronomic conditions: NBs can have different effects depending on crop type and agronomic conditions [20]. Some NBs may work more effectively in certain crops or at certain phenological stages, requiring a detailed understanding of their mode of action and proper adaptation to the specific conditions of each crop.
Farmer capacity building: The adoption of NBs in sustainable agriculture may require increased awareness and knowledge among farmers[206]. It is important to educate farmers about the benefits and proper use of NBs as well as provide training and technical assistance to maximize their effectiveness in crops.
Overcoming these difficulties in the application of NBs produced by SSF in sustainable agriculture requires a comprehensive approach involving researchers, farmers, businesses, and the government. It is important to encourage the research and development of best practices, establish clear regulations, and promote training and awareness among key players in the agricultural supply chain.

4.4.3. Factors Limiting the Effectiveness of Natural Bio-Stimulants Produced by SSF in Different Crops

The effectiveness of NBs produced by SSF can be influenced by various factors in different crops. Some of these factors include the genetic variability of crop varieties, environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, and nutrient availability in the soil. Additionally, NBs produced by SSF interact with other agricultural inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides. NBs are not a universal solution and should be combined with good agricultural practices such as crop rotation and proper soil management, which can affect their effectiveness[149,207]. Further research is needed to better understand the response of different crops to NBs produced by SSF and optimize SSF conditions valorizing waste to maximize their benefits in Sustainable agriculture.

5. Conclusions and future research perspectives

In this section, we present our conclusions and future research perspectives regarding the production of NBs from SSF. In this review, we have analyzed the use of NBs in agriculture, their production by SSF, and their effects on crops. The main conclusions derived from this study are as follows:
NBs are a promising tool to improve crop development and performance. Their use can contribute to more sustainable agriculture by reducing reliance on synthetic chemicals.
SSF is an efficient technique for producing NBs from organic substrates. This method offers several advantages, such as the valorization of agricultural and agro-industrial waste.
NBs act through various bioactive molecules, such as auxins, cytokinins, alginic acids, humic acids, and other compounds. These molecules can modulate physiological and metabolic processes in plants, improving nutrient uptake, rooting, biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, and crop quality.
However, challenges and limitations still need to be addressed to maximize the effectiveness of NBs. These include standardization of production, optimization of dosages and application, adaptations to different crops and environmental conditions, and understanding interactions with other agricultural inputs.

5.1. Future research prospects

The following are future research perspectives. A multidisciplinary approach is required to advance the field of NBs from SSF. Some promising areas of research include.
Further studies are needed on the mechanisms of action of NBs at the molecular and cellular levels. This will help to better understand how they interact with plants and modulate specific physiological processes.
Research on the optimization of NBs production processes produced by SSF. This involves improving the substrates, selecting efficient microorganisms, and optimizing SSF conditions to obtain high-quality and consistent products.
Investigation of the effectiveness of NBs in different agricultural systems and environmental conditions. This includes field and greenhouse studies that analyze the impact of biostimulants on various crops, regions, and agricultural practices.
Research on the interaction of NBs with other agricultural inputs, such as bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides is needed to optimize their combined use and minimize potential negative effects.
In conclusion, NBs produced by SSF have significant potential for improving agricultural productivity and promoting sustainable farming practices. However, further research, development, and innovation are needed to overcome these challenges and maximize their efficacy for different crops and environmental conditions. An integrated approach that combines scientific research, collaboration among different stakeholders, and the implementation of science-based agricultural practices is essential to fully harness the benefits of NBs in sustainable agriculture.

Author Contributions

“Conceptualization, formal analysis, R.C.S.P. and AS; methodology, A.A.; validation, A.A., R.B. and C.B.M.; R.C.S.P.; investigation, R.B.; resources, C.B.M.; data curation, A.S; writing—original draft preparation, A.S; writing—review and editing, R.C.S.P; visualization, G.G.; supervision, A.A, A.S; project administration, A.S. All the authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


R.C.S.P received a grant from the National Program of Scholarships and Educational Credit – PRONABEC – Perú, resolution 2512-2021-MINEDU-VMG-PRONABEC. This research was financially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación in the call Proyectos de I+D+i en líneas estratégicas 2022. Project FertiLab, (reference PLEC2022-009252)

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


Natural biostimulants (NBs)
Solid state fermentation (SSF)
The European Biostimulants Industry Council (EBIC)
Humic substances (HS)
Hormone-containing products (HCP)
Amino acid-containing products (AACP)
Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA)
Abscisic acid (ABA)


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Table 1. Types of NBs, Mode of Action, and Effects Produced by SSF.
Table 1. Types of NBs, Mode of Action, and Effects Produced by SSF.
Natural Products Type NBs Molecules presents Action mode Biostimulant effect Produced by SSF? Ref.
Hormone containing products (HCP ) Auxins 3-indoleacetic acid (IAA) Promotes cell elongation Stimulates cell elongation and rooting Produced by SSF [23,24]
Indole propionic acid (AIP) Promotes vegetative growth and cell division Stimulation of growth, flowering and rooting in plants Not produced by SSF [25,26]
Cytokinins Zeatin Stimulates cell division and vegetative growth Promotion of growth and development of plants Not produced by SSF [27,28,29]
Kinetin Stimulates cell division and vegetative growth Improves the quality of the crops, increasing the size and weight of the fruits Produced by SSF and vermicompost [30,31,32]
Abscisic acid (ABA) ABA Regulation of stress responses and plant development Improves stress tolerance and fruit ripening Produced by SSF [33,34]
Gibberellins Gibberellin A3 (GA3) Stimulation of growth and vigor in plants Induction to germination, flowering Produced by SSF [35,36,37]
Gibberellin A4 (GA4) Promotion of plant growth and development Stimulates germination, development of lateral shoots, flowering Produced by SSF [38,39]
Seaweed Extract (AM) Alginic acids Improves nutrient absorption and stimulates enzyme activity Increased growth, resistance to abiotic stress Produced by SSF

AM Fucoidan Improves the defense mechanisms of plants Resistance to abiotic stress Produced by SSF

Oligosaccharides Stimulation of physiological responses in plants Improves immune response and growth Produced by SSF

humic substances

Humic and Fulvic Acids (AHF)
Humic acids Improved soil structure and nutrient availability Stimulates root growth and nutrient absorption Produced by SSF [47,48,49,50]
humic acids Stimulation of plant growth and development Improves nutrient uptake and stress resistance. Produced by SSF [51,52]
Amino acid-containing products Peptides (AACP) Amino acids L-proline Regulation of plant stress and development Enhances stress tolerance and resistance Produced by SSF [53,54,55]
Peptides Low molecular weight peptides Stimulation of plant growth and development Improvement of plant nutrition and growth Produced by SSF [56,57,58]
Other NBs Siderophores Siderophores binds to Fe and is solubilized Improve absorption and mobilization of Fe Produced by SSF [59,60,61]
Chitosan Fungal Chitosan Fungal promote plant growth, cell division, increase enzyme activity and improve nutrient transport presented biostimulant activity in seed germination Produced by SSF [62,63]
Table 2. Methods of NBs Production by SSF.
Table 2. Methods of NBs Production by SSF.
NBs Substrate Microorganism Pretreatment Optimal conditions SSF Effect NBs and
Trituration pH sterilization % moisture Temperature C°
IIA pruning waste
+ Grass
Trichoderma harzianum 1 cm 6.8
2 times


IIA Yuca bagasse
Soy bran
Wheat bran
Sorghum dried distiller's grains
Corn dried distiller´s grains

Aspergillus flavipes
Aspergillus ustus
Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus megaterium
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
Trichoderma atroviride
Trichoderma koningii
Trichoderma harzianum

0,5, 1,0 y > 1,0 mm


room temperature
clon IPB2
Eucalyptus grandis
x Eucalyptus urophylla

increasing rooting

Kinetin cow dung + leaf litter
Selenomonas ruminantium 2 - 5 mm 6.9 70-75 25 ± 3 [30]
ABA millet
Botrytis cinerea millet and rice 1 time 26.5 - 25.5 [33]
GA3 rice bran
Gibberella fujikuroi 50° C 65,95% 28 ± 2 [87]
GA3 Corn Cob Residues Aspergillus niger 5.1 24% [88]
GA3 Citric Pulp Fusarium moniliforme LPB03 +
Gibberella fujikuroi
5.5 - 5.8 75 29 [89]
Alginic acids Apple peels Azotobacter vinelandii , NRRL-14641 0.1 mm

60 °C
70 37.5 [40]
Alginic acids Sargassum macroalgae Cunninghamella echinulate

Aspergillus niger
Penicillium oxalicum
7 – 8.5
1 time
121 °C
65-75 28-30 [41]
Fucoida seaweed Fucus vesiculosus Aspergillus niger
Mucor sp
80 30 [43]
Oligosaccharides oybean meal - room temperature effect on germination [90]
chitin oligosaccharides powder of molting of mealworms Talaromyces allahabadensis Hi-4
Talaromyces funiculosus

6 40 [91]
Humic Acid Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Trichoderma reesei 6 64-72 30 [47,92]
Fulvic Acid sugarcane bagasse Trichoderma Sp. 70 20 [93]
L-proline wheat straw
ice straw
wheat bran
corn cob
corn stover
Fomitopsis sp. small pieces

25 - 30 [53]
Low molecular weight peptides
chickpeas Bacillus subtilis [57]
Siderophores soybean protein meal Lactobacillus plantarum 37 [94]
Chitosan Fungal sweet potato Gongronella butleri USDB 0201 28 [63]
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