Working Paper Review Version 1 This version is not peer-reviewed

Pomegranate: Nutraceutical with Promising Benefits on Human Health

Version 1 : Received: 7 September 2020 / Approved: 8 September 2020 / Online: 8 September 2020 (05:05:55 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Caruso, A.; Barbarossa, A.; Tassone, A.; Ceramella, J.; Carocci, A.; Catalano, A.; Basile, G.; Fazio, A.; Iacopetta, D.; Franchini, C.; Sinicropi, M.S. Pomegranate: Nutraceutical with Promising Benefits on Human Health. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6915. Caruso, A.; Barbarossa, A.; Tassone, A.; Ceramella, J.; Carocci, A.; Catalano, A.; Basile, G.; Fazio, A.; Iacopetta, D.; Franchini, C.; Sinicropi, M.S. Pomegranate: Nutraceutical with Promising Benefits on Human Health. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6915.


The pomegranate, an ancient plant native to Central Asia, cultivated in different geographical areas including the Mediterranean basin and California, consists of flowers, roots, fruits and leaves. Presently, it is utilized not only for the exterior appearance of its fruit but above all, for the nutritional and health characteristics of the various parts composing this last one (carpellary membranes, arils, seeds and bark). The fruit, the pomegranate, is rich in numerous chemical compounds (flavonoids, ellagitannins, proanthocyanidins, mineral salts, vitamins, lipids, organic acids) of high biological and nutraceutical value that make it the object of study for many research groups, particularly in the pharmaceutical sector. Its interest is mainly addressed to the knowledge of its biological and functional properties and the research of new formulations to apply it in a wide range of diseases such as neoplastic, cardiovascular, viral, inflammatory, metabolic, microbial, intestinal, reproductive and skin diseases. In this review we highlight the health-promoting properties of pomegranate and its bioactive compounds against human diseases.


Pomegranate; Punica granatum L.; Pomegranate skin extract; Pomegranate fruit extract; Nutraceutical properties; Biological properties


Biology and Life Sciences, Agricultural Science and Agronomy

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