PreprintReviewVersion 1Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed
A Review on the Relation between European Protected Areas, Farming Systems and Certification/Labelling Schemes of Agri-Food Products with a Protected Area Logo
Version 1
: Received: 24 May 2023 / Approved: 25 May 2023 / Online: 25 May 2023 (09:57:38 CEST)
How to cite:
Koutsouki, A.; Nastis, S.; Bournaris, T.; Zikos, D. A Review on the Relation between European Protected Areas, Farming Systems and Certification/Labelling Schemes of Agri-Food Products with a Protected Area Logo. Preprints2023, 2023051790.
Koutsouki, A.; Nastis, S.; Bournaris, T.; Zikos, D. A Review on the Relation between European Protected Areas, Farming Systems and Certification/Labelling Schemes of Agri-Food Products with a Protected Area Logo. Preprints 2023, 2023051790.
Koutsouki, A.; Nastis, S.; Bournaris, T.; Zikos, D. A Review on the Relation between European Protected Areas, Farming Systems and Certification/Labelling Schemes of Agri-Food Products with a Protected Area Logo. Preprints2023, 2023051790.
APA Style
Koutsouki, A., Nastis, S., Bournaris, T., & Zikos, D. (2023). A Review on the Relation between European Protected Areas, Farming Systems and Certification/Labelling Schemes of Agri-Food Products with a Protected Area Logo. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Koutsouki, A., Thomas Bournaris and Dimitrios Zikos. 2023 "A Review on the Relation between European Protected Areas, Farming Systems and Certification/Labelling Schemes of Agri-Food Products with a Protected Area Logo" Preprints.
European Protected Areas (PAs) are facing today complex and highly diverse challenges. Farm management structures have changed over time and traditional low-intensity farming systems have become unprofitable leading to either abandonment or intensification of farming practices. These changes have contributed to the environmental degradation of biodiversity rich agricultural landscapes and the loss of cultural knowledge and traditions. The interrelations developing at various levels between agricultural land use, nature and landscape conservation, and socio-economic activities influence the sustainable development and management of PAs. The development of certification and labelling schemes for high quality agri-food products with a PA logo is a rural development process that involves multiple functions which could generate environmental improvements and positive socio-economic changes. The differentiation of the agricultural products of PAs, through labelling and information, can be a proactive market-based instrument to support the local economy, promote environmentally sound practices, raise environmental awareness, and preserve farmland biodiversity in protected areas. This paper review is an attempt to gather and analyze in depth the findings of the existing studies focusing on the relationship between the European PAs, farming systems and certification/labelling schemes of agri-food products with a PA logo. Academic research on the subject is limited but provides valuable insights. The findings can serve as a starting point for discussions and reveal opportunities for further research to better understand the interrelations and additional effects emerging from the labelling/certification of PAs’ high quality agri-food products.
Biology and Life Sciences, Agricultural Science and Agronomy
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