Version 1
: Received: 2 November 2022 / Approved: 2 November 2022 / Online: 2 November 2022 (09:41:59 CET)
How to cite:
Ali Zinnah, M.; Rahman, M. M.; Hasan, T.; Das, S.; Khatun, F.; Hasan, M. H.; Udonsom, R.; Uddin, M. B. The Novel Insight into the Emergence of Monkeypox: Old Disease, New Fears?. Preprints2022, 2022110052.
Ali Zinnah, M.; Rahman, M. M.; Hasan, T.; Das, S.; Khatun, F.; Hasan, M. H.; Udonsom, R.; Uddin, M. B. The Novel Insight into the Emergence of Monkeypox: Old Disease, New Fears?. Preprints 2022, 2022110052.
Ali Zinnah, M.; Rahman, M. M.; Hasan, T.; Das, S.; Khatun, F.; Hasan, M. H.; Udonsom, R.; Uddin, M. B. The Novel Insight into the Emergence of Monkeypox: Old Disease, New Fears?. Preprints2022, 2022110052.
APA Style
Ali Zinnah, M., Rahman, M. M., Hasan, T., Das, S., Khatun, F., Hasan, M. H., Udonsom, R., & Uddin, M. B. (2022). The Novel Insight into the Emergence of Monkeypox: Old Disease, New Fears?. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ali Zinnah, M., Ruenruetai Udonsom and Md Bashir Uddin. 2022 "The Novel Insight into the Emergence of Monkeypox: Old Disease, New Fears?" Preprints.
Monkeypox virus (MPXV), causing zoonotic diseases in humans, is a member of Orthopoxvirus under Poxviridae family. The virus was first reported in monkeys in 1959 in Denmark and in humans in 1970 in the Congo. Outside Africa, the virus first appeared in the USA in 2003 and since then occurred sporadically. The virus reemerged in 2017 and now spreading globally. African wild rodent mammals are thought to be the reservoir of MPXV. Exotic trade of animals and international travel favors the dissemination of MPXV. Genetic analysis shows two clades of the MPXV. Smallpox vaccine shows cross-protection and people who never in contact with Orthopoxvirus affected more than exposed ones. Fever, muscle pain, headache, and vesicle formation are the dominant clinical sign. Guarnieri-like inclusions and Ballooning degenerations are important pathognomic lesion of MPXV. It may produce case fatality rate up to 11%. Genetic materials alterations may favor the reemergence of the virus. The continuing occurrence over 73437 cases in 109 countries shows that MPXV can spread among humans competently and can be a serious issue of global public health concern. Here, we summarize the existing knowledge about re-emergence and insights into MPXV which will be of useful to curb its occurrence.
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