Objective: The Acute Cystitis Symptom Score (ACSS) was developed and validated as a self-reporting questionnaire for diagnosing and monitoring acute, uncomplicated cystitis (AC) in female patients. The study aims at the translation of the ACSS into Greek from original Russian as a source and American English as a new master version and at its linguistic validation.
Material and Methods: Three independent professional native Greek translators, two of them experts in Russian and one in English, translated the ACSS from Russian and American English into Greek. The second group of three translators translated each of the three versions back into the original language to detect or correct any important discrepancies. These three Greek versions were then used for linguistic validation.
Results: The English to Greek translation reflected more the spoken language, the two Russian to Greek translations more the written, formal language. A total of 60 randomly selected females and 30 healthcare professionals was asked about their preferences and to comment on each of the three translations. Considering all comments the scientific committee (SC) developed the Greek consensus version. For cognitive assessment additional 30 healthcare professionals and 30 females were asked to comment on the intelligibility of all items. Considering their comments the linguistically validated Greek study version was established by the SC.
Conclusion: The linguistically validated Greek version of the ACSS can now be used for the clinical validation study.