Galgano, M.; Pellegrini, F.; Mrenoshki, D.; Capozza, P.; Omar, A.H.; Salvaggiulo, A.; Camero, M.; Lanave, G.; Tempesta, M.; Pratelli, A.; Buonavoglia, A. Assessing Contact Time and Concentration of Thymus vulgaris Essential Oil on Antibacterial Efficacy In Vitro. Antibiotics2023, 12, 1129.
Galgano, M.; Pellegrini, F.; Mrenoshki, D.; Capozza, P.; Omar, A.H.; Salvaggiulo, A.; Camero, M.; Lanave, G.; Tempesta, M.; Pratelli, A.; Buonavoglia, A. Assessing Contact Time and Concentration of Thymus vulgaris Essential Oil on Antibacterial Efficacy In Vitro. Antibiotics 2023, 12, 1129.
Galgano, M.; Pellegrini, F.; Mrenoshki, D.; Capozza, P.; Omar, A.H.; Salvaggiulo, A.; Camero, M.; Lanave, G.; Tempesta, M.; Pratelli, A.; Buonavoglia, A. Assessing Contact Time and Concentration of Thymus vulgaris Essential Oil on Antibacterial Efficacy In Vitro. Antibiotics2023, 12, 1129.
Galgano, M.; Pellegrini, F.; Mrenoshki, D.; Capozza, P.; Omar, A.H.; Salvaggiulo, A.; Camero, M.; Lanave, G.; Tempesta, M.; Pratelli, A.; Buonavoglia, A. Assessing Contact Time and Concentration of Thymus vulgaris Essential Oil on Antibacterial Efficacy In Vitro. Antibiotics 2023, 12, 1129.
Overuse and misuse of antibiotics can pose the risks of spreading mutant strains that show antimicrobial resistance (AMR), with negative impact on management of bacterial infections and economic implications on healthcare systems. Research and development of natural antibacterial agents could be a priority in the next years to improve number of effective antibacterial molecules and to reduce AMR phenomenon and its development. The present study identified the most effective concentration and contact time of Thymus vulgaris L. essential oil (TEO) to obtain bactericidal effect in vitro against different Gram + and Gram – bacterial strains. Six clinically isolated (wild types) bacterial strains, (Citrobacter freundii, Enterococcus feciorum, Proteus mirabilis, Acinetobacter cioffi, Pasteurella putrefaciens, Klebsiella pneumoniae) and two ATCC (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans) were tested after 1min, 3min and 5min of contact with TEO. Preliminary results on S. aureus after 24h incubation revealed a TEO concentration of 9.28mg/mL (w/v) that completely inhibited bacteria growth keeping cell viability. Total suppression of bacterial growth at all tested contact times was observed for all tested bacterial strains and the results were confirmed after 48h incubation. Bacterial growth suppression was confirmed even with presence of organic component. These preliminary results showed in vitro antimicrobial efficacy of TEO against different Gram+ and Gram- bacterial strains. Future studies are necessary to confirm the reproducibility of these results even on other strains and to define exactly the molecular mechanisms of EOs, in order to consider TEO as a valid alternative of classic antibiotic therapies and subsequently to reduce the occurrence of AMR.
Biology and Life Sciences, Immunology and Microbiology
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