1. Introduction
The first case of hereditary cancer was described back in 1866 by Pierre Paul Broca when he documented the development of breast and ovary cancers within his wife’s family. It took almost 130 years to decipher the genetic mechanism behind this hereditary cancer syndrome. This was done by Mary Claire-King and colleagues who published a linkage analysis of families with early onset of breast cancer and identified the gene locus of BRCA1 (
CAncer 1) at 17q21 [
1]. The gene responsible for this phenotype was cloned in 1994. Shortly thereafter, the BRCA2 gene was identified and cloned, linking it to chromosome 13 [
2]. The products of these genes are functionally classified as tumor suppressors meaning that inactivation of both copies of either gene is strongly associated with carcinogenesis. BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins lack any structural homology, whereas a segment of BRCA1 is homologous to its partner, BARD1 protein. In contrast to the canonical tumor suppressor inactivation mechanism whereby one allele of a tumor suppressor gene is mutated and the other is either deleted or epigenetically inactivated (“loss of heterozygosity” principle, LOH), the BRCA mutated cancerous cells frequently bear the remaining alleles as wild-type [
3]. In this case, mutations in the BRCA1/2 genes are often preceded by mutations in other critical tumor suppressor genes, PTEN and/or p53 [
4]. Reversion of germline BRCA mutations in growing cancers is also common [
5]. This indicates that haploinsufficiency may be the major basis for early development of breast cancer in BRCA1/2 pathogenic mutation carriers. Importantly, since the products of these genes are involved in the DNA damage response, the BRCA mutation status has the profound significance for selection of an appropriate therapeutic interventions.
3. Molecular Evolution of BRCA and Links to Human Cancers
Both BRCA1 and BRCA2 are ancient genes, which appeared early in evolution, and are indispensable for high-fidelity DSB DNA repair in most
Eukaryota. However, it should be mentioned that BRCA1 seems to be absent from all fungi and BRCA2 was not found in yeast. Since harmful effects of mutations in the BRCA genes are developed only later in life, these mutations are likely to be passed on to future generations. Because these mutations do not affect reproductive fitness, the purging force of natural selection will be weak and insufficient to consistently eliminate these mutations [
50]. Therefore, mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 may be considered as a good illustration of the mutation accumulation theory, especially because they are inherited in a dominant manner. In this situation, the dominant nature of BRCA1/2 mutations may decrease fertility of female carriers through an accelerated depletion of ovarian reserve as described in several independent reports (for example, [
52]). Although the menopause onset is largely unaffected [
52], and hence the magnitude of this effect may be overestimated [
53], it is worth mentioning that even a small decrease in age-associated fertility may have drastic consequences on the evolutionary scale.
The reason for BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations promoting carcinogenesis predominantly in breast and ovarian epithelia is assumed to be that since menstrual cycles periodically create a hormone-dependent enrichment in ROS in female hormone-responsive tissues, there would be a demand for an augmented expression of genes responsible for antioxidant defense and the DNA repair machinery against genotoxic metabolites including, for example, endogenous quinones derived from 2- and 4-hydroxyestradiols [
54]. This may be a plausible explanation to the fact why mostly female hormone-responsive tissues are exquisitely sensitive to germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes [
55]. This, however, should be refined mechanistically, since the problem of tissue-specificity of oncogenic effects exerted by ubiquitously expressed genes is rather multifactorial [
Figure 2.
Distribution of Alu repeats in the human BRCA1 gene.
Figure 2.
Distribution of Alu repeats in the human BRCA1 gene.
5. Structure-Function Analysis of Human BRCA1
BRCA1 is involved in vital processes in the nucleus, namely, transcription, DNA repair (including the repair of transcription-related DNA damage), and cell cycle control. Accordingly, BRCA1 is localized to discrete sub-nuclear structures associated with DNA replication or repair. DNA damage induces BRCA1 phosphorylation and recruitment to specific foci containing DNA repair proteins, where BRCA1 is deemed to act as a scaffold for the assembly of various multiprotein complexes. Despite the large molecular weight of BRCA1 (1863 amino acid residues [
78]), only two conserved domains can be distinguished in its structure: the N-terminal RING domain (exons 2-6) [
79] that encompasses 100 amino acid residues and two tandem C-terminal BRCT domains, 90 amino acid residues each [
80], encoded by the end of exon 16, and exons 21-24, respectively. The region of the protein located between these two terminal domains is structurally variable between mammalian BRCA1 homologues. It is believed to be intrinsically disordered, yet, it is critical for the proper functioning of BRCA1, along with the other two conserved domains (
Figure 3).
5.1. The RING Domain
The DNA-binding RING (Really Interesting New Gene) domain has an E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, being a scaffold for the interaction with the corresponding E2 ubiquitin ligases such as UbcH5, UbcH6, UbcH7, Ube2e2, UbcM2, Ube2w, and Ubc13 (
Figure 4) [
81]). The ubiquitin ligase activity of BRCA1 is stimulated by the formation of a heterodimer with the BARD1 protein [
82]. The latter also contains a RING domain and tandem BRCT domains and shares some structural similarity to BRCA1 [
83]. Like BRCA1, BARD1 tends to form specific foci in the nucleus in S-phase of the cell cycle that overlap with the ones formed by BRCA1, suggesting that the formation of the BRCA1-BARD1 complex is cell cycle-dependent [
The formation of a complex with BARD1 is necessary for stabilization of BRCA1 at the protein level. Furthermore, this interaction is apparently important for the nuclear localization of BRCA1. The BRCA1-BARD1 heterodimers are involved in the DNA repair of double-strand breaks and hence the preservation of DNA integrity, including the process of resolving impaired replication forks (for more details, see [
81]). Mechanistically, the BRCA1/BARD1 complex is recruited by the RAP80 protein to sites of DNA damage [
85] where the BRCA1/BARD1 ubiquitin ligase activity is utilized to modulate the activity and abundance of histones and cellular DNA damage response factors (
Figure 5).
Importantly, the BRCA1-BARD1 heterodimers also interact with the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme. However, BRCA1 does not show increased affinity for specific DNA sequences except for some abnormal structures (some branched DNA formations) [
86]. This does not allow BRCA1 to be considered a
bona fide transcription factor. Taking into account the fact that in the central unstructured and C-terminal regions of BRCA1 there are many binding sites for various transcription factors, chromatin remodeling factors, and DNA-damage response factors, it would be fair to say that BRCA1 in complex with BARD1 forms a scaffold for the surveillance of genome integrity control during transcription [
87]. However, there are also cases when BRCA1 acts as a corepressor: for example, the transcription factor ZBRK1 suppresses transcription of its target genes in a BRCA1/CtIP-dependent manner [
88]. ZBRK1 acts as a metastatic suppressor by directly regulating MMP9 in cervical cancer.
5.2. The BRCT Domain
The C-terminal region of BRCA1 (1650-1863) is occupied by two BRCT (BRCA1-C-Terminal) tandem repeats domain connected by a 22 amino acid linker [
89]. The BRCT domains are protein-binding modules that recognize the phosphorylated motif pSer-x-x-Phe [
90]. Due to this, BRCA1 is included in the signaling cascades triggered by DNA damage as a scaffolding platform for the interactions of various kinases and other proteins involved in the regulation of the cell cycle [
91]. In addition, BRCA1 itself undergoes reversible phosphorylation upon DNA damage [
92] by key regulators of DNA damage response: PIKK kinases (ATM, ATR, DNA-PK) [
93] and checkpoint effector kinases (Chk1, Chk2 and MK2) [
94]. Phosphorylation of BRCA1 also creates new sites for complex protein-protein interactions (
Figure 5).
BRCA1-BARD1 complex senses the ubiquitination status of histone H2A and works as a ubiquitin ligase of this histone. These activities play important roles in the choice between HR or NHEJ during DNA damage repair: BRCA1 acts as mediator for HR, antagonizing the 53BP1-mediated NHEJ pathway [
97] (
Figure 6A). BRCA1 interacts with BRCA2 that is complexed with SEM1/DSS1, ssDNA [
98] (
Figure 6B), recombinase RAD51, PALB2 and ssDNA-specific endonuclease XPG/ERCC5 [
5.3. BRCA1 and p53
P53 is arguably one of the major tumor suppressors in humans. The Tp53 gene is frequently mutated and several point mutations in its DNA binding domain convert the p53 protein into an oncogene. That p53 mutations occur in tumors bearing BRCA1 mutations suggests that the two genes may function in different signaling pathways to suppress tumorigenesis [
100]. However, results from the experiments in mice have shown that tumorigenesis occurs much more efficiently when both BRCA1 and P53 are deleted compared to BRCA1 deletion alone [
101], indicating that p53 is located downstream of Brca1 in the same signaling pathway. Accordingly, mutations in BRCA1 preceding mutations in the p53 gene, as seen in cases of familial breast cancer, are not sufficient for tumor progression. Since BRCA1-null cells display genomic instability, it is likely that persistent intrinsic DNA damage in the presence of wild-type p53 leads to extermination of such cells via p53-dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.
Another fact that functionally links p53 and BRCA1 is that both p53 and Brca1 in response to various types of DNA damage become phosphorylated by DDR-dependent kinases, ATM and Chek1. Upon DNA damage, BRCA1 interacts with another kinase, c-Abl [
102]. The C-terminus of BRCA1 is phosphorylated by c-Abl in vitro. In vivo, BRCA1 is phosphorylated at tyrosine residues depending on ATM and irradiation. However, tyrosine phosphorylation of BRCA1 does not disrupt the interaction between BRCA1 and c-Abl. Notably, cells with BRCA1 mutations exhibit constitutively high c-Abl kinase activity, which does not increase when cells are exposed to gamma radiation. Probably, BRCA1 mutations, due to defects in DNA repair, induce the kinase activity of c-Abl towards p53, which culminates in p53-dependent cell cycle arrest and cell death. In addition to phosphorylation and subsequent activation of p53 transcriptional activity, c-Abl also stabilizes p53 on the protein level by inactivating its major inhibitor, E3 ligase Mdm2 [
103]. Curiously, c-Abl also phosphorylates another tyrosine kinase, BTK [
104]. In this respect, we have recently shown that BTK can phosphorylate p53 leading to its stabilization and transcriptional activation [
105] suggesting a novel role for BTK as a potential tumor suppressor [
It is also known that BRCA1 and p53 are able to interact physically. Deletion analysis in the Brca1 gene allowed the identification of p53-interacting domains in the coiled-coiled region and in the second BRCT domain. On the other end, p53 interacts with BRCA1 at the C-terminus. BRCA1-mediated stabilization of the wild type p53 protein occurs through upregulation of the p14ARF gene product, which in turn upregulates mouse p53 phosphorylation at serine 18 (equivalent to human serine 15). Exon 10 (historical exon 11) of BRCA1 appears to be responsible for this, since cells with deletions of exon 10 in BRCA1 are defective in p53 stabilization after DNA damage [
Functionally, this interaction converts BRCA1 into a p53 coactivator [
108]. Perhaps not surprisingly, both proteins, p53 and BRCA1, transcriptionally regulate the expression of the GADD45 gene, which induces growth arrest and DNA damage repair. Both BRCA1-deficient and GADD45-deficient cells have displayed a G2/M cell cycle checkpoint defect and increased genome instability [
Collectively, these results suggest that the phenotypic manifestation of BRCA1 tumorigenic mutations heavily relies on the spectrum of inactivation in other critical tumor suppressors, e. g. p53.
8. Future Perspectives and Conclusions
In the past few decades, the clinical significance of BRCA mutations for the rational choice of anti-cancer therapy has been firmly established. In this respect, synthetic lethal interactions between PARPi and BRCA mutation patients is a convincing example of how the fundamental discovery in molecular medicine can be translated into clinical cancer therapy. However, the next step problem is the multifariousness of PARPi resistance mechanisms (recently reviewed in depth by Jackson and Moldavan [
139]) that eventually arise in BRCA mutant patients in response to the therapy. In particular, Alu mobile elements regulate the expression of many genes, including the ones that mediate DNA repair [
140]. This observation poses an interesting question of whether Alu-repeats can be involved in the DNA damage repair process and serve as a potential mechanism for PARPi resistance in BRCA mutant cells [
Furthermore, the recently published data of the clinical trial RITA suggests that patients treated with a PARPi, niraparib, displayed significantly longer PFS compared to the placebo cohort, regardless of the presence or absence of intact HR repair [
142]. This result indicates that PARPi might kill cancer cells in ways other than DNA repair.
Theoretically, it can be hypothesized that loss of BRCA by cancer cells should increase their susceptibility to various novel regiments of anti-cancer therapies due to the attenuated DNA repair. For example, viral therapeutical intervention seems as a plausible therapeutic approach to treat BRCAness cancers, especially in combination with PAPRi drugs [
143]. However, it should be noted that PARP inhibition may activate genes linked to the normal interferon response in BRCA lacking cells [
144], which may explain the molecular basis of interference between the treatment with oncolytic viruses and PARPi. Therefore, one should pay attention to the BRCA mutational status when implementing new oncolytic viruses against breast and/or ovarian cancers.
Managing BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic mutations may include many options other than extensive testing and preventive surgery for such patients. The idea of long-term therapeutical interventions like hormone replacement has long been discussed but poses serious risks of adverse effects [
145]. This concept is now re-emerging (discussed in [
146]), due to the implementation of drug repurposing (Denosumab, Metformin, Letrozole, see Suppl. Table) as well as principally new approaches like adiponectin receptor targeting molecules [
Currently, there is a number of ongoing clinical trials with patients recruited based on their BRCA1/2 status (
Table 1 excerpted from Supplementary Table to give a snapshot of modern approaches to employ co-targeting beyond standard cytostatic regimes). However, future perspectives for new specific therapies are much wider. For example, the ubiquitination activity of BRCA1 may become a perspective target for new synthetic lethality drugs [
148]. PARP inhibition may be synergistically accompanied by blocking the RAD52 pathway of HR [
149]. PARP inhibitors may be converted to more complex molecules with a double specificity mechanism of action [
150]. Complex combinations, as expected, should be more effective, although more difficult and time-consuming to develop and adjust to practical regiments. For example, a combination of cisplatin, mitomycin C, and doxorubicin was reported to be more efficient than the respective double combinations [
151]. The action of olaparib and other PARP inhibitors may be enhanced by many various supplements, even, for example, by some antioxidants [
152]. Combining inhibition of PARP with blocking of ATR by ceralesertib may potentially boost the anticancer effect of already existing PARPi [
153]. Further, DNA G-quadruplex binders such as pidnarulex may act in a similar manner, thus increasing the arsenal of drugs for BRCA mutated cancers [
154]. Finally, there are multiple ways to boost standard neoadjuvant regiments, for example, by addition of bevacizumab to anthracycline and taxane for patients with BRCA mutations [
The p53 tumor suppressor plays an important role in inhibiting cancer progression, especially in response to chemotherapy or targeted therapy. Genomic inactivation of p53 by missense or nonsense mutations often leads to drug resistance in cancer cells. It was previously thought that since wild-type p53 transcriptionally induces the expression of genes involved in DNA repair [
156], then p53-mutant cells with attenuated DNA repair would be more sensitive to PARP inhibitors which block homologous DNA repair. Accordingly, deficiency of or mutations in the p53 gene has been shown to enhance the cytotoxicity of PARP inhibition in various tumors with mutations in BRCA1/2 [
157]. However, recent studies in colorectal cancer have shown that, contrary to previous findings, wild-type p53 activity appears to be important for a full cytotoxic response to PARP inhibition [
158], as PARP inhibitors have been found to activate the p53 pathway [
159]. One of the explanations for this phenomenon may be the fact that it is wild-type and not mutant p53 that promotes the export of BRCA1 from the nucleus, increasing cellular deficiency of homologous repair [
160]. Another explanation could be that p53 encodes a large number of microRNAs that target genes responsible for the repair of double- and single-stranded DNA breaks [
162] and thereby increasing the sensitivity of cancer cells to PARP inhibitors.
In this regard, the question arises of whether the combination of PARP and activators of p53 may have synergistic effect. Since Mdm2 is the principal p53-specific E3 ligase that degrades p53 [
163], it will be interesting to see whether inhibitors of the p53-Mdm2 interaction can be combined with PARP inhibitors. A number of new Mdm2 inhibitors is currently undergoing clinical trials [
164]. Notably, we and our colleagues have also discovered several new inhibitors of p53 interaction with Mdm2, and these molecules exhibited strong apoptotic effect [
167]. Future experiments will show whether the combination of p53 activators and PARP inhibitors is a viable therapeutic approach to treat BRCAness cancers.