For orthopaedic applications, additive manufactured (AM) porous scaffolds made of absorbable metals like magnesium, zinc or iron are of particular interest. They do not only offer the potential to design and fabricate bio-mimetic or rather bone equivalent mechanical properties, they also do not need to be removed in further surgery. Located in a physiological environment, scaffolds made of absorbable metals show a decreasing Young’s modulus over time, due to product dissolution. For WE43 scaffolds, during the first days an increase of the smeared Young's modulus can be observed, which is mainly attributed to a forming substrate layer of degradation products on the struts surfaces. In this study the influence of degradation products on the stiffness properties of metallic scaffolds is investigated. For this, analytical calculations and finite element simulations are performed to study the influence of the substrate layer thickness and Young's modulus for single struts and for a new scaffold geometry with adapted polar f2cc,z unit cells. The finite element model is further validated by compression tests on AM scaffolds made from Zn1Mg. The results show, that even low thicknesses and Young's moduli of the substrate layer increases significantly the smeared Young's modulus under axial compression.