Artificial intelligence is dramatically transforming medical imaging. We assessed the levels of artificial intelligence use among radiology trainees and explored their perceived impact of artifi-cial intelligence on the radiology workflow and radiology profession, in correlation with the perceived ease of use and behavioral intention to use artificial intelligence. This cross-sectional study enrolled radiology trainees from Saudi Arabia, and an online 5-part-structured question-naire was disseminated via online networks to trainee in July 2021. We included 98 participants (51 male; age 27.59±2.02 years). Level of use was low; few used it in routine practice (7%). The impact of artificial intelligence on the radiology workflow was positively perceived in all radi-ology workflow steps (3.64–3.97 out of 5). A positive impact on the radiology profession was more frequently perceived for technical and performance aspects (81%–85%) compared with prestige and legal aspects (64%–71%). Perceived ease of use and behavioral intention to use arti-ficial intelligence was associated with the current professional activity, level of use artificial in-telligence use, and perceived impact on the profession as well as on radiology workflow (p<0.05). Levels of artificial intelligence use in radiology are very low. The perceived positive impact of ar-tificial intelligence on radiology workflow and profession is correlated with an increase in be-havioral intention to use artificial intelligence. Thus, increasing awareness about the favorable impact can improve the behavioral use.