Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Combined Linkage Analysis and Genome-wide Association Study Reveal QTLs and Candidate Genes Conferring Genetic Control of Prolificacy Trait in Maize

Version 1 : Received: 10 January 2021 / Approved: 11 January 2021 / Online: 11 January 2021 (11:28:54 CET)

How to cite: Wang, Z.; Gao, J.; Li, Y.; Razia sultana, J.; Luan, Y.; Mu, C.; Song, Y.; Dong, C.; Xu, J.; Wu, Z.; Ye, W.; Li, H.; Chen, J.; Yu, H.; Zhou, Z.; Wu, J. Combined Linkage Analysis and Genome-wide Association Study Reveal QTLs and Candidate Genes Conferring Genetic Control of Prolificacy Trait in Maize. Preprints 2021, 2021010185. Wang, Z.; Gao, J.; Li, Y.; Razia sultana, J.; Luan, Y.; Mu, C.; Song, Y.; Dong, C.; Xu, J.; Wu, Z.; Ye, W.; Li, H.; Chen, J.; Yu, H.; Zhou, Z.; Wu, J. Combined Linkage Analysis and Genome-wide Association Study Reveal QTLs and Candidate Genes Conferring Genetic Control of Prolificacy Trait in Maize. Preprints 2021, 2021010185.


For the different harvest targets, the requirement for the prolificacy trait of maize was also different, so prolificacy is of great significance for modern production. Although some QTLs and genes associated with prolificacy in teosinte have been reported, the genetic mechanism of prolificacy in maize has not been fully elucidated. In this study, two RIL populations and GWAS population were used to genetic research of prolificacy trait in maize, with multi-environment. Combine linkage analysis and Genome-wide association study has identified a total of 13 QTLs and 8 significant SNPs. There were two genes related to tissue differentiation in the stable QTL qP9-2, and two significant SNPs corresponding to three genes were in QTL qP5-1 and QTL qP7-1, respectively. Four candidate genes GRMZM2G317262, GRMZM2G317584, GRMZM5G882364 and GRMZM2G141679 were finally screened out by qRT-PCR analysis. Based on the function of candidate genes, ethylene signaling pathway plays an important role in the formation of prolificacy in maize. It has deepened our understanding of the formation mechanism of prolificacy and laid a foundation for breeding new varieties with various prolificacy in maize.


Maize; Prolificacy; Linkage analysis; GWAS; Candidate genes; Ethylene signaling


Biology and Life Sciences, Agricultural Science and Agronomy

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