Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Tissue Engineering in Musculoskeletal Tissue: Review of Literature

Version 1 : Received: 26 November 2020 / Approved: 27 November 2020 / Online: 27 November 2020 (15:02:14 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Bove, M.; Carlucci, A.; Natale, G.; Freda, C.; Noro, A.; Ferrara, V.; Opromolla, G.; Martone, M.; Cascone, R.; Messina, G.; Izzo, A.; Vicidomini, G.; Santini, M.; Fiorelli, A. Tissue Engineering in Musculoskeletal Tissue: A Review of the Literature. Surgeries 2021, 2, 58-82. Bove, M.; Carlucci, A.; Natale, G.; Freda, C.; Noro, A.; Ferrara, V.; Opromolla, G.; Martone, M.; Cascone, R.; Messina, G.; Izzo, A.; Vicidomini, G.; Santini, M.; Fiorelli, A. Tissue Engineering in Musculoskeletal Tissue: A Review of the Literature. Surgeries 2021, 2, 58-82.


Tissue engineering, also called “regenerative medicine”, refers to attempt to create functional human tissue from cells in laboratory. This is a field that uses living cells, biocompatible materials, suitable biochemical and physical factors and their combinations, to create tissue-like structures.. To date, no tissue engineered skeletal muscle implants have been developed for clinical use, but it may represent a valid alternative to treat volumetric muscle loss in the near future. Herein, we reviewed the literature and showed different techniques to produce synthetic tissues with the same architectural, structural and functional properties of native tissues.


tissue engineering,; biocompatible materials; skeletal muscle


Biology and Life Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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