Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Social Behaviour of Domestic Yaks in Manang, Nepal: An Etho-ethnographic Study

Version 1 : Received: 7 December 2022 / Approved: 8 December 2022 / Online: 8 December 2022 (03:23:14 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Johnson, T.; Pilleboue, E.; Herbrich, M.; Garine, E.; Sueur, C. Management of Social Behaviour of Domestic Yaks in Manang, Nepal: An Etho-Ethnographic Study. Animals 2023, 13, 248. Johnson, T.; Pilleboue, E.; Herbrich, M.; Garine, E.; Sueur, C. Management of Social Behaviour of Domestic Yaks in Manang, Nepal: An Etho-Ethnographic Study. Animals 2023, 13, 248.


Herdsmen use different techniques, as per varying geographies and cultures, to keep the cohesion within herds and avoid animals getting lost or predated. However, there is no study on the social behaviour of yaks and on herdsmen management practices. Therefore, this ethology study was initiated by ethnographic inquiries. In Manang, the success of the shepherd is dictated by his personal attribute of “Khula man” or open-heartedness. This attribute refers to good intentions and emotions such as empathy that allows the shepherd to focus more on others than on ownself. This cultural method of assessing the skills required to become a successful and knowledgable shepherd guided us to study the effect of cultural values on the herd’s social behavior. We collected data from two herds living at the same settlement (Yak kharka, 4,100 m altitude, Nepal) by equipping them with loggers. One of the herdsman used the tether rope while other did not. Moreover, the Thaku herd had a more proactive shepherd than the Phurba one. In each herd, 17 animals were equipped with one actigraph wgt3x-BT to measure activity using accelerometer and spatial associations using proximity recorder. One of the herds was equipped with GPS (N=11) as well. Using GPS locations and activity, we showed that the two herds were cohesive and synchronised their activities but the herd with the tether rope was more cohesive. The shepherds also have personal knowledge of the social relationships of their herds and use these relationships to keep the group cohesive and to well manage cattle.


Anthropozoology; social network; human-animal bond; herd synchronization; biologging


Biology and Life Sciences, Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Zoology

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