Version 1
: Received: 21 April 2023 / Approved: 23 April 2023 / Online: 23 April 2023 (04:05:25 CEST)
How to cite:
Kaňuková, Š.; Lenkavská, K.; Gubišová, M.; Kraic, J. Suspension Culture of Stem Cells Established from Calendula officinalis L.. Preprints2023, 2023040758.
Kaňuková, Š.; Lenkavská, K.; Gubišová, M.; Kraic, J. Suspension Culture of Stem Cells Established from Calendula officinalis L.. Preprints 2023, 2023040758.
Kaňuková, Š.; Lenkavská, K.; Gubišová, M.; Kraic, J. Suspension Culture of Stem Cells Established from Calendula officinalis L.. Preprints2023, 2023040758.
APA Style
Kaňuková, Š., Lenkavská, K., Gubišová, M., & Kraic, J. (2023). Suspension Culture of Stem Cells Established from <em>Calendula officinalis </em>L.. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Kaňuková, Š., Marcela Gubišová and Ján Kraic. 2023 "Suspension Culture of Stem Cells Established from <em>Calendula officinalis </em>L." Preprints.
Plant stem cell cultures have so far been established in only a few plant species using cambial meristematic cells. The presence of stem cells or stem cell-like cells in other organs and tissues of the plant body, as well as the possibility of de novo generation of meristematic cells from differentiated cells, allows to consider the establishment of stem cell cultures in a broader range of species. Therefore, this study aimed to establish a stem cell culture of the medicinal plant Calendula officinalis L. Callus tissues were induced from explants taken from leaves and roots. Appropriate combinations of plant growth regulators and light parameters for in vitro cultivation were selected. Already at this stage, stem and dedifferentiated cells could be identified, and cell suspension cultures were established from specific parts of the formed callus. Cell suspension cultures with a high proportion of stem cells originating from roots (92–93%) or leaves (72–73%) were developed. The amount of stem cells derived from the roots in the cell suspension reached a plateau at a level of 5.60–5.72105.
Biology and Life Sciences, Biology and Biotechnology
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