A field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2018, laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications having seven treatments viz. N omission (T1), N applied as basal and AT (T2), N as basal, AT and PI (T3), N as basal and top dressing at NDVI threshold of 0.75 (T4), at NDVI threshold of 0.8 (T5), at SPAD threshold of 35.0 (T6) and SPAD threshold of 37.5 (T7) with Rice variety Sahabhagidhan.The study revealed that application of 30 kg N/ha as basal dose and top dressing of 20 kg N/ha twice at 35 and 63 DAS guided by NDVI threshold value of 0.8 (T5) was found to be superior over other treatments with respect to productivity. T5 recorded highest grain yield of 4438 kg/ha which was 17.0% higher than that top dressed at NDVI threshold of 0.75 (T4) and 7.1% higher than that top dressed at SPAD threshold value of 37.5 (T7). In case of SPAD meter, nitrogen top dressed at threshold value of 37.5 (T7) produced grain yield of 4143 kg/ha which was 15.0% higher than T6. T5 produced maximum dry matter of 8678 kg/ha with highest grain yield (4438 kg/ha), straw yield (5092 kg/ha) and harvest index 46.0%.