Background: Current strategies in circulating tumor cell (CTC) isolation in pancreatic cancer heavily rely on the EpCAM and cytokeratin cell status. EpCAM is generally not considered as a good marker given its transitory change during Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) or reverse EMT. There is a need to identify other surface markers to capture the complete repertoire of PDAC CTCs. The primary objective of the study is to characterize alternate surface bi-omarkers to EpCAM on CTCs that express low or negligible levels of surface EpCAM in pancre-atic cancer patients. Methods: Flow cytometry and surface mass spectrometry were used to iden-tify proteins expressed on the surface of PDAC CTCs in culture. CTCs were grown under condi-tions of attachment and in co-culture with naïve neutrophils. Putative biomarkers were then validated in GEMMs and patient samples. Results: Surface proteomic profiling of CTCs identi-fied several novel protein biomarkers. ALCAM was identified as a novel robust marker in GEMM models and in patient samples. Conclusions: We identified several novel surface bi-omarkers on CTCs expressed under differing conditions of culture. ALCAM was validated and identified as a novel alternate surface marker on EpCAMlow CTCs.