Version 1
: Received: 19 May 2023 / Approved: 22 May 2023 / Online: 22 May 2023 (11:19:23 CEST)
Version 2
: Received: 27 May 2023 / Approved: 29 May 2023 / Online: 29 May 2023 (14:29:16 CEST)
Kumar, J., Tyagi, P., Singh, R., Saini, P., Sharma, D., & Maras, J. (2023). Thiourea Derivatives Restore Dysfunctional Mitochondria in Chronic Hepatitis B Infection. Reviewed, 11.
Kumar, J., Tyagi, P., Singh, R., Saini, P., Sharma, D., & Maras, J. (2023). Thiourea Derivatives Restore Dysfunctional Mitochondria in Chronic Hepatitis B Infection. Reviewed, 11.
Kumar, J., Tyagi, P., Singh, R., Saini, P., Sharma, D., & Maras, J. (2023). Thiourea Derivatives Restore Dysfunctional Mitochondria in Chronic Hepatitis B Infection. Reviewed, 11.
Kumar, J., Tyagi, P., Singh, R., Saini, P., Sharma, D., & Maras, J. (2023). Thiourea Derivatives Restore Dysfunctional Mitochondria in Chronic Hepatitis B Infection. Reviewed, 11.
Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection and the Hepatitis B virus protein X (HBx) are a major risk factor for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In CHB, HBx induces mitochondrial dysfunction, exhaustion and impaired function in hepatocytes. Restoring hepatocyte health along with reduction in virus replication could be an ideal treatment of CHB. Thiourea derivatives are well known for their antiviral property though their effect on mitochondrial and/ or hepatocyte health is obscure. The current pilot study focus on the repurposing of DSA-00, DSA-02, and DSA-09 on mitochondrial health and hepatocyte replenishment. HepG2.2.15 cells were treated with these, alongside Entecavir (ETV). The proteomics analysis showed DSA-00 and ETV were enriched with proteins associated with antiviral responses. DSA-00 additionally showed increase in proteins linked to mitochondrial response. DSA-02 showed association with innate immune system and citric acid cycle. DSA-09 displayed pathways similar to DSA-00 and ETV. The treated groups exhibited enhanced bio-energetic and antiviral response compared to the untreated group. FACS analysis, validated thiourea derivatives restored exhausted hepatocytes by targeting mitochondrial potential and function. Our findings suggest that (DSA-00, DSA-02, and DSA-09) may hold potential as a novel treatment strategy restoring mitochondrial healthy along with anti-viral response in CHB.
Thiourea derivatives; Hepatitis B Virus; Hepatitis B Virus X protein; Mitochondria Dysfunctions; Exhausted Hepatocytes
Biology and Life Sciences, Virology
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