ZnO has many technological applications which largely depend on its properties that can be tuned by controlled synthesis. Ideally, the most convenient ZnO synthesis is carried out at room temperature in aqueous solvent. However, the correct temperature values are often loosely defined. In the current paper we performed synthesis of ZnO in aqueous solvent, by varying reaction and drying temperature by 10°C steps and monitored the synthesis products primarily by XRD. We found out that a simple direct synthesis of ZnO, without additional surfactant, pumping of freezing, required both a reaction (TP) and a drying (TD) temperature of 40°C. Higher temperatures also afford ZnO, but lowering any of the TP or TD below the threshold value results either in the achievement of Zn(OH)2 or in a mixture of Zn(OH)2/ZnO. A more detailed Rietveld analysis of the ZnO samples reveals a density variation with the synthesis temperature and an increase of the nanoparticles average size also verified by SEM images. The optical properties of ZnO obtained by UV-Vis reflectance spectroscopy indicate a red shift of the band gap by ~0.1 eV.