Version 1
: Received: 3 April 2021 / Approved: 5 April 2021 / Online: 5 April 2021 (11:10:24 CEST)
How to cite:
Wang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Xu, P.; Liu, W.; Song, T.; Wang, T.; Nie, W.; Zhao, L. Evaluation of Disaster Nursing Competencies for Undergraduate Nursing Students in China: A Study Using a Modified Delphi Technique. Preprints2021, 2021040097.
Wang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Xu, P.; Liu, W.; Song, T.; Wang, T.; Nie, W.; Zhao, L. Evaluation of Disaster Nursing Competencies for Undergraduate Nursing Students in China: A Study Using a Modified Delphi Technique. Preprints 2021, 2021040097.
Wang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Xu, P.; Liu, W.; Song, T.; Wang, T.; Nie, W.; Zhao, L. Evaluation of Disaster Nursing Competencies for Undergraduate Nursing Students in China: A Study Using a Modified Delphi Technique. Preprints2021, 2021040097.
APA Style
Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Xu, P., Liu, W., Song, T., Wang, T., Nie, W., & Zhao, L. (2021). Evaluation of Disaster Nursing Competencies for Undergraduate Nursing Students in China: A Study Using a Modified Delphi Technique. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Wang, Y., Wenbo Nie and Lijing Zhao. 2021 "Evaluation of Disaster Nursing Competencies for Undergraduate Nursing Students in China: A Study Using a Modified Delphi Technique" Preprints.
Abstract: This study aims to set up a system to evaluate nursing competencies in disaster preparedness for undergraduates and influencing factors in China. The evaluation system was established by using the modified Delphi. There were 3 phases in this study: 1) an environmental scan; 2) setting framework; 3) adjusting indicators based on the modified Delphi. The questionnaire for these undergraduates lied in their basic information and assessment of nursing competencies in disaster preparedness. Based on the survey, the average score of nursing competencies in disaster preparedness for undergraduate nursing students surveyed was 3.10 (out of 5). In addition, gender, grade, inhabitation, and disaster drills of the students were four factors affecting nursing competencies of undergraduates. This study indicates that the present nursing competencies in disaster preparedness for undergraduates are weak, and it is essential to strengthen nursing education in disaster preparedness for undergraduates.
nursing student; disaster preparedness; China; the modified Delphi
Medicine and Pharmacology, Immunology and Allergy
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