Black hole temperature TBH = TP/2πd as a function of its Planck length real diameter multiplier d is derived from black hole surface gravity and Hawking temperature w.l.o.g. It is conjectured d = 1/2π describes primordial Big Bang singularity as in this case TBH = TP. A black hole interacts with the environment and observable black holes have uniquely defined Delaunay triangulations with a natural number of spherical triangles having Planck areas (bits), where a Planck triangle is active and has gravitational potential of -c2 if all its vertices have black hole gravitational potential of -c2/2 and is inactive otherwise. As temporary distribution of active triangles on an event horizon tends to maximize Shannon entropy a black hole is a fundamental, one-sided thermodynamic equilibrium limit for a dissipative structure. Black hole blackbody radiation, informational capacity fluctuations, and quantum statistics are discussed. On the basis of the latter, wavelength bounds for BE, MB, and FD statistics are derived as a function of the diameter multiplier d. It is shown that black holes feature wave-particle duality only if d ≤ 8π, which also sets the maximum diameter of a totally collapsible black hole. This outlines the program for research of other nature phenomena that emit perfect blackbody radiation, such as neutron stars and white dwarfs.