Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Comparing Gender Diversity in the Process of Higher Education Expansion among Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the UK for SDG4-Education 2030

Version 1 : Received: 12 July 2022 / Approved: 12 July 2022 / Online: 12 July 2022 (09:37:40 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Chang, D.-F.; Chou, W.-C.; Chen, T.-L. Comparing Gender Diversity in the Process of Higher-Education Expansion in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the UK for SDG 5. Sustainability 2022, 14, 10929. Chang, D.-F.; Chou, W.-C.; Chen, T.-L. Comparing Gender Diversity in the Process of Higher-Education Expansion in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the UK for SDG 5. Sustainability 2022, 14, 10929.


Ensuring equal access to affordable higher education for women and men has become a crucial target of UNESCO’s SDG4-Education 2030. Currently, about one-third of the world's college-age population participates in higher education, while the gender disparity persists in various systems. This study employed GDP per capita, gross enrollment ratio (GER), and the gender parity index (GPI) to demonstrate how the education systems have expanded resulting in the transformation of gender parity. We selected Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the UK as research targets using a cross-correlation function and trend analysis to detect concurrent relationships and future trends with GDP per capita, GER, and GPI. The findings suggest Japan, Korea, and the UK continue to show gender disparity and need to respond to this issue in their policy intervention for SDG4-Education 2030. The results reveal a potential problem in the UK when GPI growth might become unlimited with females dominated. This study suggests the higher education expansion phenomenon and gender diversity in mass and universal systems can be detected by the trend analysis with GDP per capita, GER, and GPI in different settings. The design of the study provides an example to explore the gender diversity patterns in higher education systems for sustainable development.


GDP per capita; Gender parity index (GPI); higher education expansion; trend analysis; gross enrollment ratio (GER)


Social Sciences, Education

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