Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Gerontology and Nursing in the Emergency Department

Version 1 : Received: 24 May 2021 / Approved: 27 May 2021 / Online: 27 May 2021 (14:56:58 CEST)

How to cite: Charles, G.; Lau Pei Wen, S.; Bin Supandi, M. S. Gerontology and Nursing in the Emergency Department. Preprints 2021, 2021050682. Charles, G.; Lau Pei Wen, S.; Bin Supandi, M. S. Gerontology and Nursing in the Emergency Department. Preprints 2021, 2021050682.


Background: With a rapid rise in our older adult population globally and due to their multimorbidities, our older adults are more likely to engage in the services provided in the emergency department at a higher rate than younger adults. The current emergency service delivery model may be ineffective against such an ageing phenomenon. Research reports most older adults having one or more co-morbidities including functional decline, dementia, and frailty. Studies have shown that older adults have been undertriaged with physicians not being able to comprehend their complex needs related to their presenting complaints in the emergency department. Geriatric emergency departments have incepted worldwide to better manage this care deficiency in the rapidly ageing society around the world. Data Sources: A search of published literature from 2010-2020 using (keywords) as described below was undertaken of which, relevant literature were selected for an informed review. Implications for Nursing: Understanding geriatric emergencies can enable healthcare workers to reduce undertriaging and provide appropriate care that improves patient's health outcomes currently and in the future in the emergency department. Further education in gerontology can also be a platform for our nurses to enhance their care and thought process, likewise upskilling themselves for the future geriatric population seeking treatment. Older healthcare workers will also be able to enhance their current job scope before retirement. In-house teachings from trained gerontologists or certified programs can shed light on the special care needs of our senior citizens globally. Conclusion: With our rapidly increasing population, we can expect an influx of our older patients both from home and long-term care facilities to present to the emergency department with a wide range of geriatric emergencies. By being able to create a geriatric screening process and tailored care models, healthcare workers will be able to understand their care process and in turn, improve patients' health outcomes and provide a quicker transition of care.


Nursing; Emergency Department; Gerontology; Geriatric Nursing; Geriatric Emergency; Emergency Nursing; Geriatric Emergency Unit


Medicine and Pharmacology, Immunology and Allergy

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